How Many Personally Heard F. W. Franz Speak?

by snowbird 62 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Farkel

    :wonder if he came to the UK?

    Freddie went anywhere they had first class plane seats, 5 star hotels and hordes of people who worshipped him.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Heard him several times. My congregation in Acton, Ontario, was very close to Bethel, and when he'd come visit Bethel, many times he's pay a special visit to our hall, we'd hear him speak and then have a lunch for him afterwards.

  • JWoods

    While it may be a little unseemly to speak ill of the dead...

    It might be of great value to remember just what an evil, convulated, and disturbed little dwarf this person really was.

    The egotistical Napoleonic false prophet who invented 1975, and then blamed his failure on each and every rank and file witness who actually took the bait.

    Freddy Brown Shoes - the embodyment of everything that was and is so terribly wrong with the society.

  • snowbird

    Wow, JWoods!

    My questions are even more apropo.

    I wonder what his thoughts were as he neared his end?
    Was he sorry? Did he repent?


  • lifelong humanist
    lifelong humanist

    I did when I was about 18 or 19 years old, so that would be around 1971.

    The venue was a Glasgow, Scotland, former cinema.

    At that time his eyesight was failing fast and he spoke entirely without notes. This is the reason why he went seriously overtime - by about 1 hr 20 mins. I recall that what he said was delivered in a rather boring monotone, which I was totally unprepared for, as I expected a rather dynamic, exciting delivery that would immediately grasp my attention and hold me somewhat in awe. I distinctly remember thinking that I was extremely bored, disappointed and somewhat annoyed that the 'special talk' was anything but!

    But to be fair, I recalled that he was by then a rather sad, old man that had been asked to speak at a venue he probably would rather not have been invited to speak at! The 'hype' was that this was a vital talk, not- to- be- missed - so expectations were sky high! I expect that with his failing health issues, he had to learn the words that he'd utter many, many times - probaly a time, times and half a time!

    It was an extremely lacklustre affair!

    I don't blame the speaker - I blame those behind the build-up to the event - they should simply have said that it would be a 'boring dirge by an old man that had lost much of his powers of oratory! But, I believe public speaking was never his forte...

  • treadnh2o

    I have.

    They say he couldn't see well enough to read. I believe it.

    Because he certainly could not read a clock!

    He would go on and on and on!

    And is prayers were painfully long.

  • under_believer

    I got you all beat. I not only have heard him speak, I actually knocked him on his ass.

  • snowbird

    UnderBeliever, I remember your thread.

    I'll bet that caused quite a sensation at Bethel.

    No wonder I sensed a dislike of kids by the heavies.


  • Deceived

    I did hear him several times in the 1960's but its so long ago and I was a kid so the only venue I do remember for sure was Yankee Stadium 1963 I think. I was so bored all the time but you couldn't ignore him, with his high ptiched voice shouting everything out. My Mom was in awe of him, acted like he was God and told me to pay close attention. I heard Knorr too but he had a nicer demeanor.

    Is anyone else like me who was a witness in the 50's, 60's and not able to remember details. I was a kid going to assemblies constantly but I don't remember much but the long lineups at the bathrooms and the cafteria tents and having to stand to eat out of steel trays like the prisons have. I shoved it to the back of my mind or maybe it was so long ago that it just fades. I was disfellowshiped in 1967 and so was absent from assemblies until I stupidly got reinstated in 1977. So I had a 10 year gap without assemblies.

  • NanaR

    I heard him quite a few times. The most memorable were Atlanta Georgia in 1969 when he released "Then is Finished the Mystery of God" and the Centennial Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh (1984?).


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