Lies, lies, lies being fed to the to American public.... ie: Gulf Spill

by restrangled 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Restrangled, I suggest you listen to the Presidents comments from the Rose Garden on............Friday I believe it was. He specifically mentions new arrangements for the MMS, permit and oversight departments. Don't forget, we just had 8 years of Big Oil men in the White House.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    The U.S. Government needs to step in and take over this clusterf*ck. BP has proven to be slow, unsure and incompetent to deal with this crisis. The Gov. can get the best & brightest on this ASAP to resolve it and send BP the bill.

    Think About It

  • restrangled

    For the latest info on the "tube insert" which failed this morning......of course we weren't told about this....its at NOLA.Com/News

    They are trying again....


    PS> The best and brightest are on top of this but no one is listening..... Government jobs and careers are at stake!

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    They don't allow just anyone to go ahead and drill out there.

    uh yeah they do. "anyone" can be anyone. It doesn't have to be joe schmoe off the neighborhood block. It can also be joe schmoe who hides behind a corporate name and title.

    B.P. is extremely safety oriented - maybe a little too extreme.

    uh i don't think so. Having rules and regulations down on paper is completely different than the execution of those regulations and rules.

    Many of these corporations are run by crooked greedy people who do not care about the people or planet beyond what they see in their lifetime and bank accounts...... remind you of anyone?

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    Restrangled, as long as you are using oil based energy and products, you are part of the problem. Funny how people rail against Big Oil and then make their lives comfy with..... OIL!

  • restrangled

    I Can't edit at this point but meant to say 70,000 barrels per day not per hour.

    Beks, I think Obama may need some better help. I know that he can't possibly keep up with everything personally. MMS is one of the most corrupt agencies in the Federal Governemnt. Most are still there or have become Oil Lobbyists since the Bush Admin.

    The entire agency needs a good cleaning and the top guns called to task before the American Tax Payers.


  • restrangled

    Mad dog..... how is it that you know how I live? Any differently than anyone else? Do you know how much I recycle, how I always make the trip (1 Mile) by the way to the grocery store with at least one other person needing groceries?

    That I don't buy bottled water, am on a Septic System, keep all lights turned off during the day, and my air conditioning at 78 at all times. That I have all energy star appliances.

    I try to use very little energy and oil based products.

    And by the way,.... my use has nothing to do with BP's Spill in the Gulf and the waste and lies going on.

  • beksbks

    Mad Dawg read the history of transportation in this country. Every time progress is made in the right direction, big oil, big coal, big auto, big rubber have come in and wiped it out one way or another. With the help of Republicans and some Democrats.

  • shamus100

    Addressing BP.....are you kidding? you think as an intelligent human being I am going to buy the statement that B.P. is extremely safety oriented?

    NO DICE, and you know it! I'm sorry to say this Shamus, but I now believe you are Monkey for the Oil industry.

    Now I should say that I live in a different country than you do. In my experience, BP is ridiculously stringent on safety standards, etc. I can't say what it's like in the gulf, so take my story with a grain of salt, I guess. My question to you is how do you know that B.P. isn't safety oriented? How in the loop are you? Or are you all just going off news stories gobbling it up like some on this board do. (I'm asking, not insinuating) You are a monkey for the oil industry, love. We all are - unless you don't heat your home, turn on a light bulb, buy anything, or drive anywhere. After all, your government let them drill out there, therefore it's your responsibility to ensure they clean it up. As far as I'm concerned, fuck B.P.
  • restrangled

    Shamus, Thanks to G.W. Bush, Cheney, etc, BP and others were let on the loose. Given permits to drill with a wink, wink and a promise to be good.

    Thats why OBama was so angry and mentioned MMS being cozy with with big oil. They were given leases at the drop of a hat, and that agency of our Government were caught partying big time with the Oil companies. Receiving goodies, including, booze, prostitutes etc.

    Testing of their equipment was virtually ignored, and even now it's come to light, that the people who are suppose to be over seeing their testing turn a blind eye.....or don't even bother to show up.

    Limits and restrictions set on BP in other countries are non existant here. Don't forget Dick Cheney ran Haliburton until he became the Vice President. After that, Haliburton managed to get every possible contract available with the government, oil, the wars, name it. Cheney actually had closed door private meetings with the oil companies with no one allowed in or notes to be taken while he was V.P. of the United States.

    Hence our present situtation.....


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