Ray Franz Was Wrong

by Farkel 144 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    A quote from Goodfornothing's link

    Interesting commentary

    As for RV Franz, at 80 years old, as he reflects upon his "legacy", we must remember, we all make our beds and have to lie in it one day. Inescapably, his "day" has come. He must remember, in good conscience when he accepted the RESPONSIBILITY to become a member of the Governing Body, he knew then he had better be prepared to live with the total consequences of his actions forever more. To be sure for any of us, to become a part of a policy-making body for an organization or group of people of more than 6 million, in which the critical decisions we reach could potentially have such devastating, catastrophic results to these same millions of people worldwide, is no small responsibility before God and man, is no small task to accept. Few will ever, have such a responsibility cast upon them. Few will ever has so much ACCCOUNTABILITY before God and man.

  • The Finger
    The Finger


    would you ever take such a position without direct divine authority?

  • thetrueone

    To Franz's credit we were all once driven by are own conscientious level of believability with

    the WTS organization, he was just a guy that reached a higher level up the totem pole of power.

    Eventually he eyes opened with clarity to how the organization was structured and how it came to be a

    powerful religious corporation in the first place, his own self imposed image of the WTS fractured and fell apart .

    He tried on his own initiative to change the status quo of the organization but was viewed and taken by the other

    GB members as a doctrinal apostate, too dangerous to be situated within the hierarchical power.

    Hence he was given the boot.

  • cyberjesus

    So Who would decline the position? in order for it to be offered to you you must have been in direct line for it. NOONE would have declined the post.

    NOONE! Even Ray only resigned cuz he was forced. They dont think they are guilty of anything unless they get to open their eyes, and then the only thing they can do is write a book.

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    That's not true. He was a different breed a FDS

  • thetrueone

    would you ever take such a position without direct divine authority?

    Yes, if at a time I really believed that this organization had divine authority and god's chosen guidance.

    The critical word being believability.

    Another thing that worthy to mention about Raymond Franz was he was around and was involved with the 1975 debacle,

    which after many people such as myself started to depart from the WTS/JWS.

    As it is known today the 6000 years of mans existence was a calculating lie put forth by the WTS for years prior to 1975.

  • thetrueone

    So Who would decline the position? in order for it to be offered to you you must have been in direct line for it. NOONE would have declined the post.

    So your saying that any man that is in the organization either acting as an elder, CO , DO or whatever would never refuse the purposed offer ?

    Interesting !

    So just how long were you involved with the JWS Cyberjesus ?

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    Why would you believe it to have divine anything. Because someone said it did?

  • thetrueone

    One thing a person can draw out of this the GB and past Presidents of the WTS knew perfectly well they

    could establish or create a doctrine that could not be refuted by anyone else in the organization from the

    bottom to the top.

    It sounds like R Franz started to take a chisel at 1914 which might have been very well instigated

    by the 1975 doctrine, in an effort to change the core basic beliefs which were held to for so many years .

    He apparently rocked the boat too much so he got tossed over board to survive on his own.

    Personal integrity may have been his undoing.

  • AGuest

    Not sure "victims of victims" is as accurate (may you all have peace!) as "blind leading the blind." Victims rarely choose to BE victims; the blind, however, should know better than to lead the blind. Unless, of course, they refuse to admit... or do not know... that they ARE blind:

    "Because you say: 'I am rich and have acquired riches and do not need anything at all,' but you do not know you are miserable and pitiable and poorandblind and naked, I advise you to buy from me gold refined by fire that you may become rich, and white outer garments that you may become dressed and that the shame of your nakedness may not become manifested, and eyesalve to rub in your eyes that you may see."

    Unfortunately, they missed this (and still miss it!) in all of their "Bible Research"... including for the purposes of writing their various publications. Because... they are blind. They just THINK they see. Which is worse, as shown in the account of the interchange between my Lord and the Pharisees after the latter expelled a man who had been physically blind from the synagogue for openly professing that my Lord had given him sight:

    '[Jesus]... said: “Are you putting faith in the Son of man?” The [man] answered: “And who is he, sir, that I may put faith in him?” [ Jesus] said to him: “You have seen him and, besides, he that is speaking with you is that one.” Then he said: “I do put faith [in him], Lord.” And he did obeisance to him. And [J]esus said: “For [this] judgment I came into this world: that those not seeing might see and those seeing might become blind.” Those of the Pharisees who were with him heard these things, and they said to him: “We are not blind also, are we?” [ Jesus] said to them: “If you were blind, you would have no sin. But now you say, ‘We see.’ Y our sin remains.”

    I believe (from the look in his eyes) that Mr. Barber knew this... but couldn't bring himself to openly admit it. He valued his flesh more (i.e., where would he have gone? His whole life had been dedicated to that harlot). I believe that, for whatever he may have done wrong, Ray Franz did admit it. That that was the purpose for his books. And I believe that the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... will have mercy on him.

    Again, may you all have peace!

    A slave of Christ,


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