Challenge to board:I know the one problem with JW's & Christians in one word.Do You?

by chapstick 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Weeping

    Wernicke's Aphasia.

    Individuals with Wernicke's Aphasia are able to produce sounds, phrases, and word sequences. While these utterances have the same rhythm as normal speech, they are not language because no information is conveyed.

  • Mythbuster

    Did god just say the "a" word?

  • HintOfLime


    Who knew?

    - Lime

  • reslight2

    What does the nickname Jehovah have to do with the Trinity? Actually the original name for God was EL. The Jehovah's Witnesses are just quirky Christians.

    There is only one "holy name" of God in the Bible, and it is the name that he had from the very beginning. "EL" is not his name; "EL" (meanging, strength, might) is a generic word that is used of other persons and things as well as a title for the Creator, Yahweh (Jehovah).

    Can anyone here tell me where the Trinity can be found in the Bible (specificly)? It Is there you know.

    Look as one may, one will not find anywhere in the Bible anything about a triune God. THINK!!! What do the scriptures say, and what is being imagined in the spriit of human imagination, assumed, added to and read into what the scriptures say? The Creator God is immediately distinguished in Genesis 1:2 as one person, and He is continously presented as one person, and not once as more than one person, all the way through the Bible. In the expression, "spirit of God," does the word God (Elohim) mean three persons? Many trinitarians claim that ELOHIM, being a plural form (actually a plural intensive form), means "persons," and thus allege that "God" as rendered from ELOHIM is speaking of all three of their alleged persons of their alleged triune God, while at the same they most often claim that "spirit" in Genesis 1:2 is referring to their alleged third person of the trinity. Does the narrative present "God" as three persons, or one person? If "God" means, "God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit", this would mean then, "the spirit of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit." In effect, according to this line of reasoning, the third person of the alleged trinity belongs to all three persons of the alleged trinity, including belonging to the alleged third person of the alleged trinity. Most trinitarians point to Genesis 1:2 as evidence of the third person of their triune God, claiming that the word "spirit" there refers to that alleged person of the their alleged triune God, without realizing the self-contradiction such an assumption brings upon the scripture.

    The story of the Trinity is right there in the Garden of Eden also.

    There is no story of a triune God in the Garden of Eden, or anywhere else in the Bible.

    Also, anyone who says that Russell wasn't a Mason doesn't know what a Mason is. He was a Mason. Why would anyone not want to be a Mason?

    Anyone who thinks Russell was a member of the Freemasons organization is totally blind, or nearly so, to what Russell taught and believed. It is downright ludricrous to think that Russell spent most of his life preaching a message contrary to, and which would actually be sabotaging, what he is supposed to have believed in. The tens of thousands of printed pages that have been produced from his works attest that he was not a member of the Freemasons.

  • chapstick

    Outlaw Said:

    God is 62 years old?..


    Do you have any Credit Cards?..


    No, I'm not 62 years old. Jesus is. I am eternity old. I don't need credit cards but I do play with playing cards. I Am the 7 of hearts with a Jack of clubs no aces and a bunch of diamonds. Satan is the Joker and I'm holding him too. I'm gonna bury him with one of my spades after I play with him for a while.


    I (John Chapman) was born in 1948
    No, I'm not 62 years old. Jesus is. I am eternity old.....God/Chappy

    God isn`t supposed to lie..He belongs to a union..He can be fined..

    Satan can Lie..It`s in his contract..

    Satan can Lie,he lives in a nice Condo and gets 2 weeks vacation..You must be Satan..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • chapstick

    God isn`t supposed to lie..He belongs to a union..He can be fined..

    Satan can Lie..It`s in his contract..

    Satan can Lie,he lives in a nice Condo and gets 2 weeks vacation..You must be Satan..

    I'm President of the Union. Sure I can be fined. People say I'm a Fine God every day. I wrote that little turd satans contract. He lies around all day scaring the crap out of gullable people. His condo doesn't even have air conditioning.

    As for Charlie Russell, what about Masonic ideas were in conflict with what he taught and believed? Charlie knew who the cornerstone that Jesus spoke of was. He wanted to have the pyramid over his grave turned upside down as it was meant to be, but he didn't know anyone who could mount it on its tip with the bottom side up. If you take a US dollar bill and look at the pyramid; then turn the bill over the real meaning of the Trinity becomes evident. The "cornerstone" wasn't St. Peter (per Catholicism) and it wasn't Jesus (per Protistantism). The "stone", when turned upside down shows the All Seeing Eye. I leave it up to the observer to determine who the eye belongs to. This "problem" is the basis for all of the differences within Christianity. This "problem" is the origin of the Trinitarian doctrine, ie the Trinity. Just ask any theologan worth his or her salt and they will tell you that the Trinity is the core difference between Christian religions. Even JW's know this.

    Some of you may wonder what God wants in all of this. I just want my Son finally taken down from that damn piece of wood Hes been kept on for 2000 years and give Him a little peace. Everyone keeps praying for Him to "save" themselves or someone else. He gave His life for you. Treat Him with respect. Treat Him like a Man. All I want is just a very small amount of recognition and the stopping of the use of silly nicknames for Me.



  • Heaven

    My choice is.... mislead.

  • chapstick

    Heaven said: My chioce is - Mislead

    Sorry, Heaven. I don't understand When you say mislead. Does the lead sound like the lead in your pencil or like the lead in "I'm going to lead someone to town.

    Words are Mis-Leading. So, did your choice of words mean you have been mis-led or that you are going to mis-leed or do you think that Iam mis-led or I am mis-leedingyou?

    Sorry for the mis understanding;

    God is a Man

  • ziddina

    God is a "man" [mankind's idea...], and Chapstick's probably a troll....

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