WOW!!! Just found out from someone who went to the one day assembly....

by Lady Liberty 76 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JWoods
    You can't argue with logic like that. Never mind that he wasted his entire life erroneously believing the end was near.

    But, you see - he was of the same generation as these 18-year olds that are being warned they should not marry like him...according to current light.

    Also of the same generation of C.T.Russell, too - so the end is coming quickly and NOBODY should get married.

  • Dagney

    Man these guys are nuts!!! But, I'm happy they are and hopefully people will think about what they are saying and it will spark some independent thinking.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    But, you see - he was of the same generation as these 18-year olds that are being warned they should not marry like him...according to current light.

    Amazing how much time you can buy for yourself with such a liberal definition of the word.

  • Heaven

    Then they used a elderly 70 year old man who said that when he was young he was discouraged from going to college because the end was SO CLOSE...they said..."if it was close then..IMAGINE how close it must be NOW?????"

    Wow... you just can't fix stupid.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    They are re-cyling old material for the new ones who have no idea. In the 33 years that I served, I have heard and given those same kind of talks before.

    Lady, who is proof reading the outline? Don't tape the talks, where are the talks coming from? Aren't they coming from the slave? Aren't some of the talks taped themselves?

    Double speak is their major in English.

    Blueblades Married 42 years and going strong with my wife, 65 and 70 years of age. We didn't listen to them back then. We have two beautiful sons in their 30"s and we are all out.


  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Sounds like Eunice and her boyfriend from the Children's book come to life again. I think they should be very old or dead by now.


  • leavingwt

    I was once in a congregation that was very anti-family, anti-kids. It disgusted me.

  • thetrueone

    I wonder if this has something to do with a decrease in the amount of people sighing up for

    Bethel Gilead and taking on positions in the full time ministry ?

    Maybe in their new location there is more room for more Gilead students that needs filling.

    More full time ministers always creates productivity and expansion.

  • serenitynow!

    "Man these guys are nuts!!! But, I'm happy they are and hopefully people will think about what they are saying and it will spark some independent thinking."

    I agree, but they have always said crazy things. I always wonder how people stayed in when they became aware of "miracle wheat" and then Beth Sarim. Off of those things alone, CTR and Rutherford look like the villiage idiots. When I read about Beth Sarim recently, I was like, "what!" That was the most bizarre thing to me. I was so embarrassed. I never knew about these things when I was in though. Maybe it takes taking a step back and viewing the religion with a critical eye to really be able to see the insanity.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    You know its really sad..but by the same will really rub ALOT of people the wrong way...ESPECIALLY the young people, and hopefully they will rebell against the system and WAKE UP!! If they don't, then what do they have to look forward to?? Afterall..when a young person hits 16,17..they are on the hunt for a marriage partner because that is "just what you do" in the organization!

    After you graduate from High School..that is it!! You cannot look forward to college, and cannot even look forward to finding your soul mate and starting a family!! So what do these poor kids have to look forward to?? NOTHING!!!

    There are going to be alot of depressed, angry and confused young people!! I feel so bad for them!! Think about their options...if they leave, they face the same thing as you and I have faced...being ostrasized from everyone you know and love!! I hope they will find refuge in this site and realize it's nothing more then a money hungry, self serving CULT!

    WOW..I guess I needed to vent..LOL!!


    Lady Liberty

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