Through a Darkened Pane

by compound complex 730 Replies latest social entertainment

  • ziddina

    CoCo, love the last two paragraphs - nice how you've worked your current bout with the flu into it... The tattered lace curtains - nice touch, too.

    About the 'ins and outs' - I don't have a clue - just submitted cartoon strips, not books; but my 'style' is to barge in without looking and blunder around until I figure things out...

    Will keep you posted - don't have much that I could PM, but maybe I can find my rejection letters - if I kept the file, since I decided cartooning wasn't for me - at this point in time, anyway... If I can find rejection letters I will post them - IN PUBLIC (Gasp!!) - here..


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Yes, Ziddina, I understand the "barging-in" technique. The information online regarding proper procedure and writers' etiquette is lost on me. My perspective: "You like me or you don't ... let's skip the formalities and get down to the business of ..."

    Thanks for the encouragement to continue forging ahead. I recall in the old Evolution book the Society said that a dictionary cannot result from an explosion in a printing factory.

    I don't agree.


  • creativhoney

    ah its like my imagination. I always expect to see a head peering at me through the window. grinning, manaically..

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear creativehoney ...

    It's no longer your imagination!

    The manaical leer is here ... present ... just for you!

    Sweet dreams,


  • creativhoney

    sheesh. sometimes they are in the toilet if I lift the lid, or in the fridge, or maybe a dismembered corpse in the bathtub.. though I haven't seen them much lately..

  • musky

    O.k. I am going to go through the house and close all the window shades now.

  • ziddina

    CoCo!! I FOUNDTHEM!!! Do you want me to post them here - or start a new thread under "Friends" (or whatever category would be most fitting) for the rejection letters???



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Why not here, Zid?!?!?

    That would be in keeping with the subject - the mean old publisher, chomping on his cigar, hands clasped tightly behind his back, and ... peering ... peering through a darkened pane!


    PS: be careful out there, Musky!

  • ziddina

    O-KAY!! (But to be honest, none of these were mean...) BTW, these are dated around 1998 [wow, more years ago than I thought...], so some of these publishers may not be in business anymore...

    Oh, FIRST of all, here's MY cover letter!!!

    Dear [Sirs/Ms],

    Enclosed are 4 weeks of my new comic strip called "Feisty". The main character, Cyndi, is a young single woman living on her own. She has a feisty, mischievous personality, and a steely determination to march to her own drummer's beat. Cyndi has a good friend, Jenna, who introduces the first strip. With these two characters, I use humor to present a new and slightly warped twist on various subjects. Unlike so many "feminine" strips on the market today, this one has teeth!

    Television provides much material. Some TV commercials simply beg to be spoofed, like the "Special K" ad with men sitting at a bar complaining about the size of their thighs, and asking, "Do these pants make my butt look big?" Now, that's a cartoon waiting to happen!

    The romantic fairy tale mentality will be answered with "Cyndi-rella"! Subjects like pushy relatives, stupid beer commercials, and wacko drivers also provide good targets. The "Weather Channel" and "X Files" are fertile ground for humor. Being a devotee of science fiction ever since I discovered my first "Galaxy Reader", I grew up with a delicious sense of the wild and weird. Many of my own experiences have also gone into this strip.

    I've always been determined to walk my own trail. This bold attitude is what I want to convey to the readers. Don't let the 'big, bad world' out there scare you. There are ways around almost every obstacle.

    I'm sure this strip would be a popular, lucrative addition to your syndicate. Please contact me at the above address and phone number... [gee, if i'd only remembered to sign it...]

    [After reading this over, I am surprised anyone actually LOOKED at the strip... ]

    Aaaand, here's one of the letters:

    From: The Artists and Writers Syndicate, P.O. Box 60688 Washington D.C. Hmmm... Do you guys want names and addresses?? Or just the rejection?

    Here 'tis:

    Dear Mr. Spear ... or is it Ms?

    Thanks for letting us see "Feisty" [the name I assigned to my strip...]. We'll pass, but we wish you luck elsewhere.


    Helpful hint: Might be good to sign letter....

    (I was so excited and in such a hurry that I forgot to sign my cover letters...

    Dang. I am opening myself up to public humiliation - wait, that was what I did ten years ago... The ol' JW-mentality strait-jacket is slipping off!


  • musky

    Zid, I hope you keep trying. CoCo can be quite an inspiration.

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