I love Christmas, too!!!!

by ziddina 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    And as Newborn said,

    "Snoozy! You were meant to have those Seinfeld tickets! Great idea!!!

    I think he's super!




  • ziddina

    Aw, Snoozy, I love the photo albums for each kid idea...

    Almost makes me wish I'd had kids.... Waitasec, I HATE dirty diapers...

    Phew!! Almost went sentimental there, for a moment...

    It took me 5 1/2 hours to put up the outside lights - and should have pix in a week - but it took ANOTHER 3 hours just to make the blasted wreath hanging by my front door!!!

    Just when you think a project is going to go smoothly and quickly...

    Of course, I had to wander around the neighborhood, nipping a few tips off of the low-growing shrub cover in the suburb... That took some time - there's TONS of the stuff, by the way... It turned out well, though - threw in some stuff I had left over from my "autumn" floral arrangement...

    Now, all I have to do is pick up a tree - from the SECOND shipment; I want something cut and shipped in after the first post-Thanksgiving rush... I'm going to try something a little different for keeping the tree fresh, this year - if the weather is warm enough... More later, if it works...


  • ziddina

    If I had time, I'd ask for your mailing address - and a work address would do - get your general 'size', and make a fleece bathrobe for you, just to turn that "Grinchy" frown upside down!!! ...

    But ....

    I didn't join the "Secret Santa" this year, 'cause I just won't have time - or cash - for any extra presents - I've got to get cracking as it is, 'cause I'm MAKING the presents, this year.


  • ziddina

    And as Snoozy said,

    "Z, just a thought on that. One of my favorite X mas gifts used to come from my now ex daughter in law (and granddaughter). They would make all kinds of christmas cookies and put them on a plate (Paper) and enclose with colorful saran wrap with a bow on top. The cookies were delicious and I looked forward to them every year. Then my son and her got divorced... I think the divorce was harder on me than it was on them..

    Snoozy, who has fond memories of those cookies and my ex daughter in law.. ..."


  • ziddina

    Aw, poor Snoozy!! Wish I had time to bake you some cookies, too!!!


  • ziddina

    And as tec said,

    " 'I've got to get cracking as it is, 'cause I'm MAKING the presents, this year.'

    That sounds awesome. Snoozy, the cookies too. My grandmother or mother would often knit sweaters for us for Christmas... not something a teenage girl wants to wear - but I LOVE it now. I am wearing a big purple sweater from last Christmas right now. Plus, since I left home so young - my grandmother would always mail me baked goods at Christmas - especially shortbread cookies, since they're my favorite. :) Tammy"


  • ziddina

    And as Bryan said,

    "This is my favorite Christmas video!




  • ziddina

    And as Berengaria said,

    "I absolutely love Christmas!! I have since I first started celebrating after leaving the dubs. Before my children were born. They are adults now, and I still love it! The smells, the chill in the air, the lights, being able to indulge in present giving and .........receiving! A lot of the music is wonderful, and I love seeing the same movies every year. I don't believe in god, it's all about the season change and setting aside a time to think about nothing but peace and love and cookies! I make a ton every year and widen my circle of neighbors to give to. We always do several giving tree gifts, and food drives.



  • ziddina
  • ziddina

    And as Snoozy said,

    "Well tomorrow has been declared on facebook to be "Pay it forward day"..so if you pass a homeless person or can think of someone in need of a hug or food, give a little..it is guaranteed to be returned to you in some way..large or small.

    Snoozy, "


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