Latest Sarah Palin Speech Opens Sixth Seal

by elder-schmelder 64 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • shamus100

    And that is why his record deficits do not matter - at any day now he will just miraculously multiply the loaves and fishes and turn the waters into wine.

    Oh, I don't care. This is nothing more than voting for a turd or a douche debate.

    Don't vote Obama back in. I don't care. Just don't vote Palin in - surely there's someone better to represent the party is all I'm saying.

  • journey-on

    Talk about geographically challenged. Palin has nothing on Obama!!!

  • BurnTheShips

    In the Obama Navy, you are a Corpse Man.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "First - Yes, in fact there are many on the left who absolutely HATE Sarah Palin. That is obvious from all the personal attacks."

    Actually, I think liberals LOVE Sarah Palin. She has become the ultimate "strawman" for every attack on anything Republican. Of the staunch Republicans I know, they all rally behind her like she's the Messiah.

    Conversely, Republicans respond by attacking Obama.

    Sadly, it all goes nowhere, the parties are polarized, and nothing gets done or solved. I'm disappointed with both parties. It's seems like they are both owned by "special interests" underneath it all.

  • cantleave

    the parties are polarized, and nothing gets done or solved. I'm disappointed with both parties. It's seems like they are both owned by "special interests" underneath it all.

    Billy I thought you were talking about Labour and the Conservatives here in the UK.

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