Theotis French & Ray Franz's Disfellowshipping

by snowbird 193 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ninja

    high pish....but it works

  • purplesofa

    When I was DF for fornication(20 yrs ago) there was a black man on my JC.

    To this day his comments are the only ones I remember.

    I never gave a moments thought that he was on my JC to further humiliate me because he was black and I was white.

    Sisser purps, you wuz jees ripe for the pickin.........ripe for the pickins.

    I guess I should have been further ticked off because he was a black man that had a different way of expressing himself.......and in that black lingo sort of way too.

    And I was a more educated white woman.

    But, it never entered my mind until today.

    His last name was DinWiddie, btw.


  • bennyk

    And "MAYBE" Fred Franz intended for Ray to feel humiliated that he was being "offed" by the "Other Sheep." (contrast Deut. 17:15b)

    No; I don't buy your idea, Sylvia.

  • yesidid


    Your whole premise is sooooooooooooo insulting to Ray Franz.

    It seems to me you could very easily be projecting your thoughts on to him.

    As Min said: I am embarrased for you.


  • purplesofa

    this is one of the most threads on this site.\

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I was incorrect. Fred Franz did come from Covington, KY. As for Ray Franz, I'm not yet certain.

    I apologize for my error. I stand behind all my previous and upcoming statements that are not incorrect. Collect 'em all!

    I still don't feel that Ray would have felt humiliated to have a black man as head of his disfellowshipping, even if Ray's deranged uncle Fredthought it would be humiliating. Ray already knew the WTB&TS wasn't "the Troothâ„¢". Ray was a mature man at the time, not a teenager. He knew what he was up against, because he had been part of the machine.

    This was like being thrown out of the Moron's Club.

    As for my dragging Andy Taylor, Opie, Aunt Bea and the other denizens of Mayberry into this discussion, no harm was intended, and indeed, no imaginary characters were harmed in the making of my comments.

    Actually, I rather like Andy Griffith. I have often said he was the incarnation of the down home buddha nature. Barney is the acolyte and Andy is the zen master.

    "Show me your original face, Barney; the one you had before you were born." -- KoKyuDosaSensho.

  • NvrKssdNObutt

    I totally understand syva's point. You damn yankees will never understand such things

    and it is minimus's nature to minimize things or else he would not be a minimus would he?

  • snowbird

    OK, I had no access to a computer over the weekend.

    The purpose of this thread is not to insult Ray Franz.

    Rather, it is to show the diabolical nature of the Watchtower. I salute and give thanks to those who grasp my motive.

    It is not about me, my upbringing, or my current state of mind.

    I stated at the outset that I had a hunch that the selection of Ray Franz's JC was to deepen his humiliation - at least in the eyes of his Pharisee-like uncle.

    I have lived in the Deep South all my life. I've seen and heard things about which most of you have only read! There is a code of conduct between Blacks and Whites - what's acceptable/not acceptable - that goes back hundreds of years. Do you seriously think, given his insidious genius, that Fred Franz was immune to, or beyond exploiting, such mores?

    Thanks to all for reading.


  • bennyk

    Disclaimer: I have lived in Wisconsin the past 20 years.

    Ray doesn't treat other races as inferior. However, assuming he did...

    I incline to the belief that it is not more humiliating to be insulted by one's social inferior, but less humiliating -- because the insult can be dismissed quite easily on that basis alone.

  • snowbird
    Ray doesn't treat other races as inferior. However, assuming he did...

    For the final blasted time, this thread isn't about how Ray Franz feels about other races!!!

    Dammit, doesn't anybody bother to read???

    It's about my belief that someone in Brooklyn felt that having a BLACK MAN chair Ray's JC would further his humiliation.

    I believe that "someone" to be Fred Franz. His Southern background and obvious animosity toward and contempt for his nephew fit well into this scenario.


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