Were you 'alive in '75' and how was that year for you?

by punkofnice 179 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Finkelstein

    After the criticisms started to come in, the WTS. took on the protection agenda that they weren't full of it.

    Notice how they insist that the information came from the most truthful book in the world the Book of Jehovah

    (God's Word) the bible. Then stated a BS number 5,993 which ever scholar knows thats imposable from using

    the bible or any other source.

    I always find its funny that the WTS transposes the lunar dating system of 360 days which the Ancient Hebrews used,

    To the Gregorian solar dating system of 365 1/4 without a blip.

    Nevertheless the WTS. came up with some good BS that they knew was making their

    literature more attractive to the public.

    The October thing is even more exclusive evidence that Franz and Knorr concocted up a huge pile of BS.


  • LongHairGal

    Yes, I was alive in '75 but I was blissfully ignorant of the JW religion. Unfortunately, I got involved later!

  • Violia

    It was a big deal in the area I lived in. I heard many a fiery sermon about 1975. We never believed it but had to publicly state we did or else you were not with Jah's Celestial Chariot - you were being left behind. I had heard enough of 75 and was glad when it came and went. I had been hearing about it since I believe 67 or 68. One of the books that was published was where they got the date and so the jws were beating the drums for quite a number of years. It was publicly embarrassing to many and then the jws started denying they ever really thought 75 was the end. Trouble is - there are so many of us who were at least teenagers then and remember they said " stay alive till 75"

  • Finkelstein

    1975 is a perfect example of the corruption of the WTS. making up a false date thats imposable

    or inaccurate like 1914 and use that to coerce people into their organization, where they are trained

    and brainwashed to distribute more of the publishing house's literature.


    The WTS. exploited people's ignorance in bible theology as well applied elements of fear to control its members.

    Goes to show what strategic marketing can do when its devised by cunning religious charlatans.

  • RottenRiley

    Thank's Punk, they really got in my brain at a early age, my kids are not afraid of Death and the fixation on Life and Death pushed by the Organization tilted toward's Death. Did anyone else get a unhealthy fear of Death like me, maybe our congregation was really twisted and all I remember about my first Congregation was that the focus was on "The End" and even the young children would die if their parents were not good. I felt bad for my older siblings who left the Organization, they too faced the Judgement and I would not see my 15th old sister because she was going to die!

  • punkofnice


    The WTS. exploited people's ignorance in bible theology as well applied elements of fear to control its members

    That about sums the whole WBT$ philosophy and business model.

  • Finkelstein

    From the very earliest days of the WTS. with C T Russell, you can how he wanted to draw attention to himself

    at the same time point his finger at Christendom for all they were doing wrong. Of course his self

    developed and somewhat plagiarized theology was total crap. His theology was presented to the public as a

    purer style of worship, without the smoke and mirrors.


    Rutherford saw the money and printing presses left behind upon Russell's passing and took off on his own

    theology one where he used the Jesus returning dogma (1914) which he saw as marketable, then made

    announcements that god had chosen his organization which he had absolute control over.

    The WTS. to date has made a long history of proclamations which were inherently

    false by nature but successful as commercial vehicles to enhance the sales and distribution of its published

    goods, 1975 was just one of these decisive vehicles .

  • bigmac

    well put, Fink--ive borrowed that for elsewhere

  • 3rdgen

    Like Blondie, I was 23 in 1975. Her post on page 1 of this thread brought back memories of that time for me. I was married very young in 1969. Our JW wedding vows ended with "in accordance with the Divine will as set forth in the Holy Scriptures for Christian husbands/wives or until the Devine TERMINATION of the marital arrangement." Young Jdubs were anxious not to miss out on sex so my marriage was one of 10 in 1969 in our immediate area. By 75 I was a good little Pious-sneer hoping to offset God's wrath in the next few months. Our cong was having huge #'s baptized at every assembly and the enthusiasm was contagious. I made my share of converts too. By '78 many of these newbys left. I stupidly held to the belief that those that left were selfish (rice Christians). I must admit i didn't want '75 to be the "End" because I was afraid I wasn't good enough to be saved. (Thanks parents and WTBT$ for my crummy self-esteem!)

  • Lakes

    I was 8 going on 9 in 1975. My parents, who had converted from Catholocism in 1960, were so certain that 1975 was the year that we lived in a shack on a large block of land. Another shack contained provisions for the great tribulation - a massive storage area of tinned food which I was told never to talk about to non-family members. My biggest concern as a child was that I wouldn't be able to withstand the torture and persecution that we all knew we would be subjected to during the GT. Scenarios of degradation similar to those experienced by the Jews during the holocaust filled my mind - as an 8 year old.

    The year before I started school we went on an expensive 3 month family trip to the homeland (Italy) with my parents primary objective being to witness to and convert the extended family. Great holiday, but they failed.

    1976 arrived and my parents completely bought the company line that the organisation had never stated that 1975 was the year! Plans were immediately set in motion to build a large and comfortable house and to secure a solid financial future, but they remained committed Dubs. Unbelievable really.

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