Fill In The Blank: Jehovah's Witnesses Are The ------------- People On Earth!

by minimus 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Intrusive of others' rights to make personal-preference decisions.

  • minimus


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I do not like to jump into these debates because they upset me so much, but BroDan you are defending the JW's slamming Outlaw saying we are being too judgmental of the poor mislead JW"s. The last meeting I went to four weeks ago all I heard was slamming the Catholics and other religions in the CO's talk, saying how much better we are then any other religion out there. Slamming the priests in the Catholic religion for being pedophiles while sitting in the audience was a man who likes to have little girls suck his you know what and none of the parents are allowed to know this man looves little girls.

    You think those of us on the board are judgmental go back to just one meeting and you will know what being judgmental is, as the JW's are king of it. And yes Outlaw makes really good points as do the others. Try being hurt, truly hurt, try being molested as a child and no one believes you, try being told you have to accept child rapist as "brothers" and you will no why some of us here like to joke like this.

    Also ask a Catholic the next time you met one if they slam us like we do them and they will tell you no. So who is being judgmental???????????????? THE JW"S


  • minimus

    I think Brother Dan has left the building.

  • flipper

    " Jehovah's Witnesses are the most MIND CONTROLLED people on earth. " Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • Hadit

    Oh my! Quite the debate going on here. I actually thought that this fill in the blank was filling in a perspective about what we thought of OURSELF as a JW - not bad mouthing JW's. We all come from there and thus have our thoughts on how we were and how they can be as a group. These opinions are not coming from outsiders that judge another group - it is coming from our personal experiences and we have sustained a lot of hurt and a lot of damage. I think there is a big difference. But that's just my opinion.

    Scully: I'm so sorry for your pain. That experience is horrific and disgusting! Everyone should be ashamed of themselves for treating you that way.

    Coming from my own perspective I would say: The most depressed, the most fearful and the most mind controlled.

  • clarity

    Do we get a second try? Ok then, two-faced. We were trained to be that way. That's why it hurts so much to be in it!

  • villabolo

    Brother Dan says:

    That's not the harshest thing I've wanted to say to Outlaw after reading some of his posts. There's the golden rule for you. If I was acting like such a douche, I would hope someone else would tell me.

    Brother Dan. What you said in the above quote contains the justification for Minimus and company to pose and respond to the question on this thread.

    Like you in reference to Outlaw, what many here are saying about the JWs isn't even "the harshest thing" they wanted to say.

    It's all about the rule of treating others as they have treated you (Yes I know that's not quite the Golden Rule). The Jehovah's Witness Organization/individuals have spent their lives vomiting venomous vitriol on the faces of everyone and anyone who is, . . . who is . . . who is simply not one of them. They deserve to have it thrown back at them.

    Finally, as for you hoping that someone would tell you that you're acting like a whatever, that is exactly what the people on this thread are doing to the Witnesses. Telling them that they have been acting like a douche.


  • villabolo
  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    ..... the ALMOST totally stuffed.....

    Only surpassed by those individuals or groups who feel that they have some, perhaps 'god given?' responsibility to "let's help get them out using love, compassion, and understanding".

    Perhaps I have a feeble mind ( I hope that is not leaving me vulnerable to snide remarks), but boy, did that ever crack me up.

    You may as well treat jws as the worthless shit that they are, for anybody who is still a jw in this day and age, well and truly deserves to be. Any desire to change must be kindled from within the individual, not by some bleeding heart 'white crusader' on a self deluded mission.

    Brotherdan. Your name says it all.

    Cheeses. More compassionate than you could imagine.

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