Are you a fader, Df'd, DA'd, or Still In?

by brotherdan 86 Replies latest jw experiences

  • african GB Member
    african GB Member

    Still in. Go out on FS(with an average of 11 hours for the past six months), go to every meeting and commenting.

    I am planning to fade, but not ready as yet.

  • knows better
    knows better

    ubm and never, ever, want anything to do with jw's. both children out. waiting for spouse to awaken.

  • Nobleheart

    I don't understand how DA'ing means recognizing the Society's authority, playing by their rules, etc. I never bought into that argument.

    To me DA'ing is like a Resignation Letter. Instead of looking over your shoulder constantly, being scared they fire you, I resign with dignity.

    Also there was a requirement when I became a JW. I had to send in a letter to my previous church notifying them that I didn't wish to be a member anymore.

    Since I don't agree with the WT teachings and no longer wish to be their member, a DA letter is a reasonable way to quit.

    I will send letters to a few friends, hopefully something will sink in.

    Brodan, I cannot postpone this decision because any family still in will not shun me. And I won't be the only one DA'ing from my family.

  • brotherdan
    To me DA'ing is like a Resignation Letter.

    I agree with you. It's like saying, "I'm not going to quit my job, because I don't recognize them as being my employer anymore." It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. But when you DA, at least you are giving your final condemnation or defense against what you see as wrong. It gives you the opportunity to take matters into your hand and not give them the option of DF'ing you. With fading...well...they could df you anytime they want. And then it would not have been your control.

    I totally respect where you are coming from Nobleheart. I'm on your side. If it's not too personal, it'd be awesome if you posted your DA letter on the board. Sometimes it helps people when writing their own.

    BTW, LWT has a GREAT DA letter. He takes it from the blood stand. He does a fantastic job in showing how their policy shows a gross disrespect for life and how he won't allow that to happen to his family.

  • Nobleheart

    Sure. I will have to translate it into my best English, but I don't have any problem in posting it for others.

  • Honesty

    My name was announced from the platform one Thursday night in Novemeber 2004 and it wasn't because I had the next part on the ServUs Meeting.

    "xxxxx x xxxxx has disassociatd himself FROM the (cough) "Christian" (cough) Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    They had nothing to say 3 days before when I asked them WHY in the world would 'Jehovah's organization" commit spiritual adultery by registering as a (NGO) Non Governmental Organization with satan's organization...




    That symbolic dragon is identified as Satan the Devil, now ousted from heaven and playing the role of Gog of Magog. (Revelation 12:3, 4, 7-12) The symbolic wild beast is Satan’s entire political system world wide, to which this dragon gave "its power and its throne and great authority." (Revelation 13:1, 2) The symbolic false prophet is a part of that worldwide political system and is pictured as the two-horned wild beast that engineers the creating of a political "image" of the first wild beast, for worship by the peoples. So the "false prophet" proves to be the Dual World Power of Britain and America, and the political "image" is today the United Nations as an international organization for world peace and security. So then, since the worldwide political organization, including the Anglo-American Dual World Power, gets its power, throne and authority from the dragon, Satan the Devil, he invisibly controls the whole political system.

  • brotherdan
    WHY in the world would 'Jehovah's organization" commit spiritual adultery by registering as a (NGO) Non Governmental Organization with satan's organization...

    Great question!

  • undercover
    I don't understand how DA'ing means recognizing the Society's authority, playing by their rules, etc. I never bought into that argument.
    To me DA'ing is like a Resignation Letter. Instead of looking over your shoulder constantly, being scared they fire you, I resign with dignity.

    Like BroDan, I understand that point of view and respect it. To some it is the best way to deal with it. And I applaud those that do it.

    At the same time, I am one of those that sees DAing as playing by their rules. I no longer accept their authority so by submitting that letter I feel like I would basically be saying that I accept their shunning policy and future actions toward me. I prefer to not accept that. If it means being a little disingenous I don't have a problem with it. They lied to me, fuck their rules.

    Some are willing to go full tilt and go all the way with their disassociation while others take a more covert approach. I don't criticize either approach and I respect each person's choice in how to go about securing their own freedom from the WTS. That's what's be willing to find the freedom no matter the approach.

  • leavingwt

    1. If you don't want to be shunned, then you CANNOT write a DA letter.

    2. If you don't want to be shunned, then you CANNOT tell JWs how you feel about their sorry religion.

    It's really that simple.

    Whether or not a person "accepts" the JW shunning policy has little to do with whether or not they'll be shunned.

    Had I not DA'd myself, they would have DF'd me for apostasy. This is not speculation, this is a fact. Why? Because I was pro-actively telling other JWs that WT was a sorry sack of dog _____.

    So, when a person says, "I'm not going to DA", it can mean two things: (1) They're going to let WT DF them if WT so chooses or (2) They're going to keep their true feelings about the WT religion to themselves.

    If a person wants to rescue another person from the cult, there is no question that avoiding the label "apostate" is the usually the best course of action. You will lose contact with most active JWs if you DA.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    african GB Member said...

    Still in. Go out on FS(with an average of 11 hours for the past six months), go to every meeting and commenting.

    So when exactly did you get reinstated after you were supposedly DF'd in September?

    I think someone's full of pseudologia fantastica.

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