Newbie: Roll Call ---- Oldies Returning: Roll Call

by cameo-d 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • Krettnawe

    With all that in mind I still dont beleive it is appropriate for me to bash a religion that has helped me to become a better man, a better husband, a better father, and has introduced me to the most important relationship I have ever had. I was missing something I couldnt put a finger on before the JW came to my door. I now know that something was a spiritual longing that I had been searching for but never could find.

    I would never have set foot in a church had it not been for the JW. Too many wait for ones to come to them instead of GOING and making disciples like teh JW do. JW are fishers of men while too may others are simply keepers of aquariums.

    However, JW are another religion just like all the others. They are more closed and controlling than others (some are too liberal), taught to be xenophobic , but in general a collection of folks that are nice people trying to find thier way and thier place in this confusion we call life.

    I also beleive that focusing on what happens in the next life, the new system, or the life we live after the Big A prevents us from seeing the expression of Jehovah GOD all around us, and the beauty he imparts to all of us. Sometimes that focus prevents us from being thankfull for what he has given us today.

    That was patched together so hope it makes sense.

  • Lozhasleft

    Thank you for the welcome ...I will post a link to my introduction story at the end of this post...

    I left the org in 2006/7 after a cruel disfellowshipping...its taken me til a few weeks ago to come and nosey around online without feeling evil for doing it...I'm glad I have...I'm strong enough now to deal with what I'm finding and learning....

    I love this forum ...the stories and experiences and expressions of sorrow and grief break my heart ...the ex elders revelations make my stomach churn...but I so needed to hear it all.

    The responses to my posting here, have included more loving kindness than I received in the KH and from those who should have shown it, for a very long time.

    I have a wonderful happy life now- but this past most of us share is such a part of who I am today - and I'm very happy and honoured to meet you all.

    Loz x

  • yesidid

    Welcome all.

    Great thread, so many excellent posts.

    I must say wannabefree and Krettnawe your posts really resonated with me. Good thoughts well put.


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Hi everyone..

    I guess I am an "oldie". I just drop in from time to time to see what's going on...lots of newbies here..but I guess the truth be told, there are always are.

    Let's see I have been just getting on with my life. Happier now then I ever have been, and have finally reached the "peace" I so desired when I was first discovering all the things about the organization. I am no longer obsessed with research, although I always like to learn new things. I know enough to have a good conscience and feel at peace with my Creator.

    It's great to see all the newbies as well as the same old oldies...still helping everyone along..:)


    Lady Liberty

  • wannabefree

    Thanks for the welcome. I feel the love people! Seriously, for a bunch of people that I have tried to convince myself over the years to avoid because of your terrible wickedness ... hmmm, I guess you really ain't that bad ;)

  • Doubting_Tomas

    I was a Lurker -- Now a New Poster hahaha

  • Scott77

    "We ignore and ignore the very premise of Christianity: LOVE. JW's judge people

    and are by far and away the worst gossips/slanderers I've ever encountered."


    Hi daringhart13 ,

    What you said above is true also to my experiences. Its one of the other reasons why I left the borg.

    I could not believe it when I caught the elders and MS spreading slander about me. It hurt me so much.

    Look, you yourself was a former elder and now is sharing us the experiences. It adds credibility that this

    kind of thing takes places and is common in dubbyland.

    Now that you are out or on way to complete fading, please investigate possible study opportunities for adults

    returning bck to college. Good luck.


  • readyornot

    This thread is a keeper. I need to come back to this site, especially after seeing my still in family. It helps to remember 'why' they are willfully obtuse. Hearing all these stories is like a warm hug.

    You are not alone

  • lisavegas420

    Pretty amazing how many new people and returning people on this one thread. I would bet there are twice as many that are still lurking and not yet ready to post.



  • Caligula1


    Keep us posted.

    All newbies


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