Sept.15th WT - WT Society uses Guilt & Fear to Avoid Friendship & Internet

by flipper 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leprechaun

    What can you expect from the permissive WT society, when they cater to the extreme immoral left wing radical elements; just look at how the GB is fully cloaked in their holiness and piety. It makes me nauseous. Does anyone have any Paregoric?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    ok fine, the congregation is not to function as a social club. My social life will stay out of your religion as long as your religion stays out of my social life. That means the crazy old guys in NY can stop worrying about who I socialize with, interact with, work with, sleep with, and the list goes on.

  • GLTirebiter
    Or you would have a " potluck picnic " with about 30 to 40 people getting to know one another to draw close as friends outside the confines of the Kingdom Hall?

    So, they really want to ban those few activities where the UBM can meet members of the congregation in a non-threatening, friendly environment? Sharing some food, tossing a ball around with the kids, just talking: all these things build the human ties that let the outsider see witnesses as something besides an unwanted Saturday morning wake-up call. If it weren't for those afternoons in the park, Superbowl parties, etc. I probably would have as little regard for the individual witnesses as I do for the Watchtower organization as a whole. Knowing them as persons lets me relate to them as persons on their own merits, instead of seeing them only as cogs in the WT machine. Hmm, perhaps that's their point?

    The Christian congregation was founded, NOT TO FUNCTION AS A SOCIAL CLUB

    Another false dichotomy. It's possible to do both, while keeping the priorities in order. It's not an either/or choice.

    Meeting in private homes, breaking bread together: first century Christians were a poor example by WT standards!

  • cantleave

    This quality advice from the Faithful and Discreet Slave class, written to benefit Jehovah's sheeplike, true Christian people, will sadly be ignored.

    Two of 20 something year old dubby's I work with are bigger socialites than I ever was when I was thier age. There seem to be parties most weekends, even assemblies and conventions are punctuated with social events.

    I never really hear, these young guys speaking about "spiritual" activities at all - if they read this and feel that someone is trying to control them from afar, I feel there is hope for them.

  • clarity

    Great subject Flipper - thanks for posting it. In the few short weeks on here, for me this one really takes the Cake! The comments are fabulous! Agonus your words on pg3 .......".....they're seeing the face of Ray .... Jesus."

    So Rod McKuen, my absolute favorite poet!


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    When I was a kid, we had lots of get-togethers as a congregation and knew people all over the circuit through dances, skating parties, etc. But there were problems with 'wrongdoing' or some were offended by this or that. In order to fix those problems, they didn't try reasoning or love or reasonableness, they just ended it all. Compared to when I was a young JW, now there is nothing to do socially. I used to be friends with all the other kids in the Hall. Now the kids know each other, but have little in common, and are always suspicious that others are 'bad association'. Invitations to dinner were frequent and everybody knew where everybody else lived. Now there are only cliques. None of the elders or servants would qualify as "hospitable", unless you define that as speaking to some people at the Kingdumb Haul.

    There is often the "we should..." get a group for softball, have a cook-out, whatever. But it rarely materializes. Motivation just isn't there. The meetings are such a downer that spending time with other JWs is just a further extension and reminder of that downer-ness. Sure, I can have some lively conversations with JW friends and have a good time, I can have an equally lively conversation with a non-JW without feeling that they will judge me badly if I'm not "just so".

  • Soldier77

    Year text for 2011: (Thanks Baltar447!)

    "The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"

    Now if I only had a scripture to go along with that....

  • WingCommander

    Actually, I've been using that slogan for a few years now. "The Beatings Will Continue Until Moral Improves." It's been my JW theme for quite some time, and apparently the Writing Department agrees!!!

    Beat the shit out of the sheep until they stop going "baaaaaaaah".

    When I was a kid, I actually used to envy the kids when they talked about the fun activities they did in Sunday School, or talked about their Vacation Bible School, or Living Word activities, or Boy Scouts, whatever. They were so much more socially and spiritually well-rounded than I was; I was a highly intelligent yet introverted and isolated loner who was shy and had few friends. Some spiritual paradise, huh?

    - Wing Commander

  • Soldier77

    LMFAO WingCommander lol....

    Beat the shit out of the sheep until they stop going "baaaaaaaah".

    That is priceless!

    Oh and I've heard the beatings will continue for a while too, but I had to state it for next years text.

  • Pistoff

    Nice Dr Strangelove reference, Agonus

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