No one is going to Heaven (and my introduction to the forum)

by sobrino1 135 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    Welcome Sobrino, whatever your beliefs are.

    Welcome Sorbino .......I agree with OTWO. Very surprised to see some of the responses to your interesting view. Obviously you have some kind of Christian religious beliefs, but an atheist would probably have gotten a warmer welcome than you did. I was impressed with how you hung in there to defend yourself, instead of just leaving.

    Think About It

  • cantleave


    Yep you are right no is going to heaven. Ohhh! and no one is going to live forever on earth either.

    The bible is bunk and religion is a scam.

  • flipper

    SOBRINO1 - Welcome to the board ! Look forward to hearing more from you

  • 3Mozzies

    Welcome Sobrino1


  • ProdigalSon

    ALL the scriptures, especially Hebrews chapter 11 would make sense if we just look at them from the aspect of reincarnation...except for that other bogus verse in Hebrews about dying once and one judgment...there's no getting around the lying pen of the scribes on THAT one!

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    ok.What about all the other holy books, what do they say about heaven. Books and more books quoting writings of men.

    God to Adam...dust you are and to dust you shall return.

    Quoting books verses one's own personal expierence goes circular. He / She is puported to know this and that from this and that...on and on it goes...

  • sabastious

    Nice intro!

    "Hai guys! How ya doin? Have you ever thought about this? WELL YOU'RE WRONG!"

    ^ This reasoning sounds strikingly familiar.


  • ziddina
    (Dysfunction said...) " Frankly I do not want to go to heaven because there is no food, sex, or sleep. ..."

    Then Chalaam replied...

    Who said there is no food or sleep?
    Revelation 19:9 (New International Version) 9 "...Then the angel said to me, "Write: 'Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!' " ...

    Ooooo - kay, if there's gonna be a wedding feast, there sure as heck is gonna be a HONEYMOON!!!


  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    2 friends die the same time but both men lived very different lives.

    The first man went to Church every Sunday, Helped his fellow man when ever he could. A Fine Man Indeed.

    The Second Man was vile a Male Whore, he Drank everyday took Drugs was very Selfish.

    The first man finds himself in Heaven and thinks of his friend who is now in Hell.

    He calls down to his Old Buddy? Hey How are doing???

    The 2d man yells up AWESOME!!! Party with Satan Everynight... The Best Drugs you could ever think of and the Women OMG THE WOMEN! How are you doing up there?

    Well I make sure all the Heavens are in Order. I make sure the Sun rises and sets. Keep as much order as I can it's tuff work.

    The 2d man confused asks why all the work??

    I'M THE ONLY ONE UP HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • KW13

    Sobrino1 with all due respect, i think your longing desire to remain on earth and your attempts to prove that this is Biblically sound, is down to the Society. I honestly believe the idea of heaven either frightens you or at least doesn't feel right because for so long you believed you would never go there.

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