Anyone heard of Watchtower policy change concerning pedophiles

by Robert_V_Frazier 203 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    to Lady Lee: each person automatically comes with their own personality and perspective and experiences.

    The "2-witness rule" is ACUTALLY a PRINCIPLE. But people sometimes get RULES and PRINCIPLES mixed up. We each use words in various ways, depending on the company we each keep. No two people keep the same company exactly, nor uses words exactly the same way.

    Whole-souled obedience is what we are each to give Jehovah, WITH OUR POWER OF REASON (Romans 12:1-2). Any Org cannot PROHIBIT what Jehovah REQUIRES (Acts 5:29).

    On the other hand, Gamaliel's counsel at Acts 5:38-39 is good: "Do not MEDDLE with these men"; "if it is from God, YOU will not be able to overthrow them"; YOU may perhaps be found fighters actually against God".

    Each of these 3 aspects can soundly be applied from various perspectives: that of outsiders looking at the various sides of the debate, and from each of the sides of the debate. All surely have VALID points and those in ERROR, since all are imperfect humans (i.e. NONE has the FULL perspective).

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    I guess this what you get when you try and emulate 2000 year old social morals from a ignorant and primitive culture

    a little dose of reality awakens the mind and the spirit doesn't SPIKE ?

    Thankfully the law of the land has offered some New Light on what should be done with pedophiles.

    That old light was just hurting too many children and wasn't protecting them.

    Lets give thanks to this old wicked system of things for helping and protecting the children ..........right Spike ?

  • Bryan

    I cannot speak of the present, but I do know of an incident, in my ex-inlaw's family. I was told the info in 1980's. Elder abuse his step-son (5 years old). It was sexual acts. He was removed as an elder and Df'ed for a time. He was never an elder again. I spent a lot of time with him later. The reason I mention this old case is this...

    As a dub... I remember thinking how horrible it was, but I NEVER, ever, asked anyone if the authorities were notified. I never even thought of it. What happens in Dub-Land, stays in Dub-Land! This is the mindset. Honestly, I'm not sure the thinking has changed much. The end is right around the corner you know!

    What's sad is this... as the boy grew up, everyone talked about him being gay. There was an incident, it went before the elders. I was told to be careful around him (this was when I was in my teens and before I knew about the step-father). So... the quiet admonition was not, watch out for the pedophile, but rather, watch out for the teen that may be gay... it's obvious there was a danger in the congregation... it was not the boy.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    The "2-witness rule" is ACUTALLY a PRINCIPLE


    Jehovah's Witnesses cannot find a Biblical commandment by god or by Jesus or by any character, good or bad, faithful or unfaithful, that commands a child present 2 eyewitnesses to prove they were raped. This is because there is no such scripture.

    Therefore what they have done is taken a principle, one meant to solve disagreements, applied it haphazardly where they see fit and made it a rule in their sect. Jehovah's Witnesses command their members to obey this rule.


  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    It is not the "child" that must present 2 witnesses. It is the JC that must. Even a pedophile "in denial" is obvious to those who are discerning about body language, eye movements, etc.

  • Pistoff

    Well, so many here have been patient with you, Spike.

    I am done with that; you are a lying, devious defender of a policy that protects child rapists.

    You puke up platitudes about loving congregations, principles vs laws, and now the latest outrageous lie, that the 2 witnesses must be provided by the JC, not the accuser.

    You my friend, are corrupt; if the WT is such a great place, get OFF this board, get back to the hall and live and raise children in that atmosphere, why hang out here?

    Other witnesses will buy into your crap, they don't require real proof or clear reasoning, you can be a real star in their midst.

    Really, wise up or just piss off and hit the road.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    You live by your name; I live by mine. Jehovah is my superior authority, not you, Pistoff. It is Jehovah's organisation you are complaining about. My position regarding you is like Michael the archangel's regarding the Devil's claims, found at Jude verses 8-10.

  • isaacaustin

    Is this your mental illness again Spike?

    Honestly, earlier in this thread you blessed pedophiles, now this. Why not stay off sensitive topics since you obviously are unable to tread lightly.

  • jookbeard

    have to agree with Pistoff, Spike why dont you go join up with the paedophiles/child abusers? you seem to keep defending them, may be it's an interest to you, strange pervert

  • isaacaustin

    Yeah, makes you wonder the real reaosn for Spike's 'disfellowshipping'...if it really happened.

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