I've Just Figured Out the Appeal of Sarah Palin!!

by AGuest 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    She doesn't pronounce her "g'"s on the end of the words that end in "ing"!!!! So, she's... cool! Hip! With it! SHE's the TRUE "renegade"... against "proper" English!!

    Not that I'm knockin' her - I certainly don't need those "g's" and often leave 'em out, m'self. So... GOOD for her: she doesn't TALK like she has a stick up her backend. And maybe she doesn't. But she certainly had something somewhere (blinders, maybe?)... when her little girl felt the need to go playin' "grownup." (See, there's always a reason for that... that starts at home. Not that I'm knockin' that, either).

    I don't endorse any political personality, folks, truly. They're all imperfect and most do the best they can. I just made an unbiased... and true... observation. But I am TICKLED to know that she's today's counterpart to... well, the EPITOME of "cool" in our society today (after Barbie, of course!): JACK (as in "Mr. Box"... as in "Jack In The..."). Have you ever SEEN such "cool"?? Now, THERE'S a "hep cat" if I ever saw one!

    Okay, movin' on... (notice, I dropped MY "g"! Does that make ME "cool"? How 'bout if I got me some rimless glasses... and a butt kickin' leather jacket - ?)

    Peace! And don't take me so literally, here. Just tryin' to let off a little humor. If you don't get it, sorry. If you take offense... well, seriously: you shouldn't.

    SA, on her own

  • OnTheWayOut

    I suppose a person that hears a voice would relate to a person who thinks she can see Russia from her back yard.

    Just tryin' to let off a little humor. If you don't get it, sorry. If you take offense... well, seriously: you shouldn't.

  • wasblind

    Well, that's our common ground then, droppin' our g's

    She doesn't pronounce her "g'"s on the end of the words that end in "ing"!!!! So, she's...

    cool! Hip! With it! SHE's the TRUE "renegade"... against "proper" English!!.....Shelby

    Sarah Palin lives in Alaska..

    She does`nt wear much and one year she Froze her "G" Off..


    ...................... ...OUTLAW


    Super Hero`s..

    Don`t need a "G" in their Vocabulary!..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW


    Palin Piper..

    Piped all the "G`s" out of Alaska..


    The rest she Shot in her Bikini!..

    "We don`t allow "G`s" In Alaska!"

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • GrandmaJones

    AGuest! You are usually so much more serious! You surprise me! (in a good way)

  • AGuest

    FUNNY, dear OUTLAW ,and sweet, dear Wuz (the greatest of love and peace to you both)!

    Interestin' other comment, though. That it was even made, I mean. That the thread was even visited. I mean, since I don't really have anythin' of interest or value to say.

    [I'm tellin' ya'll... someone's still lookin' for somethin'! I truly hope he finds it/him... (or is found by him)... soon, though! 'Cause it's just a little, well, embarrassin'. Like the little boyz on the playground. You know: who don't wanna play dodgeball with you... but can't seem to stop runnin' up behind 'ya, knockin' yer books outta yer hands, then run off with his face all screwed up 'cause no one's 'sposed to figure out he really likes 'ya? Ya'll know what I mean - ]

    Curiouser and curiouser... but absolutely no offense taken, truly...

    Peace, ya'll!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest

    Eh, I got a "funnybone"... or two... dear Grandma (peace to you!). Actually, I don't think a lot of folks here could take my humor (it used to be sort of Jerry Seinfeld meets Sandra Bernhardt meets Russell Brand meets Monique - !). But, praise JAH... my Lord really has "subdued" me a bit in that area!


    A slave of Christ,


  • poppers

    I have yet to find anything appealing about Palin, and the dropped "g"s is grating. IMO she does that so she doesn't sound phoney, so she sounds like she is just "one of us" - I ain't buyin' it.

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