Johnny The Bethelite Exposed. Rick Fearon Implicated In Hoax

by PublishingCult 225 Replies latest members adult


    With your permission and your daughters consent , I would like to post the now infamous letter that
    you seem to be implying to your new admirers does not exist......RF


    There is no letter..There is an Email..

    Both Lil and her daughter,deny her daughter wrote anything vulgar to you in that email..

    If you keep this up..

    I will retrieve the posts about the Email and Publicly Roast your Ass..

    Leave Lil and her Daughter alone already..

    ....................;-) ...OUTLAW

  • xsk8trboizrhotx


    I was orignially going to get on here and say "I really hate you, is that profane enough?" But I decided that instead I feel BAD for you. No one wants to hear what you have to say anymore, your publicity faded away once again. When I listened to your "show" with my mom and dad a week or so back you blantantly stated that no one would listen to a phone conference unless there was some sort of interesting controversy and so on and so forth.

    Sick and sad. So sad that I actually PITY you.


    Your fascination with my mother and I is downright creepy. Seriously, get a knitting or something. SERIOUSLY.

  • Iamallcool


  • lovelylil

    Rick your troll you sent here jair_irwin, made a fatal mistake, look at minutes from the church conference call right here;

    1:32:43 – Rick: “Oh ya, no, no, that’s, uh, no, the service is over, ah uh, so, we just, we just want to talk with people, and you know, you have a right, I listened to a portion of it, and, uh, no, you had a right to ask a question, because I mean, uh, a lot of people…”

    Notice the part I underlined? You said on this board that there was no set up because you had NO IDEA that there was any situation on the previous nights conference call with johnny. When PC and I asked you why johnny said he called you and you knew what what was going on, you could not remember what that was about and denied johnny called you. Although he stated it on the 4/9 call. You promised on the last call to get back to us with an answer about this but never did.

    You said on this forum you did not find out ANYTHING until Monday. So you claim that asking sheila about the call was innocent on your part. I keep denying this because it is not true. You did KNOW and that is why I felt you were setting me up. You are still denying you lied. But thanks to your troll who provided a minute by minute breakdown we see that you admit on the church call that YOU LISTENED TO A PORTION OF IT!. - referring to the six screens call of the previous night

    I guess I missed that part because I was already starting to get upset with you for bring it up publicly, but thanks to Jair_irwin for bringing this out!

    So AGAIN YOU ARE A LIAR! You knew full well why you were bringing it up.

  • PublishingCult

    LOL, seriously, Rick Fearon is an insane person.

  • Simon

    I think this is done now.

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