Circuit Assembly This Past Weekend "Safeguard Your Spirituality" -Everyone Please Enter-

by tryingtoexit 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • tryingtoexit

    So we had our circuit assembly this past weekend, and it was the first one in my life that I told my wife I would not be attending. We had a brief conversation on why, and she said well just go to this last one with me, and then when we can discuss what we learn and compare it to why you've been expressing your "new" feelings towards the WTS.

    I love my wife, and as much as I thought I was gonna hate it I decided to go. Now that I no longer want to be a Jehovah's Witness it really didnt bother me that nobody hardly talked to me despite me living in this same area for 4 1/2 years, everybody views me as spiritually weak because I dont go out in service, rarely attend meetings, dont comment, lesson is never underlined, so the "friends" never interact with me anyway and I'm use to it, actually that's the way I prefer it. I knew if I day dreamed about music or other things I like to think about I could get through this one.

    My wife goes to walk around and associate before the program as usual, I stayed at my seat to look through the program, and I laughed to myself thinking "yup same ole mess, safeguard your spirituality chopped up and edited into bout 20 talks, this should be I'm sleepy already"

    I got through the first 10:00am talk, but the sleepiness overtook me, so I went out to my car and slept for an hour and missed the entire theocratic school, so my wife wasnt even mad at me, she was glad I came back before lunch, so I thought wow this is pretty cool, I thought she'd be pissed. To sum up the first day, it was the same ole, Satan is a great distractor, tv, internet, and video games can distract from theocratic things. The usual experiences of people/families who cut back on alot of things to serve the WTS *cough* I'm sorry Jehovah with more devotion. One brother from our hall gave a talk about "spiritual erosion" how gradual it can overtake us, and next thing we know we're trying to find every excuse in the world to leave the organization. Now my wife is looking at me like "MMMHMMM that's YOU!"

    Then they go into what characterizes a spiritual person, and the District Overseer says "Christendom thinks they're spiritual because they can speak in tongues, so what if I said I like cheese in italian, does that mean I'm spiritual just because I can speak another language?! No! It's non-sense" - This is the point where I really feel like I shouldnt have let my wife talk me into this.......then he goes on with a spiritual man eats the spiritual food prepared with love by Jehovah and passed down to his faithful & discreet slave. If we visit apostate websites, read thoughts outside of what the governing body says then we are eating at the table of demons. "Sure it's food" he says, "But it is rotten and will poison you"- Once again my wife is looking at me with the evil eye now, whispering: "the knowledge you have is from the table of the demons"

    The rest of Saturday just focused on doing more in the ministry and blah blah blah

    Sunday was the BIG DAY for everybody, they start off with a symposium on how single people, married couples, parents & children can do more in the ministry, being bold but not rude...

    Next they focus on elders and pioneers (this was a unique approach) The C.O. went on to say many elders and pioneers do not LOVE the ministry, WOW!

    Then the "Needs Of The Circuit Talk" (figured it'd just be more increase this/increase that type talk)

    Instead the C.O. DRILLS the entire audience with:

    People stop texting so much, too many witnesses are ADDICTED to texting, people may say "it doesnt say we cant text in the bible, Jehovah doesnt tell you to not jump off a cliff in the bible, but you know why you shouldnt, you see the dangers"

    He says married people stop texting other married individuals that are not your mate, I wouldnt be texting your MOMMA! Stop texting others while you're out in field service, just wait until service is over to talk to them, if you have a profile on a social network YOU ARE BAD ASSOCIATION. (I have a myspace page for my music, I have a page on Facebook, as well as Twitter) - Once again my wife is looking at me crazy.

    Then he says parents cant even tell their kids why it's not a good idea because they ARE ADDICTED TO TEXTING TOO! Elders stop texting. I was kind of laughing because everyone got a verbal spanking, and this was right before lunch, so on Saturday you saw lots of people on their phones at lunch, not the case for Sunday's lunch. I turned my phone on soon as we were dismissed for lunch. So my wife did not say a word to me all the way to the car, and the whole time during lunch, I told her my water was frozen and asked if I could have some of hers, she said "there's pop machines inside the facility" and got out and left.

    Next my wife texts me saying "if you still wanna be the HEAD, then you should be on time when the music starts at 1:30"

    D.O. and C.O. finish out all the talks of the afternoon session with eat healthy wholesome food from Jehovah God, stop eating junk food from the internet and apostates, it could lead to having "gang green spiritually"......they say "when you have gang green, you loose limbs, it get's cut off, not because it's mean, but because it is wise to protect the rest of the body from infection, the same is true when someone eats apostate food, they need to be cut off from the congregation before they infect the rest of us"

    That did it, my wife did not hold my hand during the prayer (didnt really care anyway) and she saw I never bowed my head or closed my eyes during the prayer which was a first for me, so she didnt speak to me at all for the rest of the day, until we got home, she saw she had a flat tire and asked could she use my car for work the next day. Then she says "I'm changing and this Circuit Assembly was powerful and it came at the right time so it must be Jehovah letting her know that she will soon not have a husband because of the way I have been acting"

    Now I'm hurt, I still want to leave the cult, but it does look like I'm going to loose my wife to the governing body and their doctrines, I must admit I'm very very very sad today, but at the same time, happy, that I am not budging from where I stand, and that is soon to be on the other side of all of that non-sense.

    *all comments welcome*

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Hang in there . In a few weeks the Assembly effects will wear off your wife and she will no doubt come around .( If she wants to think of you as no longer her spiritual head you should have told her to change her own flat tire and leave your car alone .....sorry had to put that out there :)

    Same thing with the texting and counsel not to have social network pages . Everyone will rush to change for a few weeks after the assembly then the dust settles and everyone goes back to doing whatever ...that is why these things are planned every six months or so and cover the same stuff over and over again .

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    "Christendom thinks they're spiritual because they can speak in tongues, so what if I said I like cheese in italian, does that mean I'm spiritual just because I can speak another language?! No! It's non-sense"

    Huh? It doesn't mean you're speaking in tongues, either.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    people may say "it doesnt say we cant text in the bible, Jehovah doesnt tell you to not jump off a cliff in the bible, but you know why you shouldnt, you see the dangers"

    You can't argue with that profound logic. Those two things are very similar.

  • boyzone


    Wow! You had quite a weekend there. All I can say is hold your ground, it'll come good eventually. I laid exactly the same guilt trip on my husband when he was exiting but he remained determined. I just thought he was weak and a good dose of a Circuit Assembly kick up the arse would set him straight, so imagine my dismay when he fell asleep during the talks and sat there the rest of the time like a bored teenager. To say I was annoyed would be an understatement!

    He didn't go back - ever - not even for me. After that our relationship took on a different perspective. I saw him so happy and relieved that I couldn't help but envy him even though I threw him the usual snide remarks whenever it was meeting nights and he didn't get ready. He never returned fire nor did he stop me going, he just held his ground and let me get on with it.

    In the end I saw a distinct change in him for the better. He became stronger in himself and wasn't prepared to be anybody's puppet. He was his own man and I had to grudgingly admit I admired him for that. Our relationship actually became better than I ever thought it could be.

    I don't know all the details of your relationship and everyone's circumstances are different. But I hope my experience will encourage you to continue to be kind and loving to your wife, but most importantly, don't compromise on your decision to leave. I'm sure she'll see the benefits in you as time goes by and you never know - she may decide to join you one day, as I did.

    good luck!


  • tryingtoexit

    troubled mind- that makes alot of sense, it's like they dont want the mind controlling to wear off thats why they have these "special programs" to reinforce what they might not be totally getting at the meetings

    keyser soze- LOL!!! I know right? I'm thinking that's not even the same thing, JW's get a kick of discussing what Christendom does, but they wont go near a church, how do you know so much??????

    boyzone- Yeah I appreciate hearing that, I dont know my wife is very opinionated, she's like a lawyer, even in small things, the first day she ask me at lunch "Why is there only 2 waters in here, I thought you bought 3" I said yeah, you were sitting in the back seat and when we got out this morning I saw a water on the floor back there. Instead of believing me, she went looking for it, then SURPRISE....she found the water underneath my seat, then she says "oh I mustve really dropped it huh? I found it" I'm thinking you didnt believe me when I told you the first time?? She always has to be right and prove a point, but I'm going to continue to be kind, and loving, and just stand my ground, I would love for the both of us to exit together, but I will definitely get over it if she doesnt!

  • dozy

    "my wife did not hold my hand during the prayer"

    Don't worry about that - new WTBTS instruction is that married couples & families aren't supposed to do that anyway (Nov 15 WT has picture of families not holding hands during prayer).

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear tryingtoexit,

    First of all..(((HUGS))!!!

    I am so sorry you are going through this. It is really hard when you are the mate finding out your living a lie first. Believe me I know the feeling well, as do many here! Hang in there though. I would really encourage you to think things through, before you throw in the towel with your wife. If you are patient, and perhaps ask her to try and help you, you may be able to help her see the light in the process.

    However it is critical that you pick a subject that is doctorinal. Otherwise too many times people want to use the old.."They are just imperfect humans..." excuse, and brush you off, also you look like you are fault finding. Have you done any research on 607? If you haven't then I highly suggest you do, and use this as your subject.

    The reason is, is the doctorine of 607 CANNOT be proven using the Bible, only the Societies literature. If you look at the British Museum online at the exact cuneiforms that the Society takes pictures of and use, you will see they put their own dates next to them in their publications, and ignore the actual dates given by the experts.

    This was "pandors box" for my husband and I. Yet in the begining my husband made me feel we may end in divorse too if I kept researching. I begged him to help me clear this up in my mind, using ONLY the Bible. He couldn't. And then he began his exit. I might add that we were VERY active JWs, and we were NOT looking to leave. Butr in the end we both came out together. Please read my story, as it may really help you.

    Please keep us posted as to how things are going. And know there are hundreds here who have walked in simular shoes, that you can lean on for support.


    Lady Liberty

  • bluecanary
    If we visit apostate websites, read thoughts outside of what the governing body says then we are eating at the table of demons. "Sure it's food" he says, "But it is rotten and will poison you"- Once again my wife is looking at me with the evil eye now, whispering: "the knowledge you have is from the table of the demons"

    This makes me so angry. Declarative statements are NOT FOOD. They are either TRUE or FALSE. If I say elephants have five legs, that statement can be verified as either true or false. When it comes to religion, statements can be verified as true or false based on internal logic. It doesn't matter who makes a statement. It only matters whether it is true or false.

  • cheerios

    apparently the human brain is incapable of discerning what is true and false, so much so that if anyone comes across apostate literature/websites (or texts LOL) then the brain will automatically start processing this information as true, leading to the demise of the helpless witlesses at the hands of satan's junkfood.

    and they say that god made the human body so well ...

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