If I ran the WTS ...

by Simon 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • LV101

    jgnat -- LOVE your idea. i'd involve dr. laura to protect the children from pedophilia/raping and blood doctrine death by old idiots who can't interpret the bible and to line up reputable shrinks who've expertise w/deprogramming from cults. at least she cares about children and does everything to protect them from evil/sick people.

  • LV101

    oops -- i'm on wrong subject looks like. sorry.

  • wasblind

    BP said

    " I still trying to find any posts that discredited Barbara or put her down "


    it seems to me that you were all to willin' to continue this flap

    all I did was give you some assistance in bringin' forward what you claimed

    you couldn't find, Are you one of those who couldn't find anything better to do with your time??????

    BP said: " Was, I never said you claimed that exjws were an organisation (sigh)."

    well you didn't make it clear enough on that claim

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Yeah, it's been a boring Saturday night but I'm ready to crash into bed. 'Nite.

  • miseryloveselders

    Would you two move on already? Sheesh. Now on the count of three, give Miz a kiss. 1, 2, 3..........

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Come here and I'll give you a kiss you'll never forget Miz, lol...

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I'm starting to sound like Shamus, lol....

  • wasblind

    Hold on Miz, let me put my earrings back on.

  • nugget

    It is important that there are people willing to put themselves out to spread the truth about the watchtower organisation. When you look at how badly damaged some people are when they leave the group and pain caused by watchtower poilicies it is vital that there is information to set the record straight and provide a warning.

    I believed for years that this was a benevolent religion speaking for god and doing good work. I believed that as a witness I was protected from the wicked world and any failures were my own. Without the assistance of Ray Franz and Barbara Anderson I may still have held those beliefs and my children would have missed out on so much as a result.

    If I ran the watchtower then I would control those still in to a greater degree and I would come onto sites like these and post sensational stories that live up to the bitter apostates paradigm. That way anyone stumbling across the material would have all their preconceptions realised.

    This site and others were instrumental in helping me come to terms with the lies and gain the courage to make a stand. It was the support I received here and the responses to my queries some quite robust that made me open to question what I had always accepted. And it was the stories of people here suffering at the hands of the cult that meant that I could see the damage they did and strengthed my resolve. Thank you Simon.

  • kjw53

    You people are insane-every other religion that calls themselves christian cant even understand the milk in Gods word let alone any meat-They have had 1750 years-The Jw,s have only been around about 120 years, and you expect perfection overnight from imperfect men-please get real.

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