If I ran the WTS ...

by Simon 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • satinka

    It took time for me to find my voice after being disfellowshipped. I was a frightened bird.

    But, lately I started blogging. At first I felt really frightened about who might read my blogs.

    But, now I realize that no one is reading them and I am feeling freer. I blog for myself.

    If someone happens to read them, fine. Seems like people are too busy to bother.

    If I was in charge of the WT I would close it down. It's a sick religion.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I still trying to find any posts that discredited Barbara or put her down.

    If disagreeing with or commenting on something she says/does is labelled as "attacking" then some ppl have very thin skin. I'm yet to find a post from the last few days that has attacked her or her integrity.

    Yes, some said that the thread she posted about Steven Unthank seemed sensationalist.

    So? Can't people express viewpoints?

    Is Barbara an untouchable?

    Are we still in WTland where we can't express disagreement with those who "are in the lead"?

  • Refriedtruth

    If the Watchtower had sound business sense they would identify apostates who are costly effective whistleblowers like Simon Green, Barbra Anderson, Kerry Louderback-Wood,Randy Watters ,Danny Haszard,Bill Bowen and others who names I can't recall at the moment.

    They would offer theses a damage settlement,compensation aka hush money to go away.

  • wasblind

    Believingxjw said:

    " Is it wrong to disagree with or criticize an exJW? Can we disagree with Ray Franz or James Penton or Barbara Anderson on various issues? Can we state our disagreements with them or an opposing view? Or are we to remain silent in order that the exJW "organization" continue to do its work? "

    Broken Promises,

    you didn't look hard enough, what is Believingxjw's objection to Barbara's work ????????

    or was Simons eye's the only set open to see that objection

  • wasblind

    Broken Promises

    Look real good at Believings last question above, again I ask, what is her objection about the continuation of Barbara's work ????????

    And she even felt obligated to start an individual thread to that objection disguised as if her free speech was being denied

    Wake the hell up !!!!!!!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Where's Believingexjw's objection to Barbara's work?

    All she is asking is why some people can't be questioned.

  • wasblind


    take my hand and let me walk you through this hun

    Believingxjw said: " Or are we to remain silent in order that the exJW "organization" continue to do its work? "

    You don't even have to read between the lines, there it is , in your face !!!!!!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Was, I think you are trying to read something into it that isn't there.

    For one thing, there is no exJW organisation, that is a lie that the JWs make about apostates.

    Secondly, if you take the whole thing in context, you will see that she was asking if ppl like Barb Anderson can't be criticised or disagreed with. Because if so, that attitude is just like the JWs in regards to the governing body!

  • wasblind

    Now I have some homework for you,

    I want you to use the same effort you used before, to find in any of Ole Wuz post, where I claimed that ex JW's

    were an organization. And scince Jw's use that expression against apostates, than Believing has provin' herself to be still

    very much for the WTS.

    Next, Believing was the one who ask "" Or are we to remain silent in order that the exJW "organization" continue to do its work? "

    not the others. That question is askin' opposers of apostates, why stay silent, while Barb continue to do her work

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Was, I never said you claimed that exjws were an organisation (sigh).

    Really, if believingexjw was the only one to "criticise" Barb et al, then alot of people made a lot of fuss over what one poster said. Surely there are better things to be done with one's time than get into a flap over what one person thinks?

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