How to respond to "Whoelse is preaching the good news worldwide?"

by EndofMysteries 83 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wannabefree

    Debator said: The ethopian eunuch was quoting from Isaiah but still needed Philip to be sent to preach to and teach him.

    Teach him what? About Jesus. The ethiopian was a Jewish proselyte, he was reading prophecy, Philip taught him that it was fulfilled in Christ. He didn't have a methodical study with him out of a new uninspired publication and then have him start sharing it door to door with others and then go over 100+ questions to make sure he understood the peculiar teachings so he could get baptized.

  • debator

    Hi guys

    I'm sorry I did not mean to throw this into a immortality of the soul debate, I used that only as an example although can we now discuss the multiple meanings in the Bible usage of the word proskuneo?

    Hi Isaac

    Bible preaching work is defined by how it is done in the Bible which is person to person from Jesus to his apostles and the sermon of the mount, to sending his apostles out to preach in towns in pairs. To philip running alongside the Ethopians chariot. you are right they allow for preaching to happen in allsorts of situations from towns, marketplaces, prisons, hillsides, roadways, boats etc. But in EVERY case the it is a Person preaching explaining and using God's word and message.

  • isaacaustin

    And he never saw his teacher again! Why must a JW continually be in touch with the org for salvation when this Ethiopian eunuch obviously didn't.?

  • PSacramento
    Bible preaching work is defined by how it is done in the Bible which is person to person from Jesus to his apostles and the sermon of the mount, to sending his apostles out to preach in towns in pairs. To philip running alongside the Ethopians chariot. you are right they allow for preaching to happen in allsorts of situations from towns, marketplaces, prisons, hillsides, roadways, boats etc. But in EVERY case the it is a Person preaching explaining and using God's word and message.

    Typical preaching was done in the synagouges, public markets and in the personal "home churchs" of believers.

    Philip explained how the prohecies related to Jesus and the Eunuch was touched by the HS and accepted Jesus as Christ and was, at THAT moment, baptized.

    Philip then left because the HS woudl be the one directing the Ethiopian, just liek Jesus said in the Gospel of John.

  • isaacaustin

    and the eunuch did not have to jump thru hoops to get bapt. It was in a matter of maybe hours.

  • debator

    Hi wannabe

    The bible only tells us how the Eunuch Got contacted and philips preaching, then his baptism. You are then jumping to conclusions because the bible says no more on it. As to whether the eunoch joined a congregation etc. You are speculating on absence of evidence either way. he didn't see philip again and it stops there.

    But then we have Paul and the other establishing congregations elders etc do you ignore this?

    Also the Christians then were a New united People they didn't have to deal with a divisioned Christianity split right down to the very God they serve with a multiplicity of doctrines out there. although this is predicted.

    Galatians 1:6-8 (New International Version)

    6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! Obviously this then goes to people on here saying Jehovah's witnesses don't have the correct Gospel and I myself among other Jehovah's witnesses saying they do it's trinitarians that don't. This is then just a difference of opinion. Do I think mormons have the correct Gospel? No Do I think trinitarians have the correct Gospel? No But that is what each of us have to personally decide upon.

  • EndofMysteries

    The ethiopian snippet can have a very DIFFERENT meaning.....

    James 1:5 - "If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep on asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching; and it will be given him. But let him keep on asking in FAITH, NOT DOUBTING AT ALL, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about. INFACT....Let NOT that man suppose that he will RECEIVE ANYTHING from Jehovah. "

    Now, back to the ethiopian snippet, he had ZERO faith he could understand the prophecy without A MAN showing him! So....he was given 'milk'. That's why Paul asks when those in the congregation will stop being babes and take on whole spiritual food.

    The GB twists that whole experience, to keep everyone on their milk for their whole lives. To never take personal responsibility for serving God, to excersise their own conscious and to make the truth their own, to prove for themselves if they will serve God as an adult, or if they will be as reckless kids who go crazy without the firm controlling rule of a human parent.

    Ever notice how those in the WT, who had super strict parents, went crazy the day they hit 18 because they were not allowed to grow up? Same thing within the WT. Instead of going to the bible, on 'conscious' matters, it's lets see if it's in the WT, if not, then I can do it.

  • isaacaustin

    And how did congs operate debator? Certainly not under a centralized GB, as the Wt asserts. JWs preach another gospel, having corrupted the simplicity of Christ.

  • EndofMysteries

    To add to last comment........preaching IS needed, but should be to get a 'foundation', to PLANT THE SEED, then let GOD water it. All scriptures in the bible show that HE instructs, HE sets path straight. Plant the seed, get them started, but don't enslave them.

  • debator

    Why are you proof texting with the Ethopian Eunoch? When we also have the rest of the Greek scriptures to draw to fully understand how preaching and baptism worked?

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