I bet you a dollar Obama wins The Nobel Peace Prize

by wouldacouldashoulda 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson

    I think it's a brilliant way to "tie his hands" a little...

  • hamilcarr

    I always thought a person actually had to do something, and not just talk about it.

    Apparently not. That's what I've read all over the net:

    • Myth: The prize is awarded to recognize efforts for peace, human rights and democracy only after they have proven successful.

    More often, the prize is awarded to encourage those who receive it to see the effort through, sometimes at critical moments.


  • sammielee24

    If that is true, they should have given it to the American people.


    Perhaps if they had made any attempt to dethrone Bush and put a halt to the corruption, warmongering, fear mongering, fraud and waste that became the USA under his regime, then they might have been in the running..but it only happened after it hit the pocketbook and Bush stole from the taxpayers to buy out his friends. Then people took notice and Obama became the beacon of not only intelligence but change. His Presidency was a milestone however, the world still watches the American people, shaking their head as they do so.

    Obama is trying to change the country - but the people around the world cannot comprehend the signs at rallies that are evidence of deep rooted racial hatred for a black president...nor can they understand the lack of compassion and desire to adhere to the status quo in things such as healthcare and finance...even at the expense of your neighbour. Not all Americans are progressive...not all are deserving...perhaps those that supported Obama and recognize his message of hope, change, peace and compromise could share in it with him. sammieswife.

  • JeffT

    The relevant sections from Alfred Nobel's will.

    "The whole of my remaining realisable estate shall be disposed of in the following way:
    the capital, invested in safe securities by my executors, shall constitute a fund, the interest on which shall be annually awarded as prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.

    "and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations and the abolition or reduction of standing armies and the formation and spreading of peace congresses"

    I think givng the award to Obama at this time is a slap in the face to everybody who actually did something to get it. Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, Elie Wiesel, Lech Welesa, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Linus Pauling, George Marshall; what has Obama DONE that puts him in the same league as these people?

  • snowbird

    Obama has raised the consciousness of the entire Western world.

    He has brought out the best in his supporters, and the worst in his detractors.

    His efforts at health care reform alone should qualify him for such a prize.


  • journey-on

    Out of all these posts, the shortest one (Watson's) says the most.

  • BizzyBee

    A quick survey - 31 reasons Obama received Nobel Peace Prize:

    3/18/8 – Obama caught world-wide attention for his moving speech on race relations

    7/24/8 - Obama lays the foundation for a new era of international relations and began inspiring renewed hope in American leadership during his campaign speech in Berlin

    11/6/8 – Obama’s victory was hailed as a promise of hope for the world.

    12/1/8 – Obama began plans to restore U.N. ambassador to cabinet rank.

    1/22/9 - Appointed a Special Envoy for Middle East peace

    1/22/9 – Ordered the closing of Guantanamo Bay

    1/22/9 – Ordered comprehensive review of detention policies

    1/22/9 – Prohibited use of torture

    1/22/9 - Signed an executive order to close CIA secret prisons

    1/23/9 – Lifted “Global Gag Rule” on international health groups

    1/26/9 – Began to address climate change by increasing fuel standards for automobiles

    1/26/9 – Appointed Special Envoy for Climate Change

    1/27/9 - Signs Lily Ledbetter “Fair Pay” Act

    2/1/9 – Expanded healthcare for children by signing SCHIP

    2/5/9 - Again addressed energy conservation by increasing standards for appliances.

    2/24/9 – Directed almost $1 billion for prevention and wellness to improve America’s health

    2/25/9 - Initiated international efforts to reduce mercury emissions worldwide

    2/27/9 – Committed to responsibly ending the war in Iraq

    4/1/9 – Agreed to negotiation of a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia.

    4/1/9 – Enhanced U.S. – China relations

    4/2/9 - Led global response to the economic crisis through the G20, obtaining commitments of $1.1 trillion to safeguard the world’s most vulnerable economies

    4/4/9 - Renewed dialog with NATO and other key allies

    4/5/9 – Announced new strategy to responsible address international nuclear proliferation

    4/13/9 – Began easing tension with Cuba through new policy stance

    4/17/9 - Secured $5 billion in aid commitments "to bolster [Pakistan's] economy and help it fight terror and Islamic radicalism"

    4/22/9 - Developed the renewable energy projects on the waters of our Outer Continental Shelf that produce electricity from wind, wave, and ocean currents.

    5/8/9 – Proposed International Affaires budget that included funds to create a civilian response corps -- teams of civilian experts in rule of law, policing, transitional governance, economics, engineering, and other areas critical to helping rebuild war-torn societies; Provide $40 million for a "stabilization bridge fund," which would provide rapid response funds for the State Department to help stabilize a crisis situation.

    6/4/9 - Gave historic address to the Muslim World in Cairo - "American is not at war with Islam" Foreign affairs experts insist that Obama's engagement with the Muslim world has been remarkable. "He has been able to dramatically change America's image in that region"

    8/4/9 - Used DIPLOMACY to free 2 American journalists from a North Korea prison

    9/18/9 - De-escalation of nuclear tension through repurposing of missile defense prompting Russia to withdraw its missile plan.

  • leavingwt


    David Frum agrees with you. . .

    That Nobel was not a gesture of Obama-worship by left-leaning Norwegians. It was the very opposite: It was a pre-emptive strike against Obama, an attempt to neutralize him. How can a Peace Nobelist strike Iranian nuclear plants? Or wage a protracted war in Afghanistan? Or tell the Palestinians, “Sorry, that’s the best offer, take it or leave it”? The hope of course is that he cannot.
    We’ve heard a lot over the past few years about radicals trying to achieve their aims through “lawfare.” Here’s a new concept in asymmetric conflict: “prizefare.” The Nobel Committee was not rewarding Obama. It was attempting to geld him.


  • BizzyBee

    On a humorous side note: It seems like only a week ago Rush Limbaugh, et. al., were gloating, "The world has rejected Obama!" because the Olympic committee did not choose America.

    Oh, wait! It was a week ago:


  • snowbird

    I believe he's going to reject it.


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