If I ran the WTS ...

by Simon 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Wrong. If a person realizes the Watchtower's lies and deceptions, the politics, the inner workings, they CAN be helped to mentally leave "The Truth".

  • VIII

    Ummm, I gotta stick up for Minimus. Blaming him for saying:

    I am sick and tired of people putting down posters like the Andersons! They work hard to expose some things we might never have known about. Why some find fault with them, or Ray Franz before them, or Maximus when he was here is beyond me.

    Be thankful for those that decide to come here and share what they know about this Organization.

    We get elders who are still in their positions and they share with us a lot of interesting news and perspectives. Rather than beat them down, why not just appreciate them??

    IS B-A-T S-H-I-T C-R-A-Z-Y!!

    What is wrong with y'all?!! You start fighting like my Mom and sister over a dought and forget what his original post was about.

    Think people think.

  • minimus


  • wasblind

    Last night , I most definitley thought that there was some double agent mess goin' on

    I mean who would tell Simon, " you never had any trouble out of me before," but come

    down so hard on Barbara, and just couldn't let it go, ran from one thread to the next

    just couldn't let it go

    I"m all for freedom of speech, but what purpose is it bein' used for ?????

    Is it to just express a point of view , help , hinder or harm????

    Yes Barbara is a threat to the WTS, And yes I do believe they would do anything to discredit her

    and those who think they wouldn't need to wake the hell up

  • wyorobert

    If I ran the WTS............I wouldn't change anything. I'd leave everything exactly as it is, but would change the logo and put Alfred E. Neuman on every publication.

    Of course I would dress him in a robe and let him hold a lamb or something and make it appropriate to whatever was being discussed.

    If they were talking about drugs, I'd having shooting up, stuff like that.

  • Lozhasleft

    If I ran the WTS I'd hang my head in shame and weep.

    I think Simon is making some good points. Anyone who reads what Barbara has done on the basis of her conscience has to admire her. It has taken enormous courage and strength not to mention hard work to make the stands she has, and I probably only know a part of it. Ray Franz's book set me free, really free to move on with my life. I will always be indebted. Simon's forum here has been so beneficial for me this past year through some very painful times and issues. It cant be easy to run, I cant imagine the stresses. Admirable individuals who have changed peoples' lives for the better and while possible continue to do so.

    I'd like to make a difference for ones leaving the WTBS, I dont know that I have the skills to use to that effect, but meanwhile I like to come here to support other new ones and relate helpfully to regulars. I love a good debate, I dont agree with everyone on everything, but, I dont feel the need to put anyone else down for their style of writing or any other incidental issue. I am in no position to judge anyone else. I left the judging stuff in the KHall, thankfully.

    All this insulting good people in such personally hurtful ways baffles me completely.

    Just sayin.

    Loz x

  • rebel8

    ... and wanted to disrupt sites like this one and activities of 'apostates' in general, what would I do?

    Would I send apologists who were obviously on the side of the WTS to spew out the typical WTS message, ones that would be quickly labelled and disagreed with? Maybe ... it would get people riled up. Result!

    Would I send people to pretend to be legit but really criticize and undermine people who were trying to 'do' something in any way possible?

    /OT, but the immediate thought I had when I read that is, "That's exactly what the wts printed in a ragazine when defending themselves against accusations they were communists for not standing for the Pledge of Allegiance!" They really did say something like covert communists would pretend they were real Americans. A fairly useless and pointless observation, just struck me is all.

    But yeah ITA about the undermining of others' efforts. I don't think it's the wts myself, but rather I think it's just the old brainwashing.

    People who do nothing (inactives) don't want to be associated with those who do (apostates). Some of our still-in relatives think "we" are the Apostate Collective just like they are the Borg hive mind, because they don't comprehend singularity. I have some relatives who judge my not going to the meetings as equal to those participating in orgies at apostafests. They think in black and white--everyone fits into one hive or another in their view.

  • wyorobert

    Eventually the WTS will figure out what the Mormon's figured out a long time ago and go after the Internet. They will have to have an "If you can't beat them join them" mentality. If you google anything on the Mormon religion, you will have to wade through a whole bunch of articles that first appear to be negative, but end up being for the church. The WTS will have to flood the internet with pro-witness literature to make it more difficult to find the negative.

    They wouldn't dare touch these chat sites, unless they think they can figure an angle to have them removed through legal challenges. The problem is that the Mormon church is run by educated elitists and they own several of their own colleges. The WTS is run by uneducated elitists. I suspect the modern technology will set them back for quite some time and has caught them napping. The dumbing down of the membership will not help their cause in the long run.

    I also think that the WTS is willing to accept casualties. Even if they start losing people left and right, they have shown in the past that they don't really care. It may in the long run make the organization even more radical.

  • rebel8

    Some efforts pay off too.

    Success with the Holocaust Museum! I was criticized for trying to work on that issue, and so were others.

  • Satanus

    Often, when action is being taken against someone, there is an individual behind it. Generally, that individual has an ax to grind. It was like that w michael jackson and the commie witch hunt. I'm sure other examples could be given. Effective actions don't happen by themselves, unless the target is a total a$$hole that has pissed off everybody.

    In barb's case, a person could ask if there is an individual jw who may have taken it upon themself to get her, ie is it personal for some jw.


    Ps, so simon, if you wanna hatch a plot to take over the wt corp, there are a few good people ready to help;)

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