My Republican Friends

by JimmyPage 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    What do you want defended exactly, ATJ? He speaks on a wide range of topics, some defensible and perhaps others not so very much.

  • BizzyBee

    Um, people, my quote came from a conservative blog. Jus' sayin'.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Journey-on, he is an agitator. His rhetoric against everything not conservative is divisive. He has a right to it, thankfully, he really is in a minority.

    Still, if that is the conservatism one espouses, I would have a problem with it, for what thats worth.

    To use an understatement of the decade, he is not a reasonable pundit.

  • BizzyBee

    It is hilarious how conservatives defend right-wing radio, yet none of them will lay claim to listening to Limbaugh! Where the hell does he get his ratings from? I've never known anyone here actually cop to listening to the man. Well, except me.

  • journey-on

    ATJ, I don't know what other think of Rush. I don't listen to him that often because his style annoys me. When he is talking about something of interest to me or something I want to look into further, I can get past his personality and listen with an open ear. But, you have to remember that he is just that...a personality. An intelligent person will get past that and listen to the substance and throw out his bloviating opinion part. People that blow him off completely are rigid close-minded liberals and just throw the baby out with the bathwater, imo.

  • journey-on

    Bizzy, lots of liberals listen to Rush. They like the "rush" they get from their angry gutteral reaction. It's like pill popping for them.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Journey on, I think you are being too kind. There are many other conservatives who make the same points without his intent. His intent, other then making himself rich, is to pander to a particular kind of conservatism that is neither pragmatic or accomodating of others, not even moderate Republicans.

    In any case, it is up to each person to choose who they listen to. (obviously) But Rush deserves the criticism he gets, every bit, imo.

  • Farkel


    :Journey-on, he is an agitator.

    Yep. I wonder what word King George III used for Thomas Jefferson when he first read his newly delivered copy of the Declaration of Independence?

    I'll bet it was far more pejorative than just "agitator!" What's wrong with agitator, anyway, if the agitation is backed with facts?

    I used to listen to Rush all the time and still hear him about 5 or 6 hours a year. He's TOO much of a Republican for me, though. I'm an independent, not a Party idealogue.


  • AllTimeJeff

    Farkel, I know you are an independent thinker, but did you seriously compare Jefferson to Limbaugh?

    I never said that Limbaugh didn't have the right to his opinions. It's just that the intellect behind them likely comes from a mole on his @$$.

    Have you heard his racist comments concerning Obama and the Haiti earthquake this week? Yup, the 2nd coming of Jefferson alright.

  • journey-on

    I haven't listed to him lately. What were his racist comments about Haiti?

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