Generation Teaching - Everyone is speechless?

by Red Piller 443 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gary1914

    i told you this guy would be back with another 40 pages of utter foolishness. However, it seems I was wrong.

    He has surpassed 40 pages of blithering idiocy and I do not say that lightly.

    When it is pointed out to him time and again that he is wrong, he simply comes back with more pages of redefined words because it is he alone that has knowledge of what the society really means in its writings. He alone knows the meaning of their words. He is special and above all other witnesses.

    I bet he is now feverishly writing to get out his next tomb of baloney.

  • notverylikely

    I bet he is now feverishly writing to get out his next tomb of baloney.

    Now now, he's a JW and a prophet. Despite how wrong all the evidence shows he is, the prophet status trumps everythng.

    Of course, I would love to see him try and sell that to the GB.

  • Gary1914

    "For your information, not only am I one of Jehovah's Witnesses, but I serve as an elder in my congregation. Surprise!

    I don't care if you, like @caliber, are counterfeit Christians, but how exactly does your telling me that you are presently an elder supposed to impress upon me. @Gary 1914? You're not fooling Jehovah; he knows who His true worshippers are, the ones that are worshipping Him with spirit and truth. (John 4:23) Go brag to @caliber or to someone else about your lack of integrity. I have no interest whatsoever in hearing how much of a counterfeit you are. I'm ok with you and @caliber choosing to be such."

    Impress you? You've got to be kidding. You are the last person I would try to impress. Counterfeit? I would look in a mirrow before I start throwing that term around. You are the most conceited, most counterfeit "christian" I have ever encountered. You are arrogant and superficial and believe you are serving God when you heart is actually far from him.

    Fooling Jehovah? You mean that God the the witnesses invented? The Watchtpwer God? That God has nothing to do with being a christian. He has nothing to do with the truth.

    I am not a false christian. I am a genuine christian. I follow the words in the Bible not the dictates of any manmade organization that pretends to speak for God. My God is much broader that you can even imagine and he cares about the world of mankind. Not just Jehovah's Witnesses. He hears the prayers of all mankind. Not just those of the witnesses. My God does not tell me that doing from door to door with a magazine that some man wrote is going to get me everlasting life.

    I know the lurkers can see how you are twisting words, ideas and scriptures to make yourself look pertinent, when in actuality you are just a weak little man with a superiority complex, following a weak ineffectual little God. You can bombard this boardd with thousands of pages of your dribble and you will still be wrong.

  • Gary1914

    @Listener wrote:

    "I really am puzzled as to who you are eggnog, whether you are in a position of authority within the org or a [wolf] in [sheep's] clothing. I do think that you have either been asked or are self appointed to write on this forum in the hope that you can encourage those fading to return. No doubt you would advise that it is not important who you are."

    I can answer that. This guy has no position in the organization. He probably feels that he should have a position, but can you imagine him at meetings? A pain in the rear........ Always correcting everybody with what he thinks is right. He is just a puffed up publisher who believes he knows more that the elders and the organization. They know that he's nuts so he comes here where he has a captive audience who will engage him in conversation. He is out merely to prove to us how smart he is. That's all.

  • thetrueone

    I get the impression that djeggnog thinks were all here a bunch of misinformed ignorant people who do not know accurately what the JW

    organization is about or what their inherent beliefs are. Where the exact opposite is the truth , myself born into this faith and being a devout follower

    for more than 25 years.

    Many posters here have been involved with organization for 30, 40 years or more.

    We're not as ignorant about this faith than he takes us for.

    It might have very well been are own personal integrity and intellectual honesty that made us leave the JWS organization, something that djeggnog hasn't clicked into yet.

  • lisaBObeesa

    DJEGGNOG said: If you should speak contrary to what God's word says, you would thereby be identifying yourself as a false prophet

    Well then, by your own definition, the WT is a false prophet many times over.

    DJEGGNOG said: If I could get you to provide proof of just one prediction that Jehovah's Witnesses have made



    You have been proven once again,to be a Liar..


    A DumbAss..


    I wish I could have remembered this..And..Posted it..

    Well Done..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Fadeout


    I particularly enjoyed the followup issue published a few years later...

    1914 cover

  • wasblind

    That four letter word "WILL" sealed the deal on them being false prophets.

    No might or maybe was stated, they said the generation that saw the events of 1914 "WILL" not pass away

    and unlike 1975 no JW or Apologist can qoute Fred Franz saying "it could" or be a possibility.

    can't weasle out of this, we're holdin' ya to it

  • wasblind

    Hey fadeout,

    great find on the June 15, 1989 WT, It matches up exactly with the Reasoning book which was copyrighted in 1985 and 1989

    I have the 1989 printed edition of the Reasoning book.

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