Anyone heard of Watchtower policy change concerning pedophiles

by Robert_V_Frazier 203 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Pistoff

    The apologists with no brain or heart now have a spokesperson who can spin gold webs from bullshit, Sola Scriptura.

    I have never heard, even once, that two complaints by separate victims are sufficient for a judicial committee.

    Yep it's True

    The arrogance of that statement is breathtaking; Sola Scriptura, bless him, has helped us all here on this board by reassuring us that HE knows that JC's take separate witnesses into account.

    Really? Hmm. Why then do we hear continually that they do not? Why was the molester of my niece, who molested 10-12 girls in the same way, never disciplined for it? No 2 witnesses to the crime. Why did the elder in the major metropolitan area who peeped windows of close friends in the truth not get df'ed for it? Separate witnesses.

    The mistake Sola Scriptura is making is thinking that they mean what they say. They have NEVER officially said that they will take separate witnesses as proof; they have never officially said that their primary policy regarding accusations of sexual abuse of minors is to tell the victims to call the police.

    NEVER; if you doubt this produce proof. What you can find proof of is that they will tell the elders to CALL NEW YORK legal department first.

    The policy that held for decades is to diminish the memory of the victim; 2 people close to me said that the elders asked them if maybe they misunderstood the action, and told them to forget it. One was a close friend who said he woke up in the middle of the night from camping to find a ministerial servants hands in his underwear; the elders asked him if he misunderstood and did nothing about it. A woman said the very same thing about repeated inside the underwear groping and penetration by a 21 year old, attacking girls 15 and under, SAME response; these congregations are nowhere near each other. This is such a common occurence that it is good evidence of a worldwide policy in place to handle the accusation of abuse.

    Sola wants desperately to believe that the WT is changing, that it's heart is in the right place. The problem is that it is not now and never was.

    Let's look at the settlement they paid out in California; what were the terms? Gag order of all parties. Now contrast that to the Catholic Church, who says that they want the victims to talk about it until they can put it in the past.

    The WT cares about one thing only: covering their legal assets and their public image.

    The GB can't make Elders & C.O.s follow all the directions outlined in their guide book. And I don't want the GB to obtain additional Gestapo like power to enforce their guidelines for the Elders to follow.

    Really, were you ever or are you now a witness? The GB uses the CO's to bring the message to the elders; elders not found following the direction from the Slave are removed. So you may say that they cannot force them, but that is the de facto result: if you don't "follow the direction of the slave" you will be removed.

    But that also misses the point: the elders really think that what the CO brings them from the Slave is actually Jehovah's direction. This means that they themselves have become prejudiced against the victim, since the leaning of the GB is against the victim. The GB getting Gestapo like power? Really? They currently tell 7 million people to refuse blood on pain of df'ing, and that is not Gestapo like power? If you don't think they have almost total control over the lives of the rank and file, you really are not an active witness or you are in delusion.

    The direction from the slave for decades is to deny the reality of victims, no matter how you want to hide this fact, to discourage the victims from going to the police and to threaten them with disfellowshiping if they talk about it. No matter what they say their policy is now, that tells me all I need to know about the men who run the GB: they never understood sexual abuse of children and aggressively pursued a policy that denied victims a fair hearing. Of course, the witnesses believe that the GB speaks for God; they don't phrase it that way, but they would say that the FDS receives direction from Jehovah, a less shocking way to say that God tells us what to say.

    This leaves us with trying to think that God himself for decades was behind a policy that told child rape victims and their parents that they needed to wait on Jehovah, that they should try to forget it. That is the most immoral position I have heard, and Sola is now here to tell us that it never really was so, and they have changed now, and we should be so grateful.

    Nice try Sola; next time BRING FACTS, not assertions.


  • isaacaustin

    Spike, you bless trolls (such as yourself) as equally as pedophiles. Very interesting. Are you friends with many pedophiles, or do you just support and bless them from a distance?

  • jeeprube
    Oh, may even trolls, like pedophiles, be blessed and forgiven, for they are insensitive yet to the compassions of the merciful Jehovah.

    Wow, what an ignorant statement.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I don't mean to sound "glib". There are SOME things, like TRAUMATIC memories, that we simply MUST throw or roll on to Jehovah, and NOT take them back.

    Why? Why MUST I?

    Jehovah did not intervene and stop the original event(s) that caused the traumatic memories. And how exactly do we "throw" them on to Jehovah? He will not take the memories away, nor will he erase any of the pain.

    I did that. I did the work. I cleaned up the mess made by others. No one helped me but a well trained therapist.

    With all due respect, "throw your burden on Jehovah" is one of those typical nonsensical Witness sayings that at its heart, means nothing. It's the type of statement that puts the person in a double bind -- if you do not feel better then you did not "throw your burden on Jehovah", and therefore you are showing a lack of faith.

    Prayer does not solve this problem. Believe me, I tried.

    These memories are OUR load. WE, victims though we all ARE of the sins of others and ourself, MUST love Jehovah with all that we are and all that we have, and we MUST love our neighbour AS [WELL AS] ourself. Without LOVING this way, we DON'T move on, we CAN'T move on, we bind OURSELF in a self-perpetuating TORMENT. JEHOVAH is our ONLY release, through JESUS CHRIST.

    All the more reason Jehovah's Witnesses MUST protect the innocent ones. That they do not, that they refuse and instead put unBiblical burdens on already traumatized victims, shows no lover for their neighbor, nor love for Jehovah.

    As for moving on, a victim would do far better, and feel much better, by facing what happened, confronting the internal fear and releasing the anger appropriately, aiming it at the offender. It is much like taking a load of shit off your shoulders and putting it back where it belongs.

    What happened, was not my fault. It is a 4 decade old event. I have moved on. I finished therapy in 1991. In real life, I rarely, if ever, think about my father. I haven't seen him nor my sisters since 1991. I hope I never do see them again. I rarely, if ever, think about what I went through. I shared a small part of the experience to make a point regarding the two witness rule as well as to share with anyone lurking, reading this thread. I would like them to know that however bad it was, it can get better. I don't really like reliving it, I don't really like typing the words. I did so because I was answering someone whom I believe to be honest but extremely misguided.

    May there be a "forgetting [of] the things behind and [a] stretching forward to the things ahead" [— Philippians 3:13], even for you (Chris a.k.a. Bix Tex) and those in your stories, all of them.

    I don't want to forget. What I went through doesn't define me, but it is a part of who I am. If those hideous memories are erased, so goes a part of me. I will also lose the 7 year struggle I had to recover not only from child abuse but from hideous treatment from Jehovah's Witnesses who mind fucked me. Frankly that was worse than what my parents did.

    I don't want Jehovah to erase my memories, it would change who I am. And if Jehovah can do that, then I am furious with him that he did not change those who hurt me, and the millions of other evil monsters who hurt others every day.

    I never thought my parents were good people. But I did, for quite some time, believe Jehovah's Witnesses were good. To find out they are just as bad as my parents was devastating and a major reason my recovery took much longer.


  • isaacaustin

    spike said:

    Oh, may even trolls, like pedophiles, be blessed and forgiven, for they are insensitive yet to the compassions of the merciful Jehovah.

    My reply:

    Sounds like you feel trolls are worse than pedophiles. You statement indicates it is a forgone conclusion pedophiles should be blessed and are fighting for the same rights as trolls. Makes one wonder about you spike.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    the two witness rule is quite sound as a principle, Scripturally speaking, as is forgiving others that we might be forgiven, and blessing those that curse us and spitefully do/ say things against us.

    2 instances, reported by 1 witness, each CAN count as fulfilling the 2-witness rule. A "brother" was DF'd for at least the second time for smoking. I had reported to the Presiding Overseer of MY congregation at the time regarding a public transit bus driver smoking at a time-stop. And within a few days of that, another reported details to THAT one's Presiding Overseer about ANOTHER smoking incident, TOTALLY independently. THAT was all it took for THAT bus driver to be DF'd.

    Knowing the elders and congregations involved (I had been a member EACH of these congregations), I KNOW that had THAT brother been molesting children INSTEAD, he would have been DF'd EXACTLY the same way. The smoker wasn't even asked for an account. The announcement that the smoker was "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" was simply made in the congregation where he had been a publisher till then. THESE particular BOEs BOTH follow the LETTERS and WORDINGS of the relevant directives (even the latest magazines) quite closely, as both BOEs did, also when reproving ME on the matters I was concerned about in my OWN case.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    My 2nd paragraph was commatised incorrectly. It should read as follows:—

    2 instances, reported by 1 witness each, CAN count as fulfilling the 2-witness rule.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Ah, this is a klutzy moment for me, I see. It is the first sentence of my 2nd paragraph which was commatised incorrectly.

  • Pistoff

    Your assumption that they would treat it the same is WRONG; you are WRONG about this.

    They specifically said, thru JR Brown, that they would not change for any man.

    They will NOT disfellowship an accused abuser if it comes from 2 different minor accusers.

    Spike, you obviously have your head firmly up your ass about this; pull it out, read Silent Lambs and the Barb Anderson CD about pedophilia in the WT and then come back.

    Until then, you are just wanking about here.


  • Mary
    Spike Tassel The Moron said: the two witness rule is quite sound as a principle, Scripturally speaking, as is forgiving others that we might be forgiven, and blessing those that curse us and spitefully do/ say things against us.

    First things first (and if the Mods feel the need to alter what I say, I understand): Spike: Do everyone a favour and fuck off. How you could possibly read what happened to Big Tex or Lady Lee and come back with such a stupid, stupid reply, is beyond me. The two witness rule is total bullshit and nothing but a farce that the Society uses to try and protect their already useless reputation. That you could possibly try and defend this disgusting 'rule' when it has ruined thousands of lives goes beyond stupidity. I'm starting to believe you do have a never-ending list of mental problems. Jerk off.

    Then Sola Scriputura said: I'm comfortable with our imperfect 2 witness policy for now.

    Yes, I'm sure you are. Smileys Let's talk again when some loving 'Christian' that you think is a good friend, molests your son or daughter, but goes free because your son or daughter can't produce an eye witness to the molestation. Let's talk when he gets made an MS or an elder (presuming he isn't one already) and starts molesting more children. And you have the balls to condemn the Catholic Church for their 'old' rules on dealing with pedophilia? At least the Catholic Church admitted that they had a problem, and publically apologized----something the assholes who sit on the Governing Body refuse to do.

    As for your hope of reforming this religion? I wouldn't want to hang from the end of a rope waiting for that to happen.

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