I am SO PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need to Vent!!

by Lady Liberty 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Hello all..hope your doing well...

    Today my 15 year old daughterand I went to the local Craft Fair, went to Olive Garden for lunch, then ran over to Ross to shop a little, and as we were walking out of the store, low and behold, who was coming straight at us??
    My Mother-in-law! (My daughters Grandmother.) She was headed straight toward us. She looked at us, then quickly looked down. As she got to us, she looked up, straight at us. She was elbow distance from my daughter. I thought she was going to stop her to say "Hello" to her.

    Instead, she looked straight ahead and walked right on by her. As if she was a TOTAL STRANGER!! I couldn't believe it!! It was obvious she recognized us!! As she passed I said loud enough for her to hear, "Your going to walk right by your Granddaughter and not even say 'Hello' hugh?" She didn't even turn around, she just kept walking! I expected her to shun me but not her Granddaughter!!

    I was beyond PISSED!! How could anyone be so cruel to their own Granddaughter?!?! It makes me SO... ANGRY!! I really thought she was going to say "Hi" to her. I actually hoped she would have for my daughters sake. It is so clear she is deliberately trying to hurt her!!!! I just don't get it!! She has NEVER done ANYTHING to her or her grandfather to hurt or be disrespectful to them. I know plenty of JW Grandparents who do not shun their Grandchildren. What I don't get is our daughter was NEVER baptised! So why is she being shunned?!

    I was so mad, if my daughter wasn't with me, I would have waited for her to come out to tell her off! It's just UNBELIEVABLE!! It is so hard to see your child hurt by someone who is supposed to love them unconditionally! My daughter was really upset..poor thing. She wouldn't have a relationship with them now if they begged her! I just feel so helpless.

    Anyhow...just thought I would share..thanks for letting me vent! Sincerely, Lady Liberty

  • AdaMakawee

    See how this whole thing backfires? Same thing happened to me when I left. All of a sudden none of the witness kids would talk to my son at school, and he got it from the relatives too. Now who do you think hates the WTS worse? He does, and rightly so, he had no reason to be shunned, same as your daughter. Can't you just see that tough love working for them?

    I am so sorry that your daughter had to experience this. One thing about it, if there is a bright side, there isn't much danger she'll succomb to the witness religion after today.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Lady, Like this idiotic, unloving shunning was supposed to somehow convince both of you that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607BCE?

  • Perry

    Sorry to hear that. She thinks she's being obedient to God. Pray for her.

  • restrangled

    Dear LL...I have never read about you being this angry in the 3 plus years I have been on this forum.

    You have every right to be so,....I have never heard something so ugly...


  • Finally-Free

    Personally, if it were me I'd send her a note telling her she should not expect any consideration when she's old and shitting herself. She can get her fellow cultists to change her Depends.


  • flipper

    LADY LIBERTY - That is disgusting and horrific behavior your mother in law showed to an innocent child- her own grandaughter. So since your daughter has never been baptized - in the JW's eyes - your mother in law could have easily shown authentic human kindness and been kind to her. But she chose to be vindictive and make a point to you and punish you and your husband by being abhorrently mean spirited to your daughter. I'm getting mad on behalf of you and your daughter just writing this !

    If I were you - I'd call up her elders and explain that your mother in law went beyond what the WT society instructs and out of mean spiritedness ignored your daughter and hurt her deeply ! Tell the elders - how do you expect my daughter to respect her JW grandmother if she is using our disfellowshipping as a whipping post to punish her grandaughter ? Then tell the elders- " Do you know what a horrible example this sets for our daughter ? Why would she even WANT to become a witness now ? " It might knock your mother in law down a peg. Make her think. She needs to be set straight. Let your mother in law suffer some consequences for her boorish behavior. What a witch. Just my take.

    My daughters JW mother in law tried to avoid me in a bank parking lot . I forced her to talk to me by asking how her husband was doing ! All she said was " Fine. " And slammed the car door to make her getaway. These people are mentally ill with what's called dissociative disorder caused by cult mind control. It's disgusting. Turns them all into robots with no human emotion , no feeling. I need a drink. Hang in there and please know we care on this board for you

  • yknot

    That was totally uncalled for!

    My question is seeing how this is your MIL, how exactly has your husband purposed he handle this act of treachery and cruelty to yall's daughter by HIS mother?

    I know you aren't as cruel as I can be in my imagination*.......but if it was me I would send a printed note in your daughters name asking why G-Ma doesn't love her anymore? And whatever else kinda guilt tripping causing shame you can think of ............and play that for all it is worth for a very very long time.

    *my 'nice' side won't let me do the evil things I come up with

    Hugs to your daughter

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Thanks everyone for your support! I knew you all would understand. I guess it's that "mama bear" in me coming out. My daughter is so sweet, and loving, it just kills me to see her deliberately hurt by her own Grandmother!!!

    But you are right! It DOES backfire!! She wants NOTHING to do with them or that cult! We will NEVER have to worry about that, thats for sure! I feel like sending my mother- in- law her Grandaughters latest school picture with a note saying, "Your precious Granddaughter, who you have no natural affection for. I don't know how you can live with yourself!!"

    But she would probably return the envelope unopened!

    Anyhow...thank you again for your support!


    Lady Liberty

  • yknot

    Again, hubby has a responsiblity here to defend and protect.....

    Have yall considered contacting her 'head', having hubby approach his dad? I mean yall accept the shunning thing for yall as adults but nowhere in the literatrue does it mention shunning unbaptized minors who are completely innocent.

    Oh well I am just having a 'mama bear' reaction right along with you, if my MIL did anything like that she would rue the day, while I am decent person, when it comes to my kiddos, hell hath no fury nor boundaries.

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