Pastor to burn Koran

by beksbks 265 Replies latest social current

  • ex-witness

    I think this is indicative of the mental degradation that occurs with the saddling of one's mind with abstract concepts like "God loves you, but don't screw the pooch or you'll burn forever, but he loves you" "God sent his ONLY son to earth as a ransom for you, which he paid to himself because he is the one that imposed the need for a ransom" and my favorite "Even if you never get to know of god, you'll be destroyed along with the pedophiles, rapists, and murderers". Fun stuff.

    P.S. Their website has taken a tactical retreat, I'm sure, since the instigation of this conflagration due to the untold virtual-reams of hate mail I'm sure they have received. (Anyone have a working link? Send me a message :) )

    Never let it be said that Texas has the monopoly on moronic bible-thumpers (Although our SBOE is pretty ridiculous.)

  • skeeter1

    Apparently, the Pastor cancelled the Koran burning when an Iman told him several times that the Ground Zero mosque would be moved. Problem is that this was done in a secret meeting, and now the Iman is recanting his story just saying that the Pastor would meet with the NYC Iman.

    Did the local Muslim practice some "theocratic lying"? Or, is the Pastor lying?


    p.s. The national debt of the US government topped $13.4 trillion. That's $13,000,000,000,000! That's the equivalent of 13 football fields stacked with $100 bills 12 feet high. That's $43,000 per citizen and $121,000 per every taxpayer. We are in deep debt, folks. This is where we need to be focused, not on these two distractions.

  • beksbks

    Skeeter, if this idiot and his bigotry and ignorance causes even on American life to be lost, it is most certainly where we should be focused. Not to mention undoing the delicate and important work that our soldiers and diplomats have been trying to do.

  • BurnTheShips
    p.s. The national debt of the US government topped $13.4 trillion. That's $13,000,000,000,000! That's the equivalent of 13 football fields stacked with $100 bills 12 feet high. That's $43,000 per citizen and $121,000 per every taxpayer. We are in deep debt, folks. This is where we need to be focused, not on these two distractions.

    Ask not for whom the bell tolls.

    It tolls for thee.


  • flipper

    This Pastor is dummer than any rock . If he's allowed to do this he jeopardizes thousands of soldiers in Afghanistan, Iraq and anywhere else they are serving. I agree with the 1st pg. posters- the guy is a self serving self grandisizing pompous a-hole. Lots of them running around in this country and around the world. They need to be locked up and the key thrown away. ( Preferably with duct tape over their mouths ) Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • purplesofa

    This whole thing reminds me of the movie called Mad City.

    The media is nuttier than the nuts they report on.


  • beksbks

    There have been plenty of stupid stories out there about nutbags. But at the moment, the nutbags are being supported by mainstream right wing leaders and talkers. They are nurturing this crap (like they did the last time they were out of power, though to a far greater extent this time). If we hadn't just had the massive idiocy in New York, and all those right wing hopefuls weren't producing ads, this guy would be nothing. Now it's worldwide.

    This is pure politics, and the Republicans are fueling it. Period. It's disgusting.

  • BurnTheShips
    There have been plenty of stupid stories out there about nutbags. But at the moment, the nutbags are being supported by mainstream right wing leaders and talkers.

    You mean like the AlGorified environazi that stormed the Discovery Channel? Or do you mean the Communist that flew his plane into the IRS building? Or are you referring to the Black Panthers that set up shot in front of a polling place? Please do tell.


  • beksbks


  • leavingwt

    Oliver Willis, progressive. . .

    Ideally, the Obama administration would have maintained radio silence over the planned Koran burning by an obscure Florida clergyman nobody ever gave a crap about. This kind of thing happens all the time, with some penny ante kook looking to make a name for him or herself. Generally the modus operandi is to ignore these fringe actors because they simply don’t matter.

    In this case, President Obama was asked a direct question about this guy, and he should have just said he wasn’t going to comment on an individual nutjob like this (using more diplomatic language, of course). Instead, Obama commented on the koran burning and the possible danger to troops in the field. He shouldn’t have even gone there, but those comments are nothing compared to what followed.

    Most modern governments, particularly the United States government, has a policy of not negotiating or even acknowledging the random, nonsensical demands of the crazies. In doing so, you deprive them and other crazies of oxygen and incentive. It’s also just common sense.

    But in following the pattern they laid down with the whole Breitbart/Sherrod mess, this administration again gave oxygen to crazies and made their administration – and by default, the country, look weak. First was Robert Gibbs acknowledging that the administration might reach out to this idiot in Florida.

    And now we learn that the Secretary Of Defense called this man. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Robert Gates is the Secretary of Defense. He is in charge of the most powerful army on the face of the earth. His job is assessing the threats that face us and our allies on an hourly basis. His job is not calling up homegrown radicals to chat about their publicity stunts!

    The argument that this somehow protects the troops is bunk. In fact, it probably makes them less safe, because every kook around the world now at least thinks he can get the ear of the U.S. Secretary of Defense or higher up the rank. If it’s an honest to goodness terrorist with hostages, will Vice President Biden call him up to shoot the breeze? This is a terrible, terrible precedent to set. You don’t do this.

    This is amateur hour stuff. This is the kind of thing that gives Republican/conservative attacks some factual basis to be rooted in, and more importantly it projects terrible weakness. Leave interactions with the freakshows across the country (and the world) to the experts in cable news. Deal with running the country and getting us out of the hole we’re in. Don’t send the Secretary Of Defense off to kiss the hind end of some jackass in Florida. Quit wetting the bed.

    Quit it.

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