All the accusations- and no SHOCKING!

by theMadJW 334 Replies latest jw friends

  • chrisjoel

    Wrong, Chris: I read the same book, saw bad examples, and have seen silly opinions the WTBS has- but that does NOT affect my faith in Jah & Christ- as it sounds like it has YOURS...

    You are being silly Mad JW. Because the fact of the matter is : That is was inculcated into my brain , stamped into my life that Jehovah and Jesus ONLY work through the Watchtower Society. Over time it got so that you could reason JEH and Jesus and the Society WERE ONE AND THE SAME as nonsensical as that might sound.

    But lets go your route.

    You find things that are silly opinions and it doesnt affect your "faith" doesnt that just show you have a strong tendency or leaning to believe in something and your world would fall apart without faith.

    I am happy being agnostic because I dont know the answer to how we got here with 100% accuracy. If i was to believe in Genesis I would have to do lots of imagination stretching which you dont seem to mind doing.


    MadJW`s Drivers Licence Photo..

    ............................. ...OUTLAW

  • sabastious

    A good thing for EVERY religionist out there to do is take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself these questions:

    "What do I have invested in my choice of religion? How important are those investments to me? What would my faith look like if those investments were lost?"

    Once you truly answer these questions will you find out how much your faith alone really means to you.


  • bez

    madjw, wot are you doin even looking at this site???? ITS WRONG AND A DISFELLOWSHIPPING OFFENSE... NAUGHTY YOU!

  • wasblind

    " MadJW does not accept the WTS as being 100% correct "

    i think all the apologist on here feel that something is wrong with the WTS, thats why they are here,

    they are not trying to convince anyone but themselves.

  • Terry

    Jehovah directs His earthly organization by means of Holy Spirit. How do you square that with a continual, unvarying scoreboard of losses on prophetic predictions?

    I can see making "human error" once or twice and then getting on the right side of Jehovah's direction from heaven.

    But, time after time after time the Governing Body and Faithful and Discreet Slave has fallen into the hubris of false reasoning and misleading folly which have heaped ridicule, scorn and embarrassment upon Jehovah's name.

    How do you excuse that?

    You state:

    Does our "Organization" make mistakes- as, you GUESSED it, all do?


    By "all" you can only mean all false religion.

  • Essan

    MadJW, I see you constantly making claims, but never providing evidence.

    Whereas from other posters in their threads I see them providing reams of hard evidence for their claims.

    You're just hot air.

    You're like a one line Billboard Advert for the JW's.

    And your attacks on JWN are just as empty. You are exactly what your thread titlle says:

    "All the accusations and no substance"

  • thetrueone

    thetrueone, do you believe that those men didn't have good intentions and were merely seekers of power?

    They had intentions and an overt responsiblity to the publishing company whom they were the executive officers of.

    What they could exploit and manipulate from the bible they did, then professed that it was all spiritual food/information

    from god, all at the same time denouncing other religious faiths as evil and false ( Whore of Babylon )

    Rutherford especially was a power playing opportunist whom up lifted his own personal stature of himself when he

    grab ahold of the President position from simply being a lawyer representing the corporation's financial assets.

    Who really is the whore ?

  • wasblind

    Following the so called faithful and discreet is like following the directions from a malfunctioning GPS

  • sabastious

    thetrueone, I think Rutherford was a sick (in the head) man. I think he actually thought he was a -psuedo-messianic figure and that what came out of his mouth had direct ties to Jehovah's Purpose.

    Read some of his books (if you have not already) he was very well-intentioned, just delusional. I believe he REALLY believed that he was a chosen man commissioned for the greatest accomplishment in human history to date.


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