What's your plans on the JW Memorial night?

by dissed 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Oh crap, that's tonight? I have to work. I'm sure Jesus will be pissed that I'm not showing up AGAIN.

  • superpunk

    I'm gonna be watching Lost.

    I hate that show so much, but I'm trapped now. I've got to see it through. That's why I can't go to the memorial.

  • fokyc

    Of course Sister fokyc will be going; I think I might use the telephone connection and just listen to the rubbish with a glass of decent wine and some tasty biscuits with cheese.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I had a bad night last night.... not sure why it is being so hard for me? I know it is all crap and i don't believe! but this is my 1st no go Memeorial I have not gone to any meedings in over a year and 1/2 but I went last years Memorial. not that ANYONE asked me to go and don't think anyone will ask if I went... I know i am making the reight decision!!! anyone else have such a problem

  • crapola

    Found Sheep, I'm having the same problems that you are. I got on here just now feeling very depressed and wondering if anyone else felt the same way and yours was the first post I read. This will also be my first one to miss and even though I know it's the right thing for me, I hate hurting my mom and sister. But I can't go just for them. What good would that do? I dreamed last night that I was on the verge of being disfellowshipped. And I don't know exactly what brought this on unless it is because of tonight. But at any rate I'm not going and will be working and hope that this night is over soon. Good luck to you.

  • snowbird


    I know the feeling.

    My little daughter is going, but I can't.


  • superpunk

    Found Sheep and crapola - a little (ok....a lot) bit of red wine and crackers could make this night one of the best memorials ever.

    I'm just sayin'.

    If you don't feel like sitting home see if any bars or cafe's nearby are having open-mic nights. Tuesday's are a pretty common night for that. Sit around and drink beer or coffee for a few hours and maybe actually see someone with a little talent. Sweet deal.

  • crapola

    Thanks Sylvia and superpunk, I hope I don't cry all day. I think I'll open that wine a little bit early!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I'm going to get some red wine...

  • EverAStudent

    Snowbird and others, I don't mean to belittle your emotions in any way, in fact, it makes me feel terrible that you all are hurting like this. But, would it help you to attend a "Christian" ceremony? Many churches, particularly Baptist churches, have "communion" on Easter Sunday, and a few on Passover evening. At those churches you can even drink the grape juice and eat the cracker, or not, your preference.

    For my own family and friends, each year I host a Seder (Jewish-style Passover) celebration followed by a full meal. During the Seder we explain how all the elements that Moses commanded the Jews to include in the celebration are symbols of Jesus as the Messiah. Perhaps attending something like that would also help?

    Again, this is not intended as judgmental or snotty. Just posing possible things to help you get over the emotional hump of feeling like you are missing out.

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