My Boyfriend's not a Witness...

by Hikaru 71 Replies latest social relationships

  • Hikaru

    Could you find it, please?

    Also.. to the HS comments. I'm 19, he's 18. He's on his last year.


    I left a verbal message on his cell stating my feelings towards it all... And he agreed to at least learn but said he can't promise he'll understand everything he needs to understand out of it....

    Which makes me think if I mess this up, there goes the last chance. I don't know enough to teach when I'm only studying still myself. What would the next step be? One wrong thing and I might make him understand it the wrong way. Especially if he sees only the fear part of it by basing it off my reason(fear) for being in...I haven't come to love Jehovah yet..still working on it. What if he basis learning off me?
    He agreed...but what now?

  • megs

    Oh great... mess some other poor soul up with the watchtower BS... If you choose to be chicken-little, have at 'er, but for God's sake, don't pass your insanity on to this poor guy...

  • tenyearsafter

    I agree with Satanus...when you are online, a person can represent himself as anyone! If you haven't watched it, check out NBC Dateline's "To Catch a Predator". Some online folks are very real and sincere, but there are alot of posers out there very careful. If you have to meet him, do it in a public place like Starbucks...if he isn't exactly as he has portrayed himself, run! You are young enough that this won't be your last chance to find someone real and right for you.

  • Hikaru

    Look! We are right for each other, we've been conflicted for days over this, not IMing each other. The topic causing conflict between us both. What he decides, he decides. I'm not dragging him down. We even considered the alternative, not being with each other, and it damn near killed us inside.

    I'm not "dragging him." If he wanted to leave me for me pressingmy beliefs, then I would let him. If I wanted to leave for him not being willing to learn even. He'd let me. We've aleady discussed that, and realized we'd tear ourselves apart doing either, and so we'll get through it. So I'm not dragging, yes I forced, but I apologized for my weakness of fear and rushing.

    On his own he decided to at least I asked. What do I do now?

    And can I please have that scripture that says if one mate believes the other will be saved?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    And can I please have that scripture that says if one mate believes the other will be saved?

    How much do you really know about the Watchtower, Hikaru?

    This isn't even a Watchtower teaching. If you can find such a scripture, it will contradict the Watchtower.

    According to the Watchtower, both you and your BF are birdfood unless you are both baptised, door knocking, Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing..... and they can change that teaching (or any other teaching) at any time and demand that you believe the new teaching.

    Tell your BF that.

    Don't hide it. That would be dishonest.

    Take care


  • megs

    Why do you expect him to follow YOUR beliefs? Why can't YOU consider his stance? Because you're right and he's wrong? Not much going for headship if that's the case.

    Like I said, if you want to ruin YOUR life following a bogus religion, go ahead, just don't do this to him, don't ask him to give up his family and his friends for YOU. Don't put him in a position where his children will DIE because a blood-transfusion is against current teachings. Don't condemn him to a life of window-washing because a career is frowned upon.

  • dinah

    Teenage angst with spiritual suicide thrown in.

    It it weren't so pathetic I would laugh.

  • Robdar

    Until you meet this guy, he is not your boyfriend. Your drama is nothing more than mental masturbation and a bad case of hot pants.

  • mrsjones5

    I feel in love at 18 and was to marry the guy. When he called off the wedding I thought I would die. Eight years later I met the love of my life. Hikaru, my advice to you would be to slow down and meet the guy first before you decide you can't live without him. Give it some time and grow up.

  • palmtree67

    Oh, you're so young and inexperienced.

    Listen to Mrs. Jones.

    There's so much more life ahead of you and so many more men. Trust me.

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