About the Adam and Eve time gap....

by Lozhasleft 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Most fairy stories make little sense when you start to analyze them ...

  • Reader1

    The most logical explanation is that the Adam and Eve story is an imperfect myth about perfect people.

    At least that is what the science says.

  • Simon

    (and I don't think some nomad goat-herders in a dessert came up with the most believable plot lines)

  • cyberjesus
    'multiply and fill the earth' ....

    I dont think they knew how to multiply just yet.... math wasnt invented.

    Although I imagine that Adam had to been watching too much Animal pornography, so he sort of knew how to do that 1+1= 3 or more

    Ok lets just imagin she was tempted veryvery soon after created... and she failed...... I dont think that says good things about her designer.... Quality Control absent.

  • jookbeard

    could there be just a tiny remote chance the whole account is a complete and utter fairy story and that A&E never existed ?


  • ProdigalSon

    I'm befuddled as to why god is allowing the human race to suffer for 6,000 years because some dude who was created "perfect" and was so incredibly brilliant that he had to go through millions of animals looking for a suitable mate, ate a piece of fruit? I wonder just how he came to his conclusions for each species that he "encountered".

    Or how about this one.... why did such a brilliant god capable of creating all these marvelous things and having this grand master plan spend 4.6 billion years preparing the earth for humans only to have a talking snake screw it all up in less than a month....

  • cantleave

    Good point loz.

    Adam was a man.

    Present a man with a perfect naked woman, what happens - A BONER!!!!

    A man needs to act on boner....

    You can't continue to name animals and eat fruit with a boner. You need to get rid of that thing. Masturbation unacceptable (let's face it; Eve would have been very dissapointed if he decided to play with himself rather than bang her).

    There would have been no contraception, therefore, sperm would have been released. PERFECT sperm!! They would have swam up those fallopian tubes like torpedos from a submarine. It wouldn't be long before one of those perfect sperm hit a perfect egg. The two perfect gametes would have exchanged their perfect genetic material and in 9 perfect months there would have been a perfect bouncing baby (most likely a male, since males would always have been more perfect than females).

    So I guess Eve must have spoken to the serpent (she might have thought that's what Adam meant when he said "do you want to play with my snake?") within minutes of her creation.

    One thing is for certain; no heterosexual man, could last 35 + years, in the presence of a perfect naked woman without having sex with her.

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    Revealer said: The only example adam had of copulation were animals. where do think he thought it was being inserted. took a period of time to figure out.

    That's one of the funniest lines I've ever read on JWN. ROTFLMFAO

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    I can see it now - No, No, No Eve - look, the lions, tigers, dogs, all do it this way - I'm pretty sure it goes in this one.

  • Lozhasleft

    Lol @ Cantleave ! I agree with you totally. I dont think they 'waited' to reproduce at all .. and there is no indication that they should have.... they were directed to go ahead from the off ...the WTBS was very keen to make the point that it wasnt their sexual intercourse that caused the expulsion from Eden, if we remember?

    My theory is based on the fact that perfect sperm and ovum would fertilize very very quickly ...

    And stop you guys with the suggestions that these are fairy stories...tut !

    Loz x

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