What is happening to JWN ?...So many topics not relating to Jehovah's Witnesses!

by koolaid-man 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    The Watchtower tried to make us all the same and think about the same things. Once someone is out they have the freedom to go in the direction they see fit. That is what you are seening here with one common thread and that is their association past or present with the Watchtower. There isn't one particular mind set here. If there was I wouldn't enjoy it.

  • coffee_black

    The JWs are no longer the focus of my life. When I get together with my xjw friends, the organization is not often the topic of conversation. We have grown... I have a "normal" life now. I am no longer eaten up with jw stuff. I think that's very healthy.

    JWN is a community with a common bond.... and we can discuss anything and everything, using our new found freedom. We can laugh, cry, commiserate, learn from one another...hang out together...be there for one another...discuss politics, and cooking...share the good news and bad news in our lives...ask for and give advice..tell jokes and funny stories...and so much more. That can involve many topics besides jw stuff. I think as one reclaims his or her life...the jw topics start to dwindle. That's a good thing... it means that one can reach a point where the watchtower no longer has any control over one's life. I think that is the ultimate goal....to say to the wt... We are free of you!

    Usually when one is in the process of leaving...and for a while afterward, it is normal to be at least somewhat obcessed with the wt. Staying obcessed means the wt wins. It is not healthy They have already taken many years of our lives. I'm not going to give them any more.. Part of the recovery process is to learn about life outside the wt and get on with a real life! Discussing what is going on in the world and our lives is a healthy thing. We can learn from each other. We need to learn to relate to people in the world outside the wt. You sound like you want us to be controlled just like we were in the wt. Not me! It's one thing to try to help struggling jws and those first leaving the wt... it is quite another thing to try to control them.

    We've all been through a lot...and we need the fluff posts too. We need to laugh. Lighten up!

    As far as the inappropriate language... it's not just this forum...it is part of every day life...it's everywhere. I don't use that language myself...and try to ignore it when I see or hear it. You can too.


  • koolaid-man

    I think by the comments you are reading proves my point....... It's easy to see how a hand full of posters want to continue to hi jack threads and draw attention to themselves, now that is Narcissistic behavior. I did not say I do not like this board. I am observing a going away from it's fundamental roots a radical difference. This site helped my wife and I as we were exiting The Org. and we both learned many thing from this site. I applaud Simon and his staff for giving us a forum to vent and above all a platform for exposing one of the most dangerous religious organizations on the planet.

  • HintOfLime

    I am observing a going away from it's fundamental roots a radical difference.

    At a point, everyone has to move on. Life is not so terrible - even with the life-sucking cults like JWs in existance - that a healthy individual shouldn't be able to move on, find success and happiness, and enjoy their lives.

    "Moving on" is far more important to the majority of people than 'bringing down the Watchtower'. The Watchtower came, and someday it will go - and something else will replace it. To that end, the "Non-JW" topics are equally important, I would say, than the "Watchtower" ones. A lot of people, especially born-ins, who leave the cult don't know what an 'ordinary life' even is, how ordinary people do this, that, etc. Would you deny them those discussions? Force them to become soldiers in your doomed crusade?

    - Lime

  • shamus100

    I'm not trying to draw attention to myself this time - for a change. :(

    And if this site is all you've learned about the organization, you've got an awfully lop-sided view of it, as clearly evidenced. Your bizarre behaviour is noted, and I won't feed into your sensationalistic views and ridiculous assertions. You keep more people in the org. than you will ever realize. :( It's a very sad fact, and it's wholly impossible to tell if you're just blinded by rage, or manipulating people. :(

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well if nothing else this thread helps everyone, those unseen readers commonly referred to aslurkers included. that this site, like the real world contains a wide variety of people and thought.

    It is a place to discuss/question WT/JW beliefs and how they get enacted and the chance to find your own voice.

  • shamus100

    I want to apologize to you, Koolaidman for being an ass to you on this forum. It does not change my view of you, but following you about is just silly and wrong. I've acted like an internet bully and this will stop at once.

    Again, my apologies.

  • Finally-Free
    hi jack threads and draw attention to themselves,

    Please forgive me for trying to draw attention to myself, when all of us, myself included, should be focusing our attention on you. I do repent in dust and ashes.



    Do you remember when we were told by the local elders that the Kingdom Hall was to be used only for spiritual matters? And,that any talk about business,work,vacations or any other matter would have to wait until you walked out of the Kingdom Hall. Do you remember that you couldn't show any pictures of your vacation,family or of any other kind? Remember that you couldn't pass out any business cards at the meetings?

    Is that what you want here? Do you want all the rules that the WTS made us follow to be placed on this wonderful site? Do we need more rules and regulations which were a burden on all of us? Did we have any freedom to say what was on our minds at the Kingdom Hall like we have on this site? Isn't freedom of speech wonderful?

    This forum has so many topics to choose from. Take your pick because in a matter of minutes a new one will come along.

  • elderelite

    Gotta say koolaid man, I saw and read your site very early on and it didnt have anywhere near the effect on me that this one did/has. This site is so good because it lets us be FREE! be who we are or want to be, without restraint, without fear, without intimdation... I understand the nessity of deep conversations and doctrinal debates, I benefited from them and those are still present here as well. but there is MUCH value in letting us be free, be who we are. Very cathartic. Embrace it and contribute. We'd love to see koolaid man in his natural element

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