How did you choose your screenname for

by Voices 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • exwhyzee

    Ex why zee,
     It's easy as 1-2-3,
     As simple as Doe Ray Mi.
     Ex why zee,
     Baby it's you and me ! 
  • Podobear

    My profession and because I like to think of myself as cuddly (with a bit of attitude, occasionally)


  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    The name I originally wanted was already taken.

    Then I remembered that many people on this site kept suggesting reading the book Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. The title of that book really made me think of how I had been feeling and how I still feel inside. I wanted to pick a name that expressed that and this was it.

    Much to my surprise, no one had taken the name already. So I went with it.


  • freedomisntfree

    my name reflects how I felt about the whole leaving process and still do to some degree but freedom is worth its dues

  • Hadit

    I've had it with this organization - its lack of love, lies, mind control and misogynistic men.


    I'd been reading a thread on the generation whilst lurking and always been told that 100 years after 1914 would make it history. When it comes and goes I'll be opening the bubbly and tipping my hat to the world that has survived.


  • Heartofaboy

    Because 'foolishness is tied up in the heart of a boy'.................and was I foolish to listen to the babel coming out of the JW HQ when I was a boy!


  • coffee_black

    I love coffee and I drink it black.


  • chickpea

    before i realized i was "fading" (certainly
    before i even knew such a concept was actually
    formally named) circumstances in my life found
    me involved in a community of adult survivors of
    childhood sexual abuse, facing the very real
    situation of executing an "operation" of removing
    a young woman from current jeopardy, helping
    her to move 900 miles away from her perp and
    setting her up to finish her degree program and
    launch a career in the health care field....

    she used to call me chickpea

    it all helped me realize that my life was being
    wasted in the doomsday cult of the b0rg

  • naughtygirl

    I've been always a black sheep in my JW family, I'm the first one "bad" in 3 generations and have heard many times from my parents I'm a naughty girl. so there we go, I'm naughtygirl on JW board.

    Like they say, the naughtiest ones are the pastors daughters, well I'm PO's daughter. ;p

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