ks10-e (official release), Letter from Bro. who scanned it! Newer version with BOE LTRs

by yknot 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Desilusionnee

    Thank you Bro Johnson, you made me cry. Find peace of mind.


  • yesidid

    Dear Brother Johnson,

    I read your letter with great emotion.

    I do understand why you want to stay and help the battered sheep.

    The congregation is fortunate to have you. As least they have one real shepherd in among the sheep dogs.



  • dozy

    Thanks Brother Johnson. The information you have provided has been invaluable. Feel sad for you in your circumstances - how many other older JWs are in the same boat , one wonders.

  • Gorbatchov

    Thanx brother, I hope you will find peace. I pray for you.


  • VM44

    Thank you for this official release.

    I would like to know the name of the GB member who made the "murmuring" comparison at the shareholder meeting.

    That comment was hurtful, but shows how the people running The Watchtower really view the "sheep" for which they say they have concern.

  • maninthemiddle

    Yknot I hope you can pass along our love and appreciation to Bro Johnson.

    Processor, you made me actually laugh out loud.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Yknot I too hope you will pass along our love and appreciation to Bro. Johnson. It is so sad that at his age to finally see what is really behind all of this.

    I am in my late 40's and I feel sick at what I have lost. I too believed with all my heart, did not have children all for the sake of the kingdom. It is all sad that they are taking our lives away from us and they are now belittling us for noticing.

    Bro. Johnson my heart goes out to you.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Thank you Ynot and Bro. Johnson. A very moving account.


  • cantleave

    When I read the AM's comments regarding the older ones and murmuring, I too felt saddened. I thought of many loyal ones who I seen age with so many unfulfilled expectations. I have seen them treated shabbily by younger elders and CO's and had privileges removed.

    One dear brother in congregation was asked to do the announcements in his twighlight years and had them scripted by CoBE, to make sure "he didn't ramble". This was a brother in his 90's who had served the Borg for 6 decades. It broke his heart, not being allowed to express himself.

    Bro. Johnson thank you for what you are doing.

    Thank you for posting Ynot

  • chickpea

    man, talk about taking one for the team...

    this dear bro johnson is a man among men

    godspeed you bro johnson

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