I am SO PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need to Vent!!

by Lady Liberty 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    Only cults have a vested interest in seperating families via a "religious" policy.

    Jehovah's Witnesses practice of disfellowshipping is unloving and immoral. Jesus himself spoke all the time to those that were shunned by the religious leaders in bible times. (according to the story anyway) Jesus condemned institutionalized shunning in word and deed.

    For those who would dare insinuate that Jehovah's Witnesses have the exclusive truth and that Jehovah is the true god, they need look no further then the battlefield littered with poor defeated souls thanks to the policy of shunning, and the damage through the decades that this has caused.


    If Jehovahs Witnesses had the truth, they wouldn't need to shun people as they do. Sadly, they are a cult, and this is a tool they use to keep people under their control.

    Wishing you the very best, esp peace of mind and wisdom in how to deal with this.

  • coffee_black

    I had a similar experience. My x sister in law, someone who I had considered a close friend, completely shunned me when I left the borg. She also shunned my kids, her only niece and nephew, neither of whom were ever baptized.

    Flash forward about 15 years, she moved into my daughter's neighborhood. She immediately tried to get my daughter's kids to come over to her house so she could get to know them. She would approach them when they were out in the yard. My daughter put a stop to it... and confronted her with "where have you been for the past 15 years? You are a stranger...and the only reason I can see that you want to get to know my kids is to push your religion on them." She was highly offended, as she considered it her right to be a part of thier lives. My daughter informed her that she had given up any right in that department when she had shunned her (my daughter) for so many years.


  • Perry

    Personally, I couldn't disagree more with the comments that reccommend vindictiveness. The vigilante approach will only feed the victim mentality. JW's are professional victims. Also, where does the vigilante justice end? At brooklyn in a shower of bullets? That is where I'd want to end it if I chose that road. Brooklyn is far more guilty than the M-I-L , since that is the source for countless family disintegrations, not just this one. But, feeding the flesh never satisfies it. It only grows hungrier.

    Just show love and learn to wield other spiritual weapons. That is how to defeat this enemy. If you are unable to do this, I reccommed asking Jesus to come into your life and do it for you and through you. This is a spiritual battle, we should be engaging, embracing the enemy....joining the fight; not pushing them away. It cannot be won in the flesh. It is a very unique struggle and requires unique weapons.

    Personally, I am eternally indebted to my shunning family. I never would have become a Christian in a million years had it not been for their off-the-chart self-righteousness. It forced a decision that few people face so close to their heart; admit defeat at the hands of professional victims, or experience victory through Christ.

  • coffee_black

    I don't see my daughter's actions as vindictive, Perry. She is protecting her children from a cult. As their mother, she has the right to determine who they hang out with.


  • Quandry

    There is probably nothing you could say to change Grandma.

    There is, however, something you can do for your daughter.

    You can speak with the guidance counselor or appropriate counselor at school about what your daughter has to deal with. It might at some time cause issues for her at school, and they may be able to help. Even if there are no concerns that arise at school, the counselors would be educated as to what some of the children may be facing if they have JW relatives.

    And of course, if it were me, I would call the grandparents just to let them know what I have done, so that they will know how they have hurt my child, and that I have "advertised" the true nature of witness love to "worldly" counselors that are there to help my daughter.

  • Perry


    I'm not suggesting that we allow our families to be split up by JW's. My mother pulled that one. She suggested that we bring the kids over and drop them off. I simply pointed out that the family is a God-ordained institution and He commands us to honor our Mother and Father. I asked her if this action would be teaching honor or dishonor to our children for their parents? What could she say to that? Christians have a number of weapons at their disposal that the lost simply do not have. Unbelievers have anger....and that's about it. Anger creates an illusion of superiority and victory, but not the real thing. Loving your enemies and using the weapons God has provided is the way through this mess to victory.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are in desperate need for SOMEONE to love them enough to illustrate their rebellion against God. Opportunities are limited though. WE should make the most of them when they come up.

    My mother replied that I dishonored her. I told her that I'm sorry she felt that way and it was not my intention. I told her that we'd all love to come to the Kingdom Hall again if she or anyone else COULD PROVIDE ME WITH EVEN ONE SCRIPTURE SHOWING HOW A PERSON CAN HAVE THEIR SINS FORGIVEN OUTSIDE OF THE NEW COVENANT.

    Of course, JW's have no such scripture. This puts them on the defensive and shows how they are the authors of divisiveness. It may also initiate a fear response to Judgment which is wise, since it is man's destiny after death. Heb. 9:27

    This is God's way...planting seeds so he can later make it grow should he choose to do so. Prayer is also vital. When I became a born again Christian, my mothers' elderly 1st cousin faxed me a note stating that he had been praying for my family regularly since 1976.

  • mouthy

    I mean, really, grandmas are supposed to gush and spoil the grandkids.
    Let them know they're loved, special, smart, that kinda stuff

    So sorry LL, Your daughter will never forget that .But when I was d/f
    my granddaughter wrote to tell me she was praying for me to die
    before the Big A... As I MAY get a resurrection...

    Guess she hadnt learned yet that I was already dead as far as the WT was concerned

  • Perry


    Wrong, wrong wrong. All that would do is reinforce the victimhood of the grandparents and create another victim in the daughter.

    Much better to chip away at the victimhood of the grandparents by using the weaponry of God and teach the daughter the truth about her grandparents disobedience to the WORD.

  • AdaMakawee

    But she would probably return the envelope unopened!

    As far as that goes, you can solve that problem by not putting a name or address on the envelope. You might get creative by putting something like "from your neighbor." I sometimes get "witnessing" mail that way (only they send theirs with a PO box in case I want a study). She can't return it because there is no return address, and she might be curious enough to open it.


  • DaCheech

    i never thought of that, the counselors at school is a good resource

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