I am SO PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need to Vent!!

by Lady Liberty 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    PERRY- Why don't you stop your passive/aggressive bull$hit and stop using this thread as a forum for your own evangelical purposes trying to hijack the real purpose of this thread which Lady Liberty intended ? Which was : She was showing HOW AWFUL and disfunctional the shunning of her OWN DAUGHTER was by her OWN GRANDMOTHER !

    Your statement to All Time Jeff is beyond ridiculous : " Most of the positions on this lengthy thread boils down to one position, shunners are bad, not " normal " , people that deserve to be punished , and have dishonor shoveled in their face. " If that is not TYPICAL black and white cult like reasoning - I don't know WHAT is ! It IS NOT " normal " behavior to shun 15 year old grandaughters . It IS dysfunctional and any attempt by you to justify accepting that behavior by the grandmother is just plain ignorant. This grandmother is not " normal " in ANY stretch of the imagination ! She is " cult mind controlled " to shun her flesh and blood grandaughter . It IS inhumane.

    You stated : " We can choose to be like them or be like Jesus in dealing with this. " Oh yeah ? So you think because you are an " enlightened " Christian you have an accurate handle on HOW Jesus would handle this ? May I remind you in the scriptures HOW ANGRY Jesus got towards the money changers throwing them out of the temple and turning over the tables ? Jesus expressed GREAT anger towards the religious hypocrites the Pharisees by denouncing their claimed " form " of worship in that they DISHONORED god by their hypocrisy.

    Getting ANGRY over a 15 year old girl receiving abusive shunning by a pretend alleged " Christian " is NOT an incorrect thing to do. It is " normal " behavior to be angry over the injustice Lady Liberty's child has received. What is abnormal and unacceptable is your dismissive attitude towards her and her daughters pain by callously using the thread to promote insensitive acceptance of the boorish and demonic grandmothers behavior ! What " sect " of Christianity did you say you were again ? I think I missed it

  • DaCheech

    from my very experienced imagination it would be impossible for me to re-establish a relationship with a family member after shunning.

    this practice creates scars

  • AllTimeJeff

    Flipper, way to go!

    If as the bible says, wisdom is proved righteous by its works, then self righteousness is proved by its words.

    Most of the positions on this lenghty thread boils down to one position, shunners are bad, not "normal", people that deserve to be punished, and have dishonor shoveled in their face. Ironically, that is the exact position of the shunners toward us. That's the way evil works...spreads like a virus.

    No, this thread boils down to that in your black and white thinking, because there are several positions that have been stated. But we see what we want, don't we?

    We can choose be like them or be like Jesus in dealing with this. Being like them is easy and natural; but the ill feelings alone in trying to get back at someone causes such a heavy emotional load that it is difficult to discharge.

    So its either be like "them" or like "Jesus". Thats it? Really? Hmmm, would you be surprised if I told you that I personally know of several 3rd alternatives in dealing with this?

    To a point, to be angry IS self defeating... to a point. But without feeling that legitimate anger, you rob a person of being godlike, as god supposedly gets mad at injustice? And since you believe non believers will burn in hell, I am sure you can at least understand the emotions behind it, even if you can't understand the thinking.

    Oh dear I see your point. All the same it can still be cathartic and enriching to simply pray for God's mercy on their ignorance. Baggage like that belongs in the dumpster not on your shoulders. Wishing you all the best!

    Perry, I say a prayer for your ignorance, in all seriousness.

  • AwSnap

    ATJeff, you have a pm

    Lady Liberty, I am so sorry that is going on in your life. It hurts for someone to reject you, and when they reject someone you love, it just adds to the pain

  • Perry

    Missing Link,

    So, you are not against acting lovingly toward your enemies, you are just against others doing it out of a sense of obligation to God?

    Personally, when someone treats me kindly even after I've done something against them, I really don't care why. That's just me.

    I n my godless world love IS natural

    What world is that? Have you checked the news lately?


    I applaud you for that. That's awesome. The best defense is a good offense.

    People like Lady Liberty and others have every right to be disgusted and angry with family members who shun them.

    Of course they do. I don't deny that. Nothing wrong in that at all. But the fact remains that without their blind loyalty to men, many of those relationships could be restored. Am I wrong?

    Your idea of simply 'turning the other cheek', I don't think is very realistic.

    Not only that, I believe it to be sometimes impossible. But, with God all things are possible. I really believe that.

    However, I'm not really suggesting a turning of the other cheek as much as I am arguing for an offensive approach to JW's, as long as it is done out of kindness. There are now millions of ex-JW's. Now, that's a powerful force.. mostly untapped I might add.

    Now, what prevents most of the millions of EX-JW's from seeking out active members when it is convenient and kindly asking them questions that they have no rehearsed answers for?

    I'll tell you, it's those nasty and burdensome feelings of disgustedness, or feelings of one-upmanship, or wanting to discredit them, or wanting to embarrass them. In short, a lack of love and genuine concern for our enemies. It is our anger that is the deal-stopper to face to face confrontation.

    JW's pride themselves for having all the answers, we all know that. They simply are not used to feelings like "I have no answer for that". It disturbs them. Many won't get on the internet, but they will ALL talk to a stranger about their faith.

    A few months ago while on the other side of town, I called a JW to my car door while he was out working some territory. I asked him a question about his faith and he started trying to leave. I asked him not to, so he tried to stay a little longer. Finally, he nearly threw a tract at me as said, "here, this will explain it". Of course the tract had nothing to do with what we were talking about.

    I could have gotten angry, but, I felt sorry for the man. This was an invitation, not a dissing. That Saturday morning I dressed up my whole family and we met at the local Kingdom Hall in that area just as they were coming out of the Hall. We were greeted with "hello brother" by several. I explained to one of the elders that we attend such and such Baptist Church and that we had met one of their members who had abruptly left without answering our questions. I asked if this was normal. They said it was not and that he was probably new. I then asked if we could come in and ask a few questions. The elder tried to explain that he was about to go door to door. I kindly explained that we could save him the trouble since we were already there. He agreed. Him and what appeared to be a MS invited us into the conference room.

    I started off by telling him that we were new Christians and were interested in various faiths so that we could properly witness to people. We discussed Catholicisim, and how we could not see a basis for viewing Mary as a Mediator. He agreed and stated that there is only one Mediator. I told him that we agreed but had run across a quote from a WT. on the internet that read: "Christ does not act as Mediator toward them [the Great Crowd]. 2/15/91 WT pg. 15 par 11

    I let him kick that around for a while and then we explained the meaning of the old testament sacrifices. I then showed him how we are only saved by the blood but the blood is only accessible by the the New Covenant. After establishing that he was not part of the new covenant, I then asked him if he could provide me with even one scripture showing how his sins are forgiven OUTSIDE of the new covenant. We patiently waited as they ravaged their Reasoning Books.

    After a while he said he'd have to do some research. I then asked what was the purpose of them coming to our doors if they could not explain how a person can have their sins forgiven?

    We ended by pulling out a copy of Johannes Greber translation of the bible. I read the elder part of the forward where it says that he translated it with the help of spirits and how at times the letters would appear before him on a wall to give him the correct translation. He stopped me and asked me if I knew what God thought of the occult. We both agreed that it was against God's commands. I then pulled out 5 references from previous WT literature where the WT quoted from the Greber bible and asked him how his church could quote such an abomination.

    The MS offered that it must have been apostates embeddd in Brooklyn. I asked how he could be sure that there were not imposters there now misleading. The look on the MS face was one nothing short of fear. His eyes seemed to be bulging. I know that those two men had never heard much of what I presented that morning.

    At this point we wrapped it up and I gave him my cell phone number so he could get back with me on that scripture. Of course that call never came.

    There is no reason why many ex-JW's can't do things exactly like this if they get over their hurt a bit. What would happen if tens of thousand of ex-JW's descended on Kingdom Halls asking such questions? What would happen if we all made it our business to put our hurt feelings aside and carried a few quotes around in our wallets or purse?

    I dare say that there would be trouble in Babylon. We should have a special forum on this board for experiences like Mary's and mine, so we can learn from each other.

  • Finally-Free


    What " sect " of Christianity did you say you were again ? I think I missed it.

    I think I intend to.


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