
by AGuest 138 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Indeed, dear JO! MWAH!!! and peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • watersprout

    Stop being a santimonious bitch, Shelby

    Hey thats uncalled for BP...No need for that insult!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    The Lord came to me and told me, "tell Shelby what she really needs to hear, because she is in a dream world of her own, and is making followers of herself, instead of giving all due attention to the Most High. Tell her that she is acting in a backhanded manner towards nice people, and needs to be shown up for the fake that she is".

    So I am acting only according to what the Lord and Spirit tells me to do. The Lord hopes that Shelby will take the advice to heart, although she is stubborn and refuses to listen to anyone else apart from herself.

  • AGuest

    Your "lord" is a liar... and a fake, dear BP (peace to you!). But I will stop short of saying the same thing about you... or calling you out on your blasphemy... because although it's obvious you can dish it out... I am absolutely certain that you cannot take it. And I don't want to be accused of making you say something totally stupid... or blaspheming... again. Not that I can stop you...

    So, my peace remains.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Sigh, the Lord told me this would happen....

    Shelby, The Lord says that you need to soften your heart and accept counsel. For so long you have blasphemed in his name, taking his name in vain, and worse of all.... you spell it incorrectly!!!!! If you really were listening to the Lord, you would at least get His name spelt right.

    What is that spelling? I'm afraid you've grieved His spirit, and he is no longer talking to you. What is the point when you refuse to open your heart and mind to his other followers? So until you become more of a Christian, one that follows Jesus, he is no longer talking to you. So sad...

    Shelby, he wishes you to not inply that those who listen to him and not you, are false teachers. To do so shows up your stubborn heart, one that is preventing you from entering the Kingdom of Mishuah Jeshushua (yes, that is the correct spelling of His name).

    In peace dear Shelby,

    Your servant,

    Broken Promises aka BP

  • AGuest

    Sigh, the Lord told me this would happen....

    Perhaps YOUR "lord" told you this. But mine did not. And, yes, I asked. Indeed, I spent some time praying over it this morning. And MY Lord said that you are among those who want to give counsel... as most do... and would so so even to him, were he to appear and speak to YOU. Because you are self-righteous, self-serving and haughty.

    Shelby, The Lord says that you need to soften your heart and accept counsel.

    My heart was soft. Now, my forehead is hard... toward you. So, tell your "lord" that I do accept counsel... from MY Lord, the Holy One of ... and from those His Body... of which you are NO part. Which was evident by YOUR words in your previous posts... and your very obvious anger, here, which loves... and holy spirit... does NOT produce. You are an imposter; however, because you have taken it upon yourself to speak your blasphemy, I will respond... and let my Lord deal with ME as he may. Which, thus far, has been in GREAT mercy. But I am compelled to expound the Way of the Truth to YOU... more accurately... because you OBVIOUSLY do not know it... or him.

    For so long you have blasphemed in his name, taking his name in vain, ... and worse of all you spell it incorrectly!!!!

    [Ah, yes, the rafter. Seems like a LOT of that going around lately.] You do not know the name of the Holy One of Israel... for if you did, you would KNOW it is not "Jesus"... which means "Je is Zeus." (And before you take issue with this statement, you really should read what you posted, below, which I've highlighted - so that you can SEE it - below.) You would KNOW that "Jesus" is NOT the English rendering for the name of the Holy One of Israel, but "Joshua" is that rendering. You would KNOW that "Jesus" is the rendering of the Greek "Iesous"... which does NOT translate at "Joshua" but as "Je is Zeus." You would KNOW that he was named "Iesous" by the GREEKS, before and during the time of the writing of the Septuagint... called the MOST Holy One of Israel by the name of their NATIONAL god, Zeus. You would KNOW this because (1) either HE would have TOLD you... or (2) at least directed you to the thread where that subject has already been discussed. In great detail. BUT... you do NOT know him, so that YOU call upon a god... and a "savior"... who doesn't even answer you, doesn't SPEAK to you... because he does not EXIST.

    If you really were listening to the Lord, you would at least get His name spelt right

    If YOU were listening to the Holy One of Israel... the Holy Spirit... you would have spelled "spelt" right. Because you apparently didn't make it very far in school, however, even this truth would be beyond your ability to comprehend because your knowledge of even ENGLISH words... and spelling... is obviously quite limited.

    What is that spelling?

    It is the accurate spelling (vs. "Yeshua," "Yehoshua," and "Yashua")... of the HEBREW name of the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA, the chosen (MISCHA) of JAH... the who came... and will come AGAIN... in the NAME of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies (JaHVeH). It is HEBREW... because my Lord was NEVER Greek, ENGLISH, AMERICAN, or CANADIAN. He was Jew in the flesh, from the tribe of Judah... a direct descendant of Abraham, a Hebrew. And he has instructed ME to make his name known... and that of His Father... among those that belong to him. That YOU do not now this truth... because it hasn't been REVEALED to YOU... is between you and that One. Not me and you.

    I'm afraid you've grieved His spirit

    I am NOT afraid to say... you are a liar. You don't even know what you're speaking of. One grieves "the Holy Spirit"... and the ONLY one doing that here, is you. By means of YOUR blaspemy when implying that the Holy One of Israel is speaking to YOU... when he is NOT.

    and he is no longer talking to you.

    Really. Then why did he wake me up this morning to tell me to come here... and "witness" your blasphemy... and poor treatment of his servant... and, if you were of the Household of God, Israel... yours? I will tell you. Because of what is written at Malachi 3:16, in which our discussion is RECORDED... and the result of which are explained by MY Lord, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, as recorded at Matthew 25:43. Which poor treatment... along with YOUR blasphemy... WILL be remembered.

    For I showed "hospitality" toward YOU from the start; indeed, I greeted you with a wish for peace, even when you SLANDERED me... in imitation of YOUR father. Becausde you are from YOUR father, such wish was NEVER offered, returned... or accepted. So, it came back upon me. IF you belonged to the Holy One of Israel... YOU would have shown ME the same "hospitality"... considering that I opened the thread... and if not literally have given me a greeting of peace, would have at least dealt with me in peace. THAT would have been EVIDENCE of the holy spirit operating upon YOU. Because (1) the Holy One of Israel GAVE THE COMMAND to greet ALL with a wish for peace when "entering" their home, AND (2) peace is a FRUIT of God's holy spirit. Which fruit you obviously do not possess... as evidenced by your words, above.

    Blasphemy, however... while it was forgiven against the Son... is NOT forgiven when it is done against the Holy Spirit, which my Lord now IS (2 Corinthians 3:16). And you have blasphemed against that Spirit... because, like Cain... you believed yourself to be "rightly hot with anger." Well, the "sin" that was crouching at YOUR door... has now caught up with you. And while I will plead for mercy for you for the sin you have shown against ME... I fear that NONE will be shown you for your sin against him... in saying that he has spoken to you and told you these things... when he has NOT. And I KNOW he has not because (1) you don't even know his name, let alone him, and (2) his counsel would NOT have cursed me in one post... then tried to "bless" me in another. You... are an utter imposter. May the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH (Psalm 68:4) of Armies... rebuke you, you "satan"!

    What is the point when you refuse to open your heart and mind to his other followers?

    I am a servant of those who belong to the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit. And I have demonstrated that here... for years... if not by keeping my tongue in check when "satans" like you speak ABUSIVELY of and to me... then by what my Lord has me do for such ones outside of this place.

    So until you become more of a Christian, one that follows Jesus, he is no longer talking to you. So sad...

    "Jesus" hasn't "talked" to me. "Jesus"... doesn't talk. Doesn't speak. Which is why no one ever hears HIM. "Jesus" is the accepted contrivation of those who follow the BIBLE... rather than the Lamb, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit. THAT One speaks to me. He is absolutely alive... and exerts power. HE knows who and what I am... and by means of the anointing I received from HIM... and not your silly "I-know-I'll-Just-Tell-Her-That-"The-Lord-Said"-And-THEN-She'll-Give-me-Some-"Respect"-But-Not-Until-I-Make-Her-Shake-In-Her-Boots" melarkey. YOU think I've been lying to you... that there IS no Holy One or Holy Spirit... so that just because YOU "said" I would stop listening to the One who leads me... whom you do not know... and listen to you. Seriously. Your "fruits" revealed who YOU were, very early on. You are a liar... and a slanderer. NOTHING that has come from you WOULD come from the Holy One of Israel. Not at thing.

    You think, though, that by your [very] harsh words I will feel regret toward you and speak as you wish me to. You are sorely mistaken.

    Shelby, he wishes you to not inply that those who listen to him and not you, are false teachers.

    To do so shows up your stubborn heart, one that is preventing you from entering the Kingdom

    Tell your "lord" that I do not listen to the voice of strangers... and that I warned YOU... that you should not, either. Tell your "lord" that MANY false christs have arisen, but I well know this... and know them when I see/hear them... because their "voice" is that of a "stranger." Tell your "lord" that he shouldn't have sent YOU... because your mouth is "unclean"... and your heart is "wicked." Tell your "lord" that I KNOW the voice of the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit... and he doesn't send someone to call one his sheep a "sanctimonous bitch" in one breath (indeed, any ANY breath), then turn around and have that same one tell the "bitch" that now she must listen to the one delivering the message. Tell your "lord" that while he can spout "Ohhh-I-am-a-christian-too-so-you-better-listen-to-me-BS"... the One who TRULY speaks always... ALWAYS... reveals to his servants what he does... and what those who are seeking to "kill" them does... beforehand... and he did so with ME... which you sinned with your "lips"... which sin originated in your heart.

    of Mishuah Jeshushua (yes, that is the correct spelling of His name).

    No, you said his name was "Jesus." Please keep your false "facts" straight.

    In peace dear Shelby,

    Tell your "Lord"... that while you make wish others to believe that you are someone "different"... someone who speaks truth and offers peace... that MY Lord has stated to me that you are imposter... both in that you are one who already posts here under another name and think that just using the words "peace" will make you credible... and that you wish others to believe you belong to him... but you are not invisible to him. He said your statement of peace... is empty... just like the vessel you are (because "dead men's bones" are nothing to him, and thus a vessel carrying such is an empty vessel). And I believe HIM.

    Your servant,

    The word of my Lord to YOU, BP... or whoever you truly are, but since you're too much of a coward to post that (2 Timothy 1:7; Revelation 21:8), but instead angrily ejaculate profanities with the same heart and mouth that you now wish me to believe is "clean" so that I would even listen to what you've stated... but which also evidences that you are an utter imposter... and not a christian by ANY stretch... for such things do not "come forth" from one who has received holy spirit... is that a TRUE servant does not curse the one he claims to serve... and that you did so because your ANGER that I did not "honor" YOU... which "honor" is preserved for HIM... and therefore, your words are lies... and thus empty. Like the empty vessel YOU are. And I believe HIM.

    Broken Promises aka BP

    Indeed, the word of my Lord to YOU... is that you have indeed broken your promise... to him... and now have been given a BAD spirit... which spirit will cause you sin even greater... leading you further into the pit. Which you already know... thus your anger. Sorry, but in THESE things... you cannot fake it until you make it. You have manifested who you are... as the things posted here will remain for all to see. Some might be afraid of your blasphemous words, but I am not.

    You don't like me, BP? Hear this, if you hear nothing else from me: I don't care. Truly. I have absolutely NO I am not here to be liked by the likes of you. Indeed, I would have a problem if you DID like me (Luke 6:22). Your forefathers, those offspring of vipers, didn't like my Lord, either. But that didn't stop him from speaking the truth to THEM, either... with full candor... nor did his truth stop them from weeping and gnashing THEIR teeth... or blaspheming. Obviously, it hasn't stopped you, either. And you WILL go even further... for my Lord, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, has stated it. And I believe HIM.

    A slave of Christ, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH,

    SA - Now get behind me, you Satan... and may JAH rebuke you, again...

  • watersprout

    *Thinks to self* How has this thread gone from Shelby asking for advice over a case of ''bad breath'' to BP calling Shelly a "sanctimonous bitch" and blaspheming against the Holy Spirit!!!!

    Shel i don't know how you put up with this abuse [well i do know] but why do you put up with it?? Just leave these ''blasphemers'' to rot in their own miserable lives!

    Peace my sister in Christ

  • wasblind

    BP, your comin' off as a bully and Aguest has become your target

    let it go. And just because others choose not to join in with your

    bullying doesn't mean we have become her followers, what it means

    is that we leave to each his own.

  • AGuest

    Thank you both, dear WS and Wuz (the greatest of love and peace to you both!).

    You are correct, dear WS... I need to move on because I realize what this person is TRYING to do is to get ME to "sin" against them, out of anger. The opposite has happened, though - I am now ever more sad for them... because they've allowed THEIR anger to cause them to sin, perhaps irreparably.

    But I learned something: I never allowed myself to ask for assistance from the board before... regarding any matter... and most certainly won't ever do it again... because of this very thing: hard-headed, hard-hearted people... who can't speak unless they ridicule. Even their questions drip fault and sarcasm. But over the years people have asked to see a little more of "me." And so I showed a little bit.

    Unfortunately, there is a lot of danger in sticking "my" head out... because there are all kinds of vipers just waiting to try and bite it off. Which is why our Lord directed US to be "cautious as serpents (seraphs)... yet innocent as a doves." I failed to keep that in mind, so the error is mine, as well.

    But I've spoken to our Lord about it (as you can imagine after this last interchange - it does get tiring!... and his word to me that it is not yet my time to leave this city (though I cannot tell you how many times I have to stop myself from asking for that - but it is his to say when, not mine, and I accept his decision without question, so....)

    Not to worry - he ALWAYS "refreshes" me after something like this (praise JAH!)... and so I look forward to it, today. Something good is DEFINITELY going to happen to me within the next few days... and I cannot wait to find out what it is!

    Again, peace to you both!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • wasblind

    ((((((( SHELBY )))))))

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