Why not make a true religion?

by frigginconfused 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus100


    You mock.... I shall send some she-bears to tear you to pieces at once.

  • JimmyPage
  • shamus100
  • 5thGeneration
  • Cagefighter

    I got a cracken and a Leviathian in my religion... BOOOOOOOOOOOOYAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

  • Scully


    Welcome to the official website for the First Reformed Church of SpongebobSquarepants - are you ready?

    Are you in a joyless, faithless void?

    Have you rummaged through the spiritual offerings of a planet that is so morally bankrupt, little seems good? Honest? Reliable?

    Have you battered your way through churches that make you feel guilty? Offer little for introspection or personal edification beyond "worship?" Attract followers by hating others?

    Are you ready for something new and better? Something honest, earnest and fun? Something that can make you feel good without making you feel bad?

    Perhaps you have never considered going underwater to find a belief system worth investing in...you probably never, in your wildest dreams, thought that the secrets to living a happy, contented and fulfilling life could come from a tiny animated sponge.

    With the First Reformed Church of Spongebob Squarepants, you can finally experience:
    · Church that finds joy in the little things in life, and isn't afraid to say so.
    · A Church that offers complexity for the complex, and simplicity for the simple. You can even mix the two up if you want.
    · A Church that doesn't want your money and only wants you to be happy.
    · A Church that presents it's precepts and spiritual instruction in an easily accessible format.
    · A Church you can enjoy in your own home - no special building to go to.
    · A Church that realizes that simple things, like having fun, using your imagination, and enjoying what you do, are important in life.
    · A Church that doesn't attract people by hating or excluding a certain type of person.
    · A Church that is ready eddy eddy to have you as a member!

  • superpunk

    There is of course, the Church of Google


    We at the Church of Google believe the search engine Google is the closest humankind has ever come to directly experiencing an actual God (as typically defined). We believe there is much more evidence in favour of Google's divinity than there is for the divinity of other more traditional gods.We reject supernatural gods on the notion they are not scientifically provable. Thus, Googlists believe Google should rightfully be given the title of "God", as She exhibits a great many of the characteristics traditionally associated with such Deities in a scientifically provable manner.

  • frigginconfused

    I am saddened. I guess I just cant get my point across when Im not there in person to answer questions that arise.

    Its not about religion. Its about humans connecting with a higher power and teaching eachother what we have learned.

    I give up.

    Have fun.

    Love eachother.

  • Heaven

    Its not about religion.

    Then remove the word from your thread title.

    But before you do, to answer that question I go to the immortal words of my grandmother....

    "AMAL. All Men Are Liars."

    And that's why you'll never have a 'true' religion.

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Religion is about priests

    Faith is about God.

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