Broken Heart...

by brotherdan 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ding

    Do you think BD's wife is acting on advice from the elders?

    Hard for me to imagine a loyal JW not checking with them before taking this step.

    This situation should serve as a caution to all of us as we give advice to others on JWN as to how to handle various situations.

    You never know when some action or inaction might trigger something like this.

  • brotherdan

    She's not a loyal Jay Dub. That's what is so frustrating!!! She believes the doctrine because she doesn't know much about it. She just shruggs off all the other stuff she's SUPPOSED to do and how she's SUPPOSED to act. But she still is "IN" because it's her identity and how she was raised. And she REFUSES to see any other side of the issue. She knows that she would loose her family if she left. Not that she's ever said any of that, but it's my own deduction. Most of her friends have left the org too. And she refuses to talk to them anymore.

  • laverite

    Brother Dan,

    I feel so sad over this. All because of a cult. I can't help but cry.

    Hugs to you and your family!


  • brotherdan

    Thanks buddy, that means more than you know.

  • Atman

    Sorry for your troubles broD, it's got to be a real heartache for you for sure. JW's are sure a *ucked up bunch with what they do to families. Stupid cult!

    I wonder if it's been just as hard for you to keep up the pretence and the hope that somehow you'll get through to her? That can be a real drain on a relationship, your health and serenity. I hope you find the peace you deserve soon.

    Just wanted to let you know there really is light at the end of the tunnel, even if it's a different light you'll adjust, you'll make the best of it I'm sure.

    Peace, out.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    My sympathies.

  • littlebird

    Sorry Dan, its reverse in our marriage. Its tough, but so our we. In my prayers, brother.

  • Mary

    I'm so sorry to hear this and OMG it sounds so familiar. Do you think there's any chance you could get her to see the light and then do 'the fade' with you?

  • yknot

    that is her indoctrination talking.....

    Reach out to her with something like this:

    .... 'I am sorry, I love you more than I can express...I can't lose you, you and son are my life' I will try to be a JW, I am just so lost right now after learning somethings. I wish I hadn't acted as I did, I should have asked for your help instead of trying to discern things alone and then selfishly expecting you to see things I did...... Maybe I was wrong, maybe I am right .... I don't know and if it means losing you I don't care, there is nothing without my family.

    I know I have to ' make sure all things' but obviously it can be done alone, I have already relied on my own discernment and look at the pain I have caused! Ours has always been a journey together please help me. please don't leave, don't let my emotional rashness ruin all the good that is us.

    if she take the bait..... use only the WTS publications (most are online)

    Continued prayers

  • ziddina
    "She's not a loyal Jay Dub. That's what is so frustrating!!! She believes the doctrine because she doesn't know much about it. She just shruggs off all the other stuff she's SUPPOSED to do and how she's SUPPOSED to act. But she still is "IN" because it's her identity and how she was raised. And she REFUSES to see any other side of the issue. ..."

    Oh, man...

    She just shruggs off all the other stuff she's SUPPOSED to do and how she's SUPPOSED to act.

    This is quite possibly the WORST idea I've EVER come up with, BrotherDan, but...

    Can you get her disfellowshipped???

    Sometimes that's the eye-opener... Seeing how quickly those "Loving™ " brothers and sisters turn on her when she's no longer obedient to the Gov.Bod, might wake her up...

    Just a thought - and quite possibly a bad one...


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