Latest Sarah Palin Speech Opens Sixth Seal

by elder-schmelder 64 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    It's the only way...a good old spring or two new ones can not handle the overload.

    OVERLOADING THE SYSTEM may be what the Obama presidency is all about in bringing about a radical change from Capitalism to

    a more "Socially Fair" system.

    The economy is certainly about to go under.

  • shamus100

    That does not mean that an "ordinary" person cannot hold public office and be successful. Public office is not the same thing as being a doctor, a trial judge, or an airline pilot.

    It's very rare that a person can hold public office without any training whatsoever. That person must have a modicum of common-sense, something that this specimen is obviously lacking (I believe even dogs know it).

    She is, without a doubt, the joke of the 21st century, period.

    I think your party could come up with anything better than that um, politician.

  • shamus100

    And when all else fails, people will switch it over to Obama to deflect this simple fact.

  • JWoods

    It is very easy to call people who you disagree with politically "stupid", "a joke", "uneducated" and so forth.

    This seems to be a common tactic of the left.

    Ordinary Americans are growing tired of it.

  • Terry
    She(Sarah Palin) is, without a doubt, the joke of the 21st century, period.

    Hmmm. I guess that means the people who admire her and think she has something valuable to offer to public service aren't as smart as you are.

    Why aren't they? What is your advantage in seeing truth the others lack?

  • daniel-p

    There is no such thing as an ordinary leader. Ordinary people are corrupted by their power. I'm surprised, Terry, that with your intelligence you would not recognize this.

  • beksbks
    This seems to be a common tactic of the left.

    Uhh huhhh. Hypocrisy, a common affliction of those on the right.

    Shamus is Canadian by the way.

  • shamus100


    The only thing I disagree with Paulin is her ineptitude, nothing more. She would do very well at other work other than public office. She is rather uneducated for her position, and factually, she is a joke in the rest of the world.

    What else can I say to political opponents who get their opinions from Fox News and the Daily Show.

  • shamus100


    You don't want to hear my answer.

    See my last sentence posted above on how I view it. It's like watching school-children calling each others names in the schoolyard.

  • BizzyBee

    Sorry, guys, I don't see where I identified only professional politicians as being qualified to lead, or said that common sense is not desirable. I'm saying that there is more to being a leader than common sense, in fact even moreso in a technology-driven global economy. Are you misunderstanding on purpose? Or re-wording it to change my meaning?

    I identified leadship qualities that I think are important:

    I think it is important that the POTUS have a thorough grounding in history - American and World.

    I think it is important that the POTUS have an understanding of modern technology.

    I think it is important that the POTUS have a depth of knowledge about government and law.

    I think it is important that the POTUS have an exemplary ability to communicate, both speaking and listening.

    I think it is important that the POTUS continues to be curious about the world around him/her.

    And I don't care if he/she comes from DC, academia, medicine or sells hats for a living, like Harry S. Truman, who did not graduate college. Truman was an autodidact; he loved to read, especially history. And common snese was his hallmark. He is ranked between 5th and 9th on presidential polls.

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