I Believe Full Disclosure Is Moving Forward

by metatron 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Anyone who deeply believes in a "free press" is very naive in my opinion. For example, consider how stories about scandal suddenly appear out of nowhere after candidates actually start running. I am also aware of how surprizing revelations appear in European newspapers about figures in the US - while little or nothing is reported in the American press.

    There are some amazing revelations that you won't learn about in high school history books. Such as:

    There once was a serious high level plot to overthrow the President and replace him with a fascist government, ( FDR, Congressional Hearings involving Gen. Smedley Butler)

    A President once exposed himself to foreign press to make a point ( Johnson - and his 'johnson')

    A US President had clear signs of developing dementia - and the press failed to report it (Reagan)

    and much more..

    In this vein, I have long heard promises that the US government would one day admit that UFO's are real. This is similar to promises about Armageddon - except that disclosure WILL happen eventually. However, recent events have ended my skepticism that this denial will go on indefinitely. There are just too many 'coincidences' in the past year and they appear to be accelerating.

    More stories about life on Mars

    More stories about finding distant solar systems and planets

    Recent stories (CNN!) that UFO's have interfered with nuclear weapons

    Recent stories about UFO's openly observed and being bothersome in China

    Opening confidential national files in Britain and many other nations

    This: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100929/sc_afp/usastronomyplanet_20100929210707

    Vatican official comments that ET's would be no big deal

    Possible appointment of a UN ambassador to ET's (!!)

    This looks like a step by step move towards a general admission that ET's are real and that the government knows a lot more than it admits. I think this gradualism is preparing the public against panic. It also is likely that it is connected to the decline of US influence in the world.

    Some of you skeptics may not believe this but I have little doubt that 'ET's are real' would be the official, announced position of China, India and France ( among other!) if American public opinion - and its 'side effects' were not an obstacle. Other nations are just not as inhibited about it as the US is.


  • leavingwt

    Produce a body.

  • metatron

    Is Jimmy Hoffa still alive, then?

    If they had a body and knew that the public would panic, do you really think that body would ever surface? Or be allowed to be seen? The think tank Brookings report forecast a collapse of our culture if disclosure happens.

    One of the leading figures in the Roswell incident was noncommital during his life. He left behind an affidavit to be read after his death explicitly stating the whole thing - aliens, bodies, etc - was true. I didn't see any media coverage of this revelation.

    There are continuing reports of elderly Army men with terminal illnesses making statements about ET's - because they are now free from reprisal.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Metatron, for this information as well as for stating your viewpoint.


  • flipper

    METATRON- I listen to lots of alternative news sites on the web, radio, etc. I would like to see full disclosure about U.F.O.'s - I believe they exist as I have seen 2 in my time - however I feel the U.S. government is NOT honest and upfront at all with the general public - they've been attempting to hide this thing since 1947 , or since the Roswell incident. Something's definitely going on- they know it - but don't want the American public to know it. I agree with you though- in time it will snowball enough where they can't hide it anymore. I hope that day is coming soon. But they've tried covering up tons of other $hit before - they may still try harder with this too

  • Gregor

    Who killed Vince Foster?

  • beksbks

    The Wall Street Journal

  • ProdigalSon

    Metatron... great post!

    I think Hillary had Vince Foster killed because they were having an affair and he was blackmailing her....

    ...but anyway, about UFO's and disclosure, this is the best video I've seen yet...

    UFO Contact - Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer


    ...and a few more articles about disclosure here...


  • simon17

    Meh... and of all the thousands of people that have known this vital secret, how have they been able to keep that under wraps? Why would they? Something with that widescale of an implication would find a way to get out IMO. As the people who know about it are getting old and gray and fading, and with all the millions of people out there looking to pick up a story and run with it, and all the ways to get things broadcast on the internet, it would find a way out. And I seriously doubt the whole world is keeping their lips zipped because they're worried that the Americans might flip out if they announced ETs are real.

    I just don't buy the grand conspiracy.

    Also, if ETs are ON EARTH for the past... hundred or more years, they're not going to be bothered zipping around Shanghai airport to confuse people with twinkling lights. If an ET were here in THIS solar system, then either this plant would be hostily taken over long ago OR we'd have learned something from being with near light speed transportation and not be wasting our time with oil! I dont think they'd be here for kicks to confuse people with an "unexplained" light show here or there.

  • leavingwt

    Christopher Hitchens: 'That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.'

    The personal revelations of hundreds are of no value to me.

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