July 15th WT out - Coming out Swinging at Apostates Hard

by LostGeneration 138 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sir82

    Braindead loyalists already have no interest in looking outside the ivory tower.

    Those with half a brain are going to have their curiosity aroused. A significant portion of them will type "Jehovah's Witness" into a search engine, and well, "that's all she wrote".

    Articles like this are really risky for them. Thank God they haven't figured that out yet.

    It's akin to saying "for the next 10 seconds don't think about elephants!" What's the first thing that pops in your head?

    Well, what's going to be the reaction to 4 straight weeks of "don't think about apostates!"

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    OP, or others, what is your take on the "Simplified English" version? I know the borg came up with some bull$hit explanation, but for some reason, I can't take it at face value

  • LostGeneration

    Here is another gem basically saying the Org is your mediator

    Page 28, paragraph 16, 17

    We can enter into Jehovah’s rest—or join him in his rest—by obediently working in harmony with his advancing purpose as it is revealed to us through his organization.


    On the other hand, if we minimized the Bible-based counsel that we receive through the faithful and discreet slave class, choosing to follow an independent course, we would be placing ourselves at odds with God’s unfolding purpose. This could endanger our peaceful relationship with Jehovah.

  • thetrueone

    In this new age of information it's not surprising to see the WTS crank up the mind control.

    Losing members in this organization hurts not only their bottom line $

    but also their entire power structure of the organization itself.

    .....and yes they are running scarred of the inter-net

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan
    ....Do Not Follow “After the Crowd”

    MmmKay....I disagree with you wide-enforced (crowd-enforced) blood policy. Now what?

  • LostGeneration

    sir82 I agree with that take. Usually you just get the passing reference at the CA or DC to stay away. Maybe the traditional "Keep the computer in a public room" with porn being the reason, with apostate sites being the real target.

    It seems that GB 2.0 didn't read the notes from the early 80s apostacy. Bringing too much attention to the issue is just going to make people curious.

  • ldrnomo

    Could the Watchtower organization be underestimating the over all intelligence of their rank and file members?

  • sir82
    Could the Watchtower organization be underestimating the over all intelligence of their rank and file members?

    If our current CO is any indication of the thinking at the top (he was in Bethel until his current tour), they view the R&F with scorn, contempt and disdain.

    The R&F are viewed as morons who can't follow simple directions, and need constant elementary basic reminders repeated dozens of times before it finally sinks into their thick skulls.

    Of course, a lot of the JWs I know are morons with thick skulls, but still...not everyone (yet) fits that mold.

    It appears more and more that they would prefer, say, 4 million uber-loyal adherents rather than 8 million followers of whom a large portion are "slackers".

  • DesirousOfChange

    If it drops from 7 million to 4 million, that will just be a much needed sifting out of some chaff.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    "I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life, as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you will service us."

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