ks10-e (official release), Letter from Bro. who scanned it! Newer version with BOE LTRs

by yknot 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Thank you both for all you do and have done, Brother Johnson and Yknot.

  • Joshnaz

    Bro johnson, Y knot....... you are HEROS!

  • rifter

    Now also available on Bittorrent:

    [Links deleted - you'll have to do your own searching on Torrents for the links - sorry - Lady lee]

    The Watchtower wants to keep this document a secret. Therefore, please share & seed the file. Spread it everywhere!

  • cabasilas


    The last one from isohunt.com says the file has been censored because of action by a US Court. Does that mean the WT has taken action already on this file trying to stop its circulation as a torrent? Or, did I misunderstand?

  • rifter

    cabasilas, where are you seeing this? I am unable to duplicate the message you are receiving. When I click on the ISOHunt link I am able to download as normal.

    In any case, if the WT tries to "censor" torrent links, it will accomplish nothing. They are only able to remove the listings in Bittorrent sites - not the distributed data itself. The files are not hosted by any one particular party.

  • cabasilas

    I think I misunderstood what the site says. I don't know anything about torrents. When I clicked on the link, it flipped over to some other pages and eventually it goes to a download page. So, I think that was my misunderstanding of what it was doing.

  • rifter

    Okay, well perhaps try one of the other links, if you have a bittorrent client it will work.

    Update: The ISOHunt site is blocked from within the USA. It has nothing to do with the file itself. The Watchtower has not succeeded in taking down the file. The other links will work for those of you living within the US.

  • Hope4Others

    Hope you don't mind I borrowed your picture, that made me laugh so hard....


  • truthseeker

    Well, it's finally happened - it took a long time, decades really to get to that moment of realization...

    Many older ones already are telling the younger ones how they regretted not getting an education, pursuing a lucrative career, saving up money or not having a retirement plan. The sad truth is that such ones are like the murmurers of Israel when coming out of Egypt.

  • factfinder

    ynot and Brother Johnson- Thank you so very much for making this secret elder's book available to all of us!

    Brother Johnson- you spent your whole life serving Jehovah and making sacrifices for him as directed by the WTS. Now at the age of 75 you realize that it was not Jehovah but a man-made organization that you have been serving and making sacrifices for. And those idiots on the GB are comparing your entire life of faithfulness to the faithless Israelites whom Jehovah punished? The best revenge you can have on them, I think, is to do as you are doing- instructing the ones in your congregation as best you can and making available any and all "secret" information the WTS does not want the public to have.

    I too feel I wasted my life as a JW. I hope you can feel some sense of satisfaction in knowing the PDF file of KS10-E will be a help to all of us.

    I hope you can find some peace. I agree with all the fine comments everyone has been writing here.

    Thanks again Brother Johnson and ynot!!!

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