From Pioneer to Professor: My Story

by laverite 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    LaVerite, you have a PM.

    To get it, go to the little envelope symbol in the upper-right hand corner of the screen and click on it.

    You will see the subject lines of yor PMs. Select one and click on it.

    After the click, you will get an error message.

    Hit the "back" button and click on the subject line a second time, and the PM will open.

    Lather, rinse, repeat. Continue until all your hair is gone.

  • BabaYaga

    Great story! Hello and welcome!


  • SlipnSlide

    Laverite, I really enjoyed your story. I took courage to get your education. My name can be added to this list because I have lived it. I'm just a couple years older than you so I can relate how JW's and the GB frowned on higher education. I just gather that they wanted everyone to be stuck on stupid. How would one be able to take care of themselves and their families without futhering your education. I really resented it. I went to school years later because a high school education does not cut it anymore. There are so many things that happened to me while being a JW. I tried to make nice, but those JUDGEMENTAL folks won't let you. I've had to "check" several" dubs and a few elders. I am really strong willed and I guess they did not like that. Instead, I got ignored and I don't give a shit. It's not like I needed them anyway. I still suffer with depression trying to cope with the after effects of 30 + years as a JW. I no longer go to the meetings and I don't intend on going to the DC this year. I really admire you for telling your story. I am in the process of DA myself the the near future. Thank you.

  • palmtree67

    Wow, I'm sorry I missed this before.

    You are an amazing individual.

    Thank you for trusting us with your story. xxoox


  • bobld

    Not that long ago the WBTS had a story in the Awake about a person"from Professor to Pioneer" I suppose they will not publish your story,


  • BizzyBee

    Thanks for a heartwarming story. My hope for you is to enjoy the life that you have worked hard to create and never look back.


    Where was I, when this post was 'posted'? Obviously, no where near this forum.

    Re-reading it for the third time; I really did not know what to make of it. To squelch the doubt, I have to acknowledge what I have read.

    Much of it: resonated or mirrored my younger Jehovah's Witness lifestyle.

    Take it as I see it and find comparisons that truly resonated within myself.

    La Verite - as a Canadian who has studied francais, yes, I truly understand your username and why you have used it.

    Thanks for your story. I will delve deeper here to read more of YOUR experiences/personal posts here.

    Respectfully yours,

  • Lozhasleft

    I've only just seen this for the first time today...what a powerful and inspiring story. Wow. Well done to you LaVerite and congratulations on your fine achievements. Your family are so wrong to lose you but hey we all understand the problems dont we...its disgraceful. And Welcome by the way.

    Loz x

  • Quandry

    Somehow I missed your first post, also. Welcome to the forum.

    Stories like yours inspire everyone. Thank you for sharing. You stated that you teach Psychology. I'll bet it helps you to better understand the "draw" people have to JWs!

    I was "in" for over thirty years. I am back in college at 58. Hope the brain cells hold out a little bit longer. I am seeking a degree in History, and right now I am taking Abnormal Psychology. I find it very interesting, to say the least! My daughter is also out. She is 22 and is a Biology major minoring in Psychology. We are taking the same class right now, and sharing the book. THAT gets hard, sometimes.

    Look forward to more of your posts.

  • cabasilas


    I've also sent a PM. Thanks again for such an inspiring story!

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