Christians: Do you believe Jesus is the only way?

by sabastious 209 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento

    Jesus died for the whole world, not just for those that beleived in him and followed him.

    There is a reason why only God and jesus will judge come the ressurection, because they KNOW.

    All will have the chance to know the Father through Jesus, in this life for some and in the next for the rest, the choice will be, as always theirs.

    Matthew 25 gives a hint of things that Jesus views as worthy.

    Not all will have the chance to know Jesus and some will no a false Jesus and be scarred, they will have a second chance, all will know the Lord and then...ah then...:)

    Jesus is THE way because we can't know God except through Jesus, as the term son of man exemplifies one the is "man", the son of God exemplifies the one that is God.

    For those that find Jesus while alive, there is a special "life after death" before the "life after the life after death", for those that don't accept or are introduced to Jesus while alive there is the hope at ressurection.

    There is grace for all andhope for all for there is love for all.

  • sabastious

    Syl, why are you using a paraphrased Bible to prove points?


  • sabastious
    Matthew 25 gives a hint of things that Jesus views as worthy.

    I should be so appreciative of this "hint" shouldn't I?


  • sabastious
    For those that find Jesus while alive, there is a special "life after death" before the "life after the life after death", for those that don't accept or are introduced to Jesus while alive there is the hope at ressurection.

    How can you type this with a straight face?

    Convoluted mess, imo.


  • brotherdan

    I must interject here for a moment. Sab, the argument that you bring up is a valid one (i.e. Why must all choose YOUR God when many do not have the opportunity to choose him).

    Look at this from a different perspective however. Christians say that you must accept Jesus. Muslims and Islam (radical and non-radical) say that all those that do not follow Muhammad's teachings are "infidels". In fact the Qu'ran is ONLY holy when it is read in Arabic. Atheists believe that they are right and all those that have a spiritual belief (i.e god, universal energy, etc...) are wrong and they are living as ignorant unthinking people.

    Basically everyone thinks they are right and that everyone else is wrong. We will all see what is real and what is not when we die, Jesus comes, a Jihad overtakes Christianity and the west, the sun supernovas, or whatever else we predict.

    I TRULY feel this way: We can be certain of very little. Those that are certain and have unquestionable faith in something can't have TRUE knowledge. That applies (IMO) to Christians to Muslims to Atheists. Does an atheist KNOW what happens after death and that there is not a supreme being waiting there afterwards? He CANNOT know.

    The reality is that we all have to learn and use logic, emotions, faith, and whatever we have at our disposal to try and figure out what we believe. But we should all be open to other ideas. And that is what I am struggling with every day.

  • sabastious

    What you say rings true in my original point, and how I live my life in general.

    All mainstream religions think this way. The fact that Syl and PSSac don't want to see their beliefs for what they truly are, as spiritual and religious intolerence is exactly why I feel compelled to speak out.

    I believe that subtle implications, of belief systems, have profound impact on the believers and on the world around us.

    Mainstream religion has a responsibility to teach it's members to stay away from Us vs Them beliefs and concepts. If that means disregarding something Jesus said so be it, he would want you to do it and probably didn't even say it to begin with.

    If spiritual intolerence can be done away with our species can start to progress and tackle the real problems that face our way of life.

    Christians and all other members of intolerant belief systems must realize the truth about what they believe and how it is affecting the WORLD, and it's future.

    It is in their hands, it is in their minds where this change must take place. No one can force them to look into their systems critically, so the only offense is information.


  • Ding

    LV101, I'm sending you a PM regarding your post in this thread, so please check your mailbox.

    In response to the thread's question.

    1. I personally believe that Scripture.

    2. Jesus also said that the road is broad that leads to destruction and that the road to life is small and that few find it (Matthew 7:13-14). In view of the fact that Revelation 19:1 describes a great crowd, I interpret Jesus' words to mean many that RELATIVELY few find the way to God in comparison to all the people in the history of the world.

    3. I realize that Jesus' words are very offensive. I would like to believe that everyone will find their way to God. If you believe that or if you want to believe there are many different paths to God, you are free to do so, but please recognize that you are at odds with Jesus on that issue.

    4. I realize that many on this forum have cast aside the Bible along with the Watchtower and have concluded that the whole thing is a bunch of unreliable religious nonsense. Again, you have every right to believe what you choose, but for those who still trust the Bible, I think we have to take Jesus' hard sayings with all the others and accept or reject him on his terms rather than trying to rewrite him into the person we want him to be.

  • sabastious
    but for those who still trust the Bible...

    Can you explain by what you mean when someone "still trusts the Bible"?


  • leavingwt
    Does an atheist KNOW what happens after death and that there is not a supreme being waiting there afterwards? He CANNOT know.

    Are believers and non-believers on an equal footing on this topic, in your opinion? Or, does the Christin KNOW, because the Bible or Jesus told them so?

  • brotherdan

    I think all humans are on equal ground on this topic, LWT. I guess that's a bit different than the song I was singing a month ago, huh?

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