Have you given up on humanity?

by d 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NomadSoul

    And what? You came up with your philosophy on your own? Or you don't ever read something that you agree with and say "wow this person put it into better words that I did?".

    Oh that's right, if someone drinks alchohol or does anything you don't like then that discredits their ideas.

    P.S. I haven't given up on humanity.

    If you don't have any outside influence on your view of life then I take everything back.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I haven't given up.

    I have been greatly moved by the smallest of things. I have seen people stop what they are doing to help someone else. I have sat with people who have had every reason in the world to trust no one and become mean bitter people. Bu they haven't. They chose to do something different and better than whatever they grew up with.

    Take a look at this forum. Yes we have out little battles but over and over we see people helping one another.I have watched on this board how people explain for the umpteenth time why the WTS is bad or told their stories in the hopes of helping someone else.

    I am constantly amazed by the strength of the human spirit to overcome the problems, to try to help others even in little things.

    Yes the media reports all the bad stuff. But they also talk about people who have lost everything who turn to help a stranger in need.

    If we think negative then that is all we will see.

    Try to see the positives. What is going right. There is a lot more of it than you could possibly know about. Just look for it though.

  • VampireDCLXV
    Oh that's right, if someone drinks alchohol or does anything you don't like then that discredits their ideas.

    Listen you twit! There's a difference between social drinking and being an ALCOHOLIC! Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT, if you recall. Being ADDICTED to alcohol or any other type of depressant tends to negatively affect a person's worldview; I don't care who they are. If a person wants to be a disciple to dingbats like that, it's their business. I just don't agree with it! Now... don't you have better things to do than to rag on some random stranger on a website who tends to be a bit blunt at times? Geez... get a grip...


  • NomadSoul

    LOL @ At the irony and hypocrisy.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Laugh all you want... I'm done...


  • d

    Vampire.I do not let a comedian influence my life.I just see that I can agree with Carlin that for the most part people really are bad and rotten to the core,.

  • poppers

    I just see that I can agree with Carlin that for the most part people really are bad and rotten to the core,.

    I look at Carlin a little differently. He describes himself as sort of standing apart from humanity and observing what's going on, watching the "freak show" and reporting on it. In a very real sense he has gotten "out of his head" by standing apart from people and gotten into a neutral observer role. From that point of neutrality the actions of the world's people are quite insane because of their destructive nature; destructive to others as well as themselves. That's the show that's going on, and that's the show Carlin is reporting, and it certainly looks like a "freak show". It's like he is a mirror and is reflecting back to people their own insanity. But he didn't go quite deep enough into the observer, and the result is a cynical attitude that he turned into a brilliant presentation.

    We all have that reference point of neutrality, but at our core there is something even deeper - it's there but unnoticed. It's discovered, however, when it's realized that we've become trapped in our minds, but when we look we find that we are not our minds. We have lived our lives as though thoughts are the basis of reality. No wonder the world is so screwed up, just look at the kind of thinking that drives people to act. That's the problem - look at all the weird and crazy thoughts people have, and in a lot of cases that thinking yields destructive actions. There is something deeper within us that isn't dependent upon thinking, something that is common to all of us, something that is rooted in silence and peace. What would happen if people led their lives from that place rather than from their minds?

    Perhaps all of this recent world turmoil can be a force for good by prodding humanity to at last look elsewhere for answers, to find what we are beneath the crazy noise of the mind and some of its more bizarre notions. For our world to survive this has to happen to people throughout the world, otherwise humanity will be swept away in a tsunami of destructive human activity. It's time to wake up from the insane dreamlike world that people have created, a world of division and turmoil, and return to what's common to us all and act from there. And as long as one person can do it there is hope for humanity.

  • designs

    Nope, the best is always coming.

  • d

    I realized as I am getting older, that people are really just mean, I had a very naive view of the world, now I see the world for what it is a true cesspool of hatred and violence.

  • WhatAboutWatson

    My friend John and I went out to get some ice cream. He dropped dead. Ever since then I have given up on ice cream, humanity and GOD. There is no God. My God loves ice cream. God killed Jonathan and God hates Breyers ice cream.

    Screw humanity.

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