I love Christmas, too!!!!

by ziddina 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    And as Laverlite said,


    Don't you think all the lights and decorations are pretty?

    It all makes me feel warm and cozy. (or is that the spiked egg nog?) Sometimes I just want to give Santa a cuddle! (is it Johnny Depp or the spiked egg nog making me feel that way?).

    Johnny Depp as Santa ..."


  • ziddina

    Aaaaand.... With a nice comeback from "the Sab"...

    "lol lav.



  • ziddina

    And Laverlite responds...

    "Sab- I think it's the nog!

    Everyone - speaking of the nog - has anyone tried the "Southern Comfort" egg nog? Oh wow. Not sure which I would choose if I were presented with Santa (see pic above) or a cup of Southern Comfort Egg Nog. I mean, how do you choose between yummy and yummy? They are pretty equal in my book. lol. "


  • ziddina

    [me, I think I'd like dark Jamacain rum eggnog - YUMMY!!]

  • ziddina

    And Laverlite also commented...

    "Maybe I should post the question about favorite egg nog in a separate thread? I don't want to hijack the thread!!! Sorry in advance! I'll post elsewhere. "

    [An eggnog recipe thread!! Sounds good!!]


  • chickpea

    i sent off a package of white elephant
    re-gifts as part of a secret santa gig
    and the whole experience has been a
    hoot and a half! the excitement of
    trying to be cagey and clever has
    now merged with the excitement
    of expecting a pkg in return!

    the local thrift store had a SCAD of
    outdoor lights so my house is getting
    brighter and brighter as days get
    darker and darker... including a string
    of blue lights that are set apart in
    tribute to slain LEO

    one of the festivus gifts i have given
    is a monthly donation to an project
    that drills wells in african villages
    to "bring the water" so girls can
    stop hauling water and go to school!!!

    i frikkin LOVE how this feels!!
    (could be warmer, tho)

  • ziddina

    And Sab cautions...


    Everyone - speaking of the nog - has anyone tried the "Southern Comfort" egg nog? Oh wow. Not sure which I would choose if I were presented with Santa (see pic above) or a cup of Southern Comfort Egg Nog. I mean, how do you choose between yummy and yummy? They are pretty equal in my book. lol.

    Sweet alcoholic drinks... that's a bad situation just waiting to happen.



  • ziddina


    That sounds interesting....

    *BANG* goes my attempt to totally re-create the other thread... Naaahh... THIS is more fun!!!


  • ziddina

    And Laverlite says,

    "Sab - yes it is! But I believe in moderation. I have just posted this as a thread so anyone interested in the topic please post over on the new thread. Don't want to screw this one up. (again, my apologies)."


  • ziddina

    And I think Laverlite's advice to MLE was dead on the money...


    The picture of Johnny Depp is a fan photo. It's NOT real. So you can relax.

    Ok, so you are beyond hope when it comes to Christmas. That's ok. It's not for everyone. You may not have the holiday spirit, but don't miss out on the holiday spirits! You gotta have SOME fun!!!!"


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