Broken Heart...

by brotherdan 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ding

    Black Sheep,

    Interesting, but might this only apply where both spouses are obedient Watchtower slaves?

  • Hope4Others

    I'm sorry you are going through such a bad time. Everyone has a different time frame when things hit them. She's just

    not ready yet. It was probably a year before I would listen to one point without being angry.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Interesting, but might this only apply where both spouses are obedient Watchtower slaves?

    Show us that in a WT publication, Ding.

  • ziddina

    Anyone heard from Brother Dan lately??? Hope he's contacted Flipper and Undercover...

  • Ding

    I don't have a specific quote in this context, but we know the principles by which the WTS requires JWs to govern their lives.

    In the world of the Watchtower, loyalty to God's organization supersedes all other earthly loyalties.

    The WTS even goes so far as to tell married JW couples what kind of sex they can and can't have with each other and that supersedes what both spouses might otherwise agree on.

    Marital confidences do not apply to violations of WTS directives; transgressions must be confessed to the elders.

    The WTS does teach husband headship even when the husband is not a JW and the wife is, but this doesn't extend to the husband requiring the wife to disobey the FDS, does it?

    For example, what is a JW wife supposed to do if her husband instructs her:

    1. To stop going out in field service?

    2. To stop attending meetings at the KH?

    3. To read "apostate literature" or discuss "apostate ideas" with him?

    4. To keep the kids away from the KH?

    5. To raise the kids in some other religion or with no religion?

    6. To let the kids celebrate birthdays and holidays or go trick or treating?

    My point is that since the wife's devotion to Jehovah must supersede her devotion to her husband and since devotion to Jehovah includes following all the teachings and commandments of the FDS organization, doesn't this language requiring the wife to be loyal to her husband in reality only apply where the husband allows the wife and kids to be faithful and obedient JWs in every respect?

    So, for example, if the wife's parents tell her to study the Watchtower with her children every night and the husband says no, which one would the WTS back?

    5. Not to bring the kids up as JWs?


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Absolute endangerment of spiritual life. A spouse may constantly try to make it impossible for the mate to pursue true worship or may even try to force that mate to break God’s commands in some way. In such a case, the threatened mate would have to decide whether the only way to “obey God as ruler rather than men” is to obtain a legal separation.—Acts 5:29. God's Love 2008

    That's about as close as you'll get.

    You know how Dubs recognise spiritual endangerment. They taught you that for your whole time 'in'.

    What you have to do is ask questions without setting off those triggers.

    If my dubs do get snarky, I often get out of it by asking something along the lines of, "How can I be the 'bad guy' when all I am doing is asking you how you support a doctrine your church would excommunicate me for not believing?" You have to put it on them to justify their bad behaviour, while not giving them any amunition to attack you.

  • Ding

    Sorry about the end of my previous message.

    Reformatting without adequate proofreading.

    I thought of another example.

    What is a JW wife supposed to do if her non-JW husband or wavering JW husband consents for one of the kids to have a blood transfusion, especially when all her JW relatives and the elders are telling her she has to protect her children from this gross violation of Jehovah's law?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    1. To stop going out in field service?

    2. To stop attending meetings at the KH?

    3. To read "apostate literature" or discuss "apostate ideas" with him?

    Especially don't do any of those. There is no need to and it's just starting a war.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    What is a JW wife supposed to do if her non-JW husband or wavering JW husband consents for one of the kids to have a blood transfusion, especially when all her JW relatives and the elders are telling her she has to protect her children from this gross violation of Jehovah's law?

    Because it it out of her hands, she is not responsible and guess what ??????????? She doesn't get to put her kid in a box.

  • Ding

    Has anyone actually faced some of these conflicts we're discussing?

    What have the elders instructed the wife to do in situations like these?

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